The first time, the second time.

[The third round begins! ]

[In this round, the lighter ones ask first! ]

Because Krillin follows Sun Er, the food is much better than before, and he is greedy, so he is round and fat!

So this round, Qiying Snake asks first!

At the beginning, Krillin was a little sad to see Qiying Snake didn't win a game, so he was obviously letting her win!

Then he was slapped on the back of the head by Sun Er!

" pia~"

"If you want to win a girl's heart, giving up is the worst way!"

"Once there was a gorgeous man, wearing all kinds of gorgeous ornaments made of gold, silver, copper and iron, very gorgeous!"

"We call him Brother Huali!"

"Later, Brother Huali met a girl gorgeously!"

"The girl's face grew on Brother Huali's heart!"

"The girl's figure is elegant, one more point is too much, one less point is too little!"

"Brother Huali fell in love with her at first sight!"

"Brother Huali didn't hesitate gorgeously, and rushed up to the girl gorgeously and made a gorgeous confession!"

"The girl had never seen such a gorgeous person, and she was very surprised to hear the other party's confession!"

"It was just because of the first meeting between the two and the girl's reservedness , she gently rejected Hualige!"

"But in fact, she had already accepted Hualige in her heart!"

"But Hualige didn't know this, he just thought that his sudden appearance and tough confession scared the other party!"

"So Hualige took off all the iron ornaments on his body and gave them to the girl! At the same time, his tone was no longer tough, and he confessed again in a soft voice!"

"The girl looked at Hualige and found that Hualige had lost all the iron ornaments at this time, as if something was missing!"

"Hearing this loss just now, she felt a little disappointed!"

"She prefers tougher men!"

"So she rejected Hualige again!"

"For a period of time, Hualige kept confessing to the girl again and again!"

"Although he still spoke softly, he had been Finally, the girl felt a little moved! "

"The girl likes stubborn men, especially those who are stubborn for themselves!"

"The girl decided to agree to Hualige in the next confession!"

"But Hualige thought that it was his stubbornness that made the girl feel annoyed!"

"So Hualige took off all the copper ornaments on his body and gave them to the girl! And he no longer stubbornly wanted an answer, but just stayed with her silently!"

"The girl has been waiting for Hualige to confess again, but she never waited for it!"

"Gradually, she got tired of it!"

"Looking at Hualige who lost his iron and copper ornaments, she became more and more disgusted!"

"She told Hualige that she wanted Hualige to leave her!"

"Hualige thought it was because he was just staying with her, and was unwilling to lower himself to please her. Her reason!"

"So Hualige took off all the silver jewelry on his body and gave it to the girl! Then he began to beg the girl not to drive him away!"

"Looking at Hualige with only gold jewelry left on his body, and looking at his humble appearance, the girl only felt that he was monotonous and boring, and still resolutely drove him away!"

"Hualige couldn't believe it! He was very confident that as long as he was willing to give up everything to love her, the two would eventually get together!"

"And now, he thinks this is his wishful thinking?"

"So Hualige took off the last gold jewelry on his body and gave it to the girl! He began to express his love crazily!"

"At this moment, Hualige no longer has gold, silver, copper and iron jewelry on his body, but Hualige has lost more than jewelry. He is no longer tough, puts down his stubbornness, abandons his dignity, and finally loses his confidence!"

"At this moment, he is no longer gorgeous, but looks so desolate!"

"The girl looked at Hualige like this, and a feeling of disgust was born!"

"Different people have different views on this story! Xiao Linzi, I won't say anything else!"

Kelin's mouth twitched, "Master! You've said enough! I just wanted to let him win, right? How can it be so serious?"

"I just suddenly thought of this story! If I don't say it, I feel uncomfortable all over! Anyway, you can watch it! I have the support of the master behind you!"

But Sun Er's story was not told in vain!

Kelin's original plan was indeed to lose this game!

Now after repeated

After thinking about it, he came up with a better plan!

Klin first learned and applied the skills that the gloomy glasses man had just taught him!

When answering, ask questions and talk to yourself to see the reaction!

With these two skills, Klin guessed the general idea of ​​his word!

Then he confirmed his guess in the mutual questions and answers with Qiying. Snake!

At the same time, guide step by step, so that Qiying. Snake can also guess his own words!

Finally, after Qiying. Snake successfully guessed the word, let her enjoy the joy of winning!

At this time, take the opportunity to shout to the sky before her, "The scheming frog keeps touching your belly!"

And say the correct answer!

Make a fuss about Qiying. Snake's mentality!

The plan was implemented very smoothly, and now Klin is being chased and beaten is the best proof!

"Xiao Linzi! If you have the ability, don't run! You dare to play tricks on me! I'm so angry!" Qiying. Snake shouted while chasing!

Just now, after the two of them came back from the space where they couldn't attack each other, Qiying Snake jumped up!

Klin was also well prepared and turned around and ran!

During the chase, Klin explained while running!

"Qiying! Listen to me! I really don't want to win you! There is a reason!"

"Look! If I lose! I get a silver token! You get a bronze token!"

"But now I win! I get two silver tokens!"

"With our relationship, I can give you a silver token directly!"

"It means that you used your wisdom to turn your bronze token into a silver token!"

"You directly took advantage of Wolong Mountain!"

"So although it looks like you lost, you actually won! And it was a big win!"

Klin hid in a tree and finally finished this paragraph!

Qiying Snake also fell into deep thought!

"Ms. Snake! What Klin said is right!"

"Right! Isn't the purpose of participating in that game to get rewards? As long as you get the rewards in the end, you win!"

"That's right! You used your wisdom to turn your original bad rewards into good rewards! This is a big win!"

The guards around also felt that what Klin said made sense!

Klin saw the opportunity and took out a silver token and threw it to Qiying Snake!

Qiying Snake looked at the silver token in his hand and smiled at Klin, "Okay! Then I forgive you! Come down quickly!"

"Okay!" Klin nodded, and then slid down the tree trunk!

As a result, when he turned around, he saw Qiying Snake's smirking face!

"You...what are you going to do?"

"Of course I'm going to teach you a lesson!"

"Didn't you say you forgave me?"

"The more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie! Xiao Linzi! Sushi!"

"Ah! Sister Qi, don't do that!"

"Be obedient! Let me have some!"

The guards had already turned their heads away, exclaiming "What a sky!" or "What a big tree!", as if they didn't hear anything!

The guards thought in their hearts, "I'm sorry! Brother Klin! We think you're right! But Miss Snake is our employer! She pays us!"


Wonderful end of chapter:

(Readers show their talents)

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