When the Nawa warrior got out of the vine cage in a mess, the flower demon Oxer and Nina had disappeared. After he removed the armor, Ma Lingling pretended to fall down accidentally, and then she limped out from the nearby bushes.

"Lingling, where did you go just now?" Duanmu Yan saw this and immediately stepped forward to support Ma Lingling.

"Duanmu, I just saw a beautiful Oxer nearby! Then I chased after it out of curiosity, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye, and then I accidentally fell!" Ma Lingling casually found a very lame excuse, but Duanmu Yan believed it very generously.

Yes, Ma Lingling, like her father, Ma Tian, ​​had a very vague memory of her transformation into Oxer.

"Lingling, that Oxer is very strong! Therefore, it is not safe here yet. Let's go back to the B&B first!" Duanmu Yan supported Ma Lingling, who pretended to be injured, and the two of them walked towards the B&B together.

When Duanmu Yan and Ma Lingling left together, Nina came out from behind a nearby rock, and she showed a malicious and expectant smile to Ma Lingling's back.

When Duanmu Yan and Ma Lingling left together, Besha and Jiangchen, who were in invisible state, also began to walk towards the row of B&Bs. After they walked forward and were about a hundred meters away, they both lifted their invisible states.

When Besha and Jiangchen came to the front desk of the B&B, they only spent a little more money and asked the front desk lady to arrange them opposite Duanmu Yan and Ma Lingling.

Don't think too much, Duanmu Yan and Ma Lingling's rooms are next to each other.

When Besha heard Duanmu Yan across the room had walked out of the room alone, she took Jiang Chen and knocked on Ma Lingling's door.

"Hello! Sister, we live across the room, can we come in and visit?" When Ma Lingling opened her door, Besha asked with a smile.

"Okay! No problem!" When she saw that there were only two girls, one big and one small, outside the door, Ma Lingling welcomed Besha and Jiang Chen into her room without any precautions.

"Sister! You look so beautiful after your transformation today! Even more beautiful than you are now!" When Ma Lingling handed the other party a cup of hot water, Besha actually said this in a shocking way.

"You... who are you?" Ma Lingling was frightened and retreated directly to the corner of the room.

"What? As the guide of the Four Phase Armor, haven't you seen any photos or videos of us?" Jiang Chen walked towards Ma Lingling in small steps.

Seeing that Ma Lingling still didn't recognize him and Besha, Jiang Chen used the red ribbon wrapped around her wrist to hang up the big couch in the room.

"I... I remember! You are the Miss Jiang they are talking about! You are the housekeeper of Mr. X's family!" Ma Lingling finally remembered who Jiang Chen was!

"What? Housekeeper! They actually think of me like this!" After Jiang Chen put down the big couch, she sat directly on it.

"You are Miss Jiang, so you are Mr. X's daughter!" Ma Lingling walked to Besha tremblingly.

"Hello! Sister Lingling, my name is Besha! It's our first meeting, please take care of me!" Besha learned the etiquette in some movies and TV dramas and extended her right hand to Ma Lingling.

"Hello! Miss Bei, my name is Ma Lingling! Please take care of me!" Ma Lingling hesitantly extended her right hand, and then shook hands with Betha in a relatively friendly manner.

"Since we already know each other, let's continue the previous topic! Sister Lingling, the Oxer you transformed into before was really beautiful! For this reason, I want to take another look!" Betha said to Ma Lingling with interest.

"I... I can't transform now!" Ma Lingling was not lying. She now felt that she seemed unable to activate the Oxer element in her body.

"Is it because your energy is not stable enough? Or is it because your strength is too strong, so you need some external inducement?" As a surrendered minister who likes to do research, she is already guessing the specific situation of Ma Lingling.

"External inducement?? Sister Jiangchen, why don't we go and catch that beautiful snake too!" Bessa suddenly remembered that before Ma Lingling turned into the flower demon Oxer, she seemed to be sprayed with an unknown gas by Medusa Bik.

"Miss, wait a moment, I'll go take a look!" Jiangchen came to the window of the room. She looked at the scene outside the window through her red eyes, and then she saw Nina's figure from behind a flower bed outside the window.

"Miss, please wait a moment!" Jiangchen pushed the window open directly, and then used Qinggong to fly directly from the room on the third floor to the flower bed where Nina was hiding.

"Did you come out by yourself? Or was I beaten out?" Jiangchen stood on the edge of the flower bed and asked Nina who was hiding behind the flower bed condescendingly.

"Miss Jiang, I have no intention of being your enemy! "Nina walked out from behind the flower bed with a humble attitude.

"Since you know me, it will be much easier! My lady wants to see you! Come with me!" Jiang Chen threw the red ribbon on his wrist towards Nina, and then the red ribbon wrapped around her waist.

Jiang Chen used Qinggong again to fly back to the room on the third floor, and Nina was naturally pulled directly from the flower bed to the room under the traction of the red ribbon.

"This beautiful snake sister, I think you should know me! I want to take another look at this sister Lingling's Oxer form! Therefore, you should know what you should do now!" Betha said the most cruel words to Nina with the cutest expression.

"Miss Bei, please forgive me!" Nina knelt directly in front of Betha.

"Hey... Sister Yucheng, do you still remember what the snake soup we ate last night tasted like? "Besha deliberately licked her lips in front of Nina.

"Miss, I have forgotten it too! But when the two of us make a new snake soup with this beautiful snake in front of us, we will know what it tastes like!" Jiangchen cooperated with Besha and made a snake-killing gesture in front of Nina.

Finally, with Besha and Jiangchen singing the same tune, Nina had no choice but to turn into Medusa Bick again in front of them and Ma Lingling.

"Now look carefully at your face, you are much uglier than the Queen Medusa named Cai Lin!" Besha looked at Medusa Bick's appearance a little more seriously.

Next, under Jiangchen's instructions, Medusa Bick once again spit out a mouthful of pink-blue gas at Ma Lingling, and then, under the cover of this gas, the other party once again transformed into the image of the flower demon Oxer!

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