The envoy sent by Belo to Mobei brought back a handwritten letter from Yelu Bao from the Khitan leader.

From this handwritten letter, we can know that Yelu Bao fully agrees that Mobei and Yan will have to conduct trade, but the specific cooperation matters still need to be discussed by Belo in person in Mobei.

Through the multi-party investigation of Tianren Pavilion, it was found that the leader of this trade negotiation in Mobei was not Yelu Bao but his wife, Shuliduo.

The historical prototype of Shuliduo is the famous Queen of Yingtian of the Liao Dynasty, Shulu Ping, who is a real and ruthless woman. For this reason, Belo decided to let Kaisha go to Mobei for negotiation on his behalf.

The time came to the day when Yan and Mobei conducted trade negotiations. Kaisha brought Beisha, surrendered ministers, and more than 20 followers to the camp set up in Mobei, a hundred miles outside Yan.

"Queen Yingtian!", "Queen Yan!" After meeting, Kaisha and Shuliduo stood there and stared at each other.

After standing there and staring at each other for a while, the two women smiled at each other, and then Shuliduo welcomed Kaisha into her exclusive tent with a warm face.

While Kaisha and Shuliduo were talking, Jiangchen took Beisha and wandered around in the camp in Mobei. Before they knew it, they came to a tent with a slightly peculiar shape.

Jiangchen held Beisha's hand and stood outside the tent. She felt very intuitively that there was an unusual breath coming from the tent.

"Sister Jiangchen, there is a very interesting little sister inside!" Beisha took Jiangchen's hand, and the two walked into the tent.

In the center of the tent, there was a little girl who looked only six or seven years old. Her appearance was five points similar to Shuliduo. She was Yelu Bao's youngest daughter - Yelu Zhiwu, and also the next high priest of Khitan Shamanism. She was practicing the ultimate Shamanism here.

"Who are you?" Yelu Zhiwu, who was interrupted from practicing, stood up from the ground. At this moment, she exuded an aura that did not belong to a little girl, but more like an adult.

"Little sister, my name is Beisha. My father is the King of Yan and my mother is the Queen of Yan. I am here to visit you today." Beisha walked to Yelu Zhiwu in a familiar manner and grabbed her hands.

"The daughter of the King of Yan, I have heard of it!" Yelu Zhiwu wanted to pull her hands out of Beisha's hands, but she couldn't pull them out.

"Little sister, what is your name?" Beisha continued to hold Yelu Zhiwu's hands.

"My name is... Yelu Zhiwu!" Yelu Zhiwu wanted to refuse to answer, but she found that she seemed unable to refuse Besha's question.

"Yelu Zhiwu, what a nice name!" In fact, in Besha's heart, she was thinking of "wild green plants".

"Princess of Yan, can you let go?" Yelu Zhiwu looked a little unhappy.

"Yes!" Besha let go directly, she had been holding Yelu Zhiwu's hand.

"We already know each other, can you leave now?" Yelu Zhiwu issued an order to expel Besha.

"You were practicing martial arts just now! It just so happens that I also know a little bit of boxing and kicking, why don't we have a competition!" As soon as Besha finished speaking, she waved her little fist and attacked Yelu Zhiwu.

Yelu Zhiwu's little feet lightly touched the ground, and her whole body moved about five meters backwards, but Besha's fist was still approaching her face.

After learning that Besha was also a martial artist, Yelu Zhiwu stopped dodging and chose to take the initiative to attack. The two little girls then fought back and forth in the tent.

"The next high priest of Shamanism? It turns out that she has a unique temperament!" Jiang Chen found a relatively comfortable position in the tent and sat down, slowly enjoying the fight between the two little girls.

In order to play for a while longer, Besha directly released a sea of ​​water when fighting with Yelu Zhiwu. She tried her best to control her fighting power to a state that was almost the same as that of the opponent.

After the two fought for hundreds of rounds, under Besha's deliberate guidance, she and Yelu Zhiwu had a fierce palm fight.

With a sound of "boom", Besha and Yelu Zhiwu both retreated a few steps.The former only took five steps back, but the latter took eight steps back.

"Not bad, not bad, let's be friends!" Besha came to Yelu Zhiwu and stretched out her right hand.

"Friends? Okay!" Yelu Zhiwu stretched out her right hand hesitantly, and then she and Besha shook hands in a friendly manner.

After shaking hands, Besha took the initiative to ask Yelu Zhiwu some topics that only girls would be interested in, and the latter finally began to slowly answer some topics under the repeated questioning of the former. Soon, the two of them talked and laughed together.

On the other side, in Shuliduo's tent, she and Kaisha actually only took less than half an hour to complete the negotiation of the trade regulations between Mobei and Yan State, and in the following time, the two of them were chatting about various matters.

As a person who has been in a high position for a long time, Shuliduo saw a strong aura similar to her own from Kaisha before entering the tent, and she was sure that the other party definitely had a momentum that could look down on the world. Therefore, for a strong woman like her, Kaisha was definitely an opponent worthy of respect and serious communication.

"Oh! There is only the Queen of Yan in the harem of King Yan! I wonder how you let him do this?" Shuliduo asked Kaisha with interest.

"It's very simple, just make yourself invincible at any time!" Kaisha answered to the point. She believed that with Shuliduo's experience, the other party would definitely know the hidden meaning of this sentence.

"Well! Very good, I've learned it!" Shuliduo stood up and made a courtesy to Kaisha with both hands clasped.

"Thank you!" Kaisha returned the gift with a smile on her face.

"Queen of Yan, we had a pleasant conversation today. How about we follow the etiquette of your Central Plains and become sworn sisters?" Shuliduo suggested sincerely.

"Okay! I was thinking the same thing!" Kaisha agreed without any hesitation.

The sworn sisterhood between Kaisha and Shuliduo was not just a private talk. They became sworn sisters in a solemn manner by burning incense and praying to the heavens under the witness of hundreds of Mobei soldiers and dozens of Yan envoys.

"Sister!" "Sister!" After the sworn sisterhood ceremony was over, Shuliduo called Kaisha sister.

"Since you called me sister, I can't be stingy. This bottle of liquid medicine will be of great benefit to you!" Kaisha took out a small bottle of liquid medicine from her sleeve, actually from her ring.

When the bottle of liquid medicine appeared, the surrendered minister standing not far away showed some unusual changes in expression. Although she was a certain distance away from Kaisha, she could clearly feel the powerful medicinal power emanating from the bottle of liquid medicine.

"Thank you, sister!" Although Shuliduo did not understand pharmacology, she knew very well the true value of this bottle of liquid medicine, which was definitely priceless.

The mutual trade negotiations between Yan State and Mobei ended very smoothly in the confrontation between Kaisha and Shuliduo. After this mutual negotiation, not only did they become a pair of sisters, but also made Beisha and Yelu Zhiwu a pair of real good friends!

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