At a three-way intersection in the North Star of Huaxia in Blue Star, there is a teppanyaki snack bar called "Welcome". The owner of this snack bar is a sweet-looking young woman, and her name is Yang Huanying.

Today, Yang Huanying will wake up from the house behind the store before dawn as usual, and then she came to the snack bar in front of the house with sleepy eyes and began to prepare the ingredients for today's teppanyaki.

But just as she was cutting the squid shreds, Yang Huanying suddenly felt dizzy, and then she fell asleep on the chopping board.

When Yang Huanying woke up from an extremely real dream, it was already evening of the day.

But she was not frustrated because of the delay of a day's business, but instead returned to the house behind with worry.

Then Yang Huanying took out a red digital camera, a blue music player, and a yellow handheld game console from the corner of the room.

Turning his attention back to Beikai and the other person in Shanghai, they both smiled involuntarily when they both discovered that a strong aura was beginning to revive on the blue star.

"Keisha (Bello), you just sensed it, right?" Beikai and the other person said in unison.

"Bello, does this aura indicate that the three sets of armor that have not yet been born are about to appear?" Kaisha said with a smile while looking at Bello.

"No, not three sets of armor! Kaisha, there are four sets of armor in total! Because in addition to the three sets of armor, there is also an ultimate armor!" Bello took Kaisha into his arms with ease.

"Speaking of this ultimate armor, Bello, why don't I try it first!" Kaisha suddenly thought of something interesting.

"Kesha, do you want to..." Bello "saw through" Kaisha's idea at a glance.

"Really, I don't have any secrets in front of you!" Kaisha used her little fist to gently punch Bello's chest.

"It's as if I have a secret in front of you!" Bello took the opportunity to grab Kaisha's little fist.

Originally, they were discussing the ultimate armor, but as Bei and Kai talked, they turned into showing their love there as if no one was around. Duanmu Yan, who was standing not far away, was so embarrassed that she almost used her toes to dig out a three-bedroom apartment in her shoes.

"Mom and Dad are being affectionate again! Forget it, in order to have a younger brother or sister sooner! This time, I won't bother them!" Betha turned around and left very sensibly, and when she left, she forcibly dragged away the embarrassed Duanmu Yan.

After the sensible Betha took the embarrassed Duanmu Yan away, Beikai and Jiangchen actually went straight back to their room at home, and then in the next five hours, they never left the room again.

When Beikai and Jiangchen walked out of the room refreshed, the sky had already turned dark, so when they were "doing things", Betha and Jiangchen had already prepared dinner for tonight.

"Mom and Dad, come and taste my cooking!" Betha ran over with a passionate look on her face and held one hand of Beikai and Jiangchen respectively.

"Well! Although it's a little bit worse than your mother's cooking! But it's still pretty good to be able to do this!" Bello made such an evaluation after taking a bite of the braised lion's head made by Betha.

"Well! Indeed, although it's not the first time to cook, it's better than the last time!" After taking a bite of the sweet and sour carp made by Betha, Kaisha kissed her on the cheek.

"Mom and Dad, don't just eat my dishes, these and these are made by sister Jiangchen!" Betha, who was praised, did not forget to recommend Jiangchen's dishes to Beikai and the others.

After Beikai and the others ate a steamed beef dish made by Jiangchen at the same time, they both stopped talking at the same time, because Jiangchen's dishes were much more delicious than Betha's, so they were afraid that they would hurt their daughter's self-esteem if they said it directly.

Although they couldn't say it in person, Beikai and Jiangchen were very tacit. They used their mobile phones to edit a text message and sent it to Jiangchen: "Jiangchen, your cooking is better than Betha's!"on her phone!

When Jiang Chen received two text messages with the same content, she smiled knowingly and didn't say it to her face.

After finishing the dinner, the Bekai family came together to a circular platform similar to a stage built in the warehouse.

"Go! Kaisha, we'll watch you here!" Bello gestured to Kaisha and walked to the middle of the circular platform.

Under the gaze of the other three people, Kaisha came to the middle of the circular platform with a smile on her face, and then she began to call up the data and dark information about the five light and shadow stones in the Sky Blade database.

After calling up the data and dark information of the five light and shadow stones, Kaisha used her own void engine-War Blade to replicate the five light and shadow stones.

When Kaisha was replicating the five light and shadow stones, lightning and thunder suddenly appeared in the night sky of this world.

"I thought you would remain silent!" Bello came out of the warehouse and said so while looking at the lightning and thunder in the sky.

As soon as Bello finished speaking, the lightning and thunder in the sky formed a paragraph of text in front of him.

"Okay! I promise you!" Bello agreed to the request of the lightning text, and then the sky of this world returned to normal.

When Bello returned to the warehouse, Kaisha had almost completed the replication of the five light and shadow stones.

About ten minutes later, Kaisha completed the replication of the five light and shadow stones.

"Kesha, the heaven of this world just gave me a message, and I will pass it to you now!" Bello passed an encrypted dark message to Kaisha's mind.

"Interesting!" After saying these four words, Kaisha stood in place and drew a Tai Chi pattern in the air with her hands.

After Kaisha drew a Tai Chi pattern in the air, the five copies of the light and shadow stones automatically floated to the outer circle of the Tai Chi pattern, and they were arranged in the order of the five elements.

Next, Kaisha didn't need to do the next operation. The five copies of the light and shadow stones automatically rotated around the Tai Chi pattern. Then, their rotation speed became faster and faster, and the distance between them became closer and closer.

When the five copies of the light and shadow stones collided with each other while rotating, a dazzling light like the sun came out from the position where they collided. When the light completely dissipated, a spherical crystal with the colors of the five elements appeared in front of Beikai's family!

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