"Come on! Kaisha, please shout out the transformation command bravely!" Belo stuffed the five-element crystal into Kaisha's hand.

"How can it be otherwise?" Kaisha asked back with some refusal.

"Mom, come on!" Besa said with both fists clenched.

"Goddess, you have to take this step bravely!" Jiangchen also came to persuade Kaisha.

"I'm afraid of you!" Kaisha took the five-element crystal and walked onto the circular platform again.

"Kesha (Mom, Goddess), please shout out loudly: Emperor Armor, combine!" Belo, Besa and Jiangchen shouted to Kaisha in unison.

"Emperor Armor, combine!" Kaisha finally shouted out the slightly middle school transformation command with the encouragement of Belo and the others.

In an instant, the five-element crystal in Kaisha's hand became radiant, and at the same time, the sky, which was already late at night, suddenly became as bright as day.

When the light of the five-element crystal and the sunlight outside disappeared at the same time, Kaisha had already put on the ultimate armor representing the king of armor - the Emperor Armor!

Five miniature light and shadow stones are inlaid on the dragon body, eagle arms, tiger shoulders, mastiff back, rhino legs, and belt. This is the Emperor Armor that combines some of the significant features of the five-element armor!

When Kaisha put on the Emperor Armor, she clearly felt that her own strength, on the basis of normal, was enhanced by more than ten times. The silver wings or other sharp blades that needed to be controlled with two fingers before now only need to be controlled by the mind at will. In addition, the control range of her sacred domain has increased by at least five times!

That's right, the Emperor Armor is the ultimate armor that becomes stronger when it encounters a strong opponent. The stronger the host is, the stronger it can be.

However, this setting of becoming stronger when it encounters a strong opponent also has a certain limit, and Kaisha can just make it exert the ultimate power of the armor itself.

"Mom, you are so cool!" Bessa jumped and ran to Kaisha, no, now she should be called Emperor Knight-Kessa.

"Oh, really?" The voice coming out of the mask of the Emperor Armor is no longer Kaisha's voice, but the voice of the armor itself.

"Mom, your voice?" Bessa is not used to the voice of the Emperor Armor at all.

"Okay! Xiaobei, how do you feel now?" This time, the voice coming out of the mask of the Emperor Armor is Kaisha's voice.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely not be able to make his own voice, but Kaisha has a way to make the Emperor Armor make her own voice.

"Mom, you are so handsome! I like you so much!" Besha jumped straight into the arms of Emperor Knight-Kesha.

"Xiaobei, handsome and cool, these two words are used to describe boys!" Emperor Knight-Kesha touched Besha's head and said so softly.

"I don't care so much! I just want to use these two words to describe my mother! It should be a mother like this!" It seems that as she grows taller, Besha's wisdom will also improve a little bit accordingly.

"Kesha, the Heavenly Dao of this world told me that from now on, before we leave this world, you are the Emperor Knight! And then it hopes that you can..." Bello told Kesha some of the information transmitted by the Heavenly Dao.

"Okay! No problem, anyway, I'm free! I agreed to its request!" Emperor Knight-Kesha agreed to the request of the Heavenly Dao very readily.

That's right, the Emperor Armor is not the Heavenly Dao of this world itself. It is just one of the spokespersons of the Ming World and the human world selected by the Heavenly Dao of this world!

When Kaisha released the Emperor Man form, she immediately felt that the strength increase she had just gained had now returned to the starting point.

"Just this world?" Kaisha couldn't help but raise the Five Elements Crystal in her hand to the same level as her eyes.

Hearing Kaisha's words, the Five Elements Crystal in her hand shook involuntarily.

As an "old couple", Bello naturally saw through Kaisha's thoughts, so he went to communicate with the Heavenly Dao of this world again.

Afterwards, Bello, who got a satisfactory answer, came to Kaisha. He used a little bit of divine power to rub the Five Elements Crystal into a pendant.

Next, BelloSome more dark silver was used to make a thin metal chain for the five-element pendant. In this way, a dark silver necklace with a five-element pendant was completed.

Then, Kaisha tacitly asked Bello to put on this beautiful necklace for her.

After wearing the necklace, Kaisha touched the five-element pendant with her hand, and she shouted out the slightly second-year, no, very domineering transformation command again: Emperor Armor, combine!

Oh my! This is really the first summoning, so fancy special effects will appear!

Before Kaisha put on the Emperor Armor for the second time, the bright sunlight special effect no longer appeared in the sky. The only special effect that appeared was the five-element pendant emitting a dazzling light!

The next day, Kaisha wanted to wear the Emperor Armor to fight with the mutant beast or Oxer, so the Bekai family drove the Porsche together and drove towards the city of Shanghai.

After the Bekai family left, several sneaky people quietly came to the gate of the warehouse.

"It has been confirmed that the whole family has gone out, unlock it now!" The leader ordered the two assistants.

The two assistants immediately took out a set of professional unlocking tools. As a result, when they just inserted a master key into the lock cylinder of the lock on the door, they felt a very strong electric current.

In the following unlocking process, this group of sneaky people successively felt many punishment methods such as electric current, fire, and freezing, and these methods were just a little test imposed on the warehouse door by the surrendered minister when he was free.

"It's a tricky idea, let's retreat!" After the sneaky group left, a more professional group of people came here soon after. These people actually brought tools such as hydraulic pliers, electric saws and laser welders.

"Bello, there is another group of people delivering goods to the door! Why don't we just turn around and go back!" At this time, Kaisha, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat of the speeding Porsche, turned her head and smiled at Belo who was driving and said so.

"It's okay, anyway, we know all their information! Why don't you upload their information to the big screens of those outdoor advertisements now!" Belo, who was turning the steering wheel hard, turned his head and suggested to Kaisha next to him.

"Okay!" Kaisha agreed to Belo's proposal without hesitation.

Then, those who were still using various tools to pry open the warehouse door, the videos of the "black" things they had done appeared on the major external wall advertising screens of Shanghai!

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