After guessing the words, everyone on Wolong Mountain will start a trial within two and a half hours!

Hide and seek!

Who is the undercover!

Digital bomb!

After seven trials, Klin and his team, who had been walking in the front, finally reached the top of the mountain!

Klin was pushed hard by Qiying Snake, and staggered to the top of the mountain first!

Klin also received the reward for being the first to reach the top, one gold token each with the three words "Wo", "Dragon" and "Mountain"!

Klin turned his head and looked at Qiying Snake and a group of guards in confusion, and took out the gold token to share with them!

In the end, they were all rejected!

Qiying Snake happily took out a few silver tokens, meaning that Klin had given her enough!

The guards shook their heads, saying: Klin dared to give, they dared not take! They were already satisfied to get more benefits from Klin! Too greedy, easy to be beaten into ashes by the boss!

At this time, Klin had a lot of tokens in his hand, a total of 31, and this was because he gave some away!

This was because Klin had never lost in the previous trials!

After knowing that there was a group of white coats with super intelligence, Klin would directly release his own plug-in combination every time he met such people: Brother Whisk + Master!

Hide and Seek, turn on invisibility, jump on the face of the seeker!

Who is the undercover, turn on mind reading, learn language skills from the undercover white coat!

Digital bomb, turn on perspective, know what the number of the bomb is from the beginning, just ask how to lose?

These 31 tokens are:

One gold, one silver, and five bronze for the "Lying" token!

The "Dragon" token is one piece of gold, three pieces of silver, and eight pieces of bronze!

The "Mountain" token is one piece of gold, two pieces of silver, and nine pieces of bronze!

There is a very obvious thick stone pillar on the top of Wolong Mountain!

The stone pillar goes straight to the sky, and it is as thick as ten people hug together!

After touching the stone pillar with their bodies, everyone also knows the role of these tokens and the stone pillar in front of them!

It turns out that although the token is very important, it is not the key. The real key is the stone pillar in front of them!

The token stores a specific mark. After the stone pillar confirms the authenticity of the token's mark, different functions can be enabled according to different tokens!

The stone pillar function that the "Lying" token can enable is teleportation!

It can send people to a place called "Experience World" and can return at any time!

The bronze token can go back and forth once, and it comes with an automatic return function when on the verge of death!

The silver token can go back and forth twice, and it comes with an automatic return function when on the verge of death and save life!

The gold token can go back and forth four times, and it comes with the function of automatically returning when on the verge of death and healing all injuries!

The stone pillar function that the "Dragon" token can open is to exchange for various cultivation methods!

That is, things like skills and martial arts!

The higher the level of the token, the better the cultivation method you can get!

The bronze token can only be exchanged for ordinary popular skills. This kind of skills is easy to get started, and you only need to practice it over and over again step by step!

The silver token can be exchanged for slightly better skills. There are many types of these skills, including easy to learn and difficult to master, difficult to learn and difficult to master, and easy to learn and easy to master. It is not a matter of which one is strong or weak. You can choose according to your own needs!

The gold token can be exchanged for all the skills stored here. There are many types, but the gold token can provide the best selection service, that is, you can make a request or directly choose the most suitable skill for you based on your conditions!

The stone pillar function that the "Mountain" token can open is to exchange for various resources!

Just like the "Dragon" token, the higher the level of the token, the better the resources you can get. I won't say more!

In addition to the various functions that are enabled after the token is recognized, the stone pillar also has some functions!

One is the personal token. Any bronze token can be exchanged for a personal token!

The personal token has an adsorption function, which can firmly adsorb to various parts of the owner's body according to the owner's wishes. Unless the owner is willing, it is impossible to fall off on its own!

Of course, it is okay to cut off the part that adsorbs the token!

All tokens can be stored in the personal token!

You can consume additional tokens to add various functions and upgrades to the personal token!

For example, scanning biological information, storage space, and upgrading the adsorption function to become a mark!

In addition to the basic functions of a whiteboard personal token, in addition to adsorption and storage of tokens, the only thing left is to record the completion of the task!

As for where to get this task, then

Now let's talk about another function of the stone pillar!

The second function of the stone pillar is to issue tasks!

Enter the "Experience World" to kill a certain task target!

Enter the "Experience World" to obtain a certain material from a certain creature!

Enter the "Experience World" to pick a certain herb!

Enter the "Experience World" and escape from the pursuit of a certain powerful creature within two and a half hours!

Without exception, you need to enter the "Experience World"!

The harder the task, the greater the danger, but the better the reward!

The reward is also a token of various qualities!

The tasks recorded in the stone pillar are refreshed almost every second, and there is no worry about finishing them!

The third function of the stone pillar is defensive counterattack!

This function is very normal!

There are always some people who have some different psychology!

Want to do something bad to the stone pillar!

At this time, the stone pillar will counterattack!

There are many types of counterattacks!

Attacks that cause damage are just the most common counterattacks!

Advanced counterattacks include: being trapped in place and unable to move, then being tickled in the soles of the feet, being poked in the nose with a thin thread, being stripped naked and forced to pose in various strange movements, etc.!

The main point is that one cannot die, but life is worse than death!

The fourth function of the stone pillar is to be determined!

This can be said to be the most powerful function of the stone pillar!

You can add functions at will according to subsequent needs!

Why did Sun Wukong spend time and effort to create a Wolong Mountain and a one-stop task system for strength improvement?

All this is because of "Chuanwu Tianxia Plan 2.0"!

The skills written by Sun Wukong in "Turtle Hermit" are just the tip of the iceberg of all his skills!

People have different physiques, and naturally their suitability for the same skills is also different!

This is especially obvious on this earth where all kinds of strange races gather!

Therefore, the number of rotations obtained by Chuanwu Tianxia gradually slowed down and decreased after the initial fierce start!

So after Sun Wukong knew some of Sun Er's ideas, he thought of "The Martial Arts World Plan 2.0"!

Through Wolong Mountain, many martial arts techniques will flow to the world!

Those with poor talents can also practice low-level martial arts techniques!

Those with strong talents can take the initiative to come to Wolong Mountain to seek advanced martial arts techniques that suit them!

After a long time, "The Martial Arts World Plan 2.0" was successfully completed!

The number of rotations will no longer be a worry!

Just like when playing Plants vs. Zombies hybrid, you plant a screen of sun pots!

There is no lack of sunlight!


Wonderful end of the chapter:

(Readers show their talents)

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