When Yan and Mobei officially started trading, both sides showed great sincerity and took out the scarce items in their hands. Then the first exchange between the monarchs was completed happily when both parties were happy.

Mobei controlled the Changbai Mountain area outside the Great Wall. Therefore, in the hands of the Khitans, natural medicinal materials such as ginseng and ganoderma lucidum were just like angelica and wolfberry in the hands of the Central Plains people.

The Khitans used medicinal materials such as ginseng and ganoderma lucidum to exchange for materials such as silk, tea and salt from the people of Yan.

After Yan obtained medicinal materials such as ginseng and ganoderma lucidum, Belo ordered the members of Tianren Pavilion to sell these medicinal materials to other vassal states, and to adhere to the principle of using good steel on the blade. They wanted to sell the most appropriate medicinal materials to the most suitable and richest person.

In this way, Yan State accumulated a huge amount of wealth that dazzled countless people in less than a year.

With this huge amount of wealth, Belo could use more money to let the people of Yan State participate in large-scale projects such as farming, breeding, and fisheries. In this way, the people had more and more spare money.

When the people of Yan State had more and more spare money, those merchants who smelled the fishy smell would rush to Yanyun. As long as these merchants dared to come, they would be greeted by higher lijin fees than other places.

However, after some merchants compared, they found that although the lijin in Yan State was higher than other places, it was easier to make money here than in other places. Not only that, in some places, some commodities that were unpopular could find huge consumer markets in Yan State.

Therefore, after learning about these situations, the merchants all put aside the high lijin of Yan State, and in the following period of time, they still rushed to Yan State.

Before, those merchants who could not stand Belo's new system and chose to leave Yan State, after hearing about the huge business opportunities in Yan State, all wanted to return to Yan State, but when they entered the city, they were told by the soldiers guarding the city that they needed to pay a considerable fee in accordance with the regulations before they could enter the city smoothly.

"What's wrong, Mr. Zhang, when you left Yan State, didn't you swear that you would never come back? Why are you not only going back on your word now, but you can't even pay the entrance fee?" A soldier guarding the city made some sneers at the well-dressed merchant named Zhang in front of him.

"I...I..." Mr. Zhang took a look, and behind the high city wall, he still paid a very high entrance fee with a broken heart.

What happened to Mr. Zhang is not an isolated case. There are many merchants like him who left Yan State in a hurry and now have to return in a timid manner.

Under this good business cycle, not only did the treasury of Yan State become more and more abundant, but the people of Yan State also became more and more wealthy. Slowly, the first group of lower-class people who need to pay lijin every month began to appear.

When these people paid lijin, they not only had no complaints, but also compared with each other: who paid more lijin than others!

"Lord Gong Zheng, please pay this month's lijin!" A palace maid came to Jiang Chen.

"No, why do I have to pay lijin too?" Jiang Chen had a salary of 100 taels of silver that he had just received yesterday in his sleeves.

"Go back to Lord Gongzheng, the king said that no matter who you are in Yan State or what job you do, as long as your monthly income exceeds 100 taels of silver, you must pay lijin according to the regulations, and the salary you received yesterday was exactly 100 taels!" The maid handed a receipt for lijin to the surrendered minister, and it was written on the receipt: 100 taels of salary = 10 taels of lijin!

The surrendered minister reluctantly paid 10 taels of lijin, and then she turned around to find Besa, but before she had time to ask the other party, another Gongzheng came to collect Xiaobei's lijin.

Unlike the reluctance of the surrendered minister, Besa was straightforward and took out the lijin of 300 taels of silver that she needed to pay and handed it to the Gongzheng.

The lijin of 300 taels of silver meant that Besa received a monthly salary of 2,000 taels of silver.The main salary.

"Sister Jiangchen, I just received my salary yesterday. Let's go to the palace for a big meal together!" Besha jumped to Jiangchen.

"Okay!" Jiangchen took Besha's hand, and the two walked out of the palace.

At this time, Jiangchen was thinking: King Yan, you took my lijin, I must get enough money from your daughter!

When Besha took Jiangchen out for dinner, Belo could be alone with Kaisha openly, and then a romantic journey in broad daylight officially started...

"Kesha, are you interested in going on a secret visit with me?" After a romantic trip, Belo, who was in full view, held Kaisha in a snow-white dress in his arms.

"Bello, where do you want to go? Also, who are you setting a trap for?" Kaisha closed her eyes and lay quietly in Belo's arms.

"The target is Qi Country. As for who we are setting a trap for, it depends on whether that person will jump in by himself?" Belo's hand began to patrol back and forth on various points on Kaisha's body.

"If he doesn't jump in by himself, he won't be a bad commander!" Kaisha continued to close her eyes and enjoy Belo's point service to her.

"That's right! Since we started trading with Mobei, in the past two years, no less than a hundred bad people under his command have infiltrated us continuously! I guess they have even grasped the romance between the two of us just now!" Belo said calmly.

"Are you not afraid of being heard by them when you say these words?" Kaisha finally opened her eyes.

"It's better to hear it!" Bello deliberately raised his voice.

"You! You are really getting more and more sinister!" Kaisha pinched Bello's left headlight a little harder.

"Didn't I learn my sinisterness from you?" Bello took the opportunity to move Kaisha under himself.

"Almost! Xiaobei should be back soon!" Bello made some affectionate moves on Kaisha's body, and the other party directly stopped him from going any further.

"That's right! Someone come! Prepare hot water!" Bello slowly sat up from Kaisha's body, and he also put on a completely opaque red embroidered robe for himself.

After a while, eight palace maids came in, each doing their own job, and then, Kaisha, who was in full view, entered a bathtub to take a bath under the service of the eight of them.

And Belo stepped into the tub and bathed with Kaisha only after all eight maids left...

That's right, Belo decided to go on a private visit, and his purpose was to kill three birds with one stone.

The first eagle: to see the customs and customs of Qi State, and appreciate the charm of the Queen of Huanyinfang, um! It's just a pure appreciation for each other.

The second eagle: to bet whether Yuan Tiangang will come to seize Yan State with his bad people when Beikai's family of three have left Yan State.

The third eagle: to take this opportunity to test whether the surrendered minister is a person worth keeping around and serving as a long-term nanny for Beisha when the second eagle takes the bait.

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