When Duanmu Yan came to the door, Bessa imitated Ma Lingling's voice and said to the man outside the door: Duanmu, I'm asleep now, come to see me tomorrow morning! I'll give you a surprise then!

"Okay! Lingling, have a good rest!" After Duanmu Yan said this, he turned and walked into the next room.

At this time in Ma Lingling's room, Jiang Chen was using a needle to extract the Oxer element from the flower demon Oxer's body.

As the piston of the needle gradually moved upward, the form of the flower demon Oxer was constantly changing between Ma Lingling and the appearance of the flower demon.

After the needle extracted all the genes of the flower demon Oxer, the other party finally completely changed back to the image of Ma Lingling, and from now on, the other party could no longer change into the form of the flower demon Oxer.

The whole process of Jiang Chen extracting the genes of the flower demon Oxer made Medusa Bik on the side look stunned.

"That's enough! You are useless now!" Jiang Chen pushed Nina, who had turned back into a human form, out of the room and out of the window.

In order to avoid being injured, Nina, who was pushed out of the window, turned into Medusa Bik again in the air before she completely landed, but in the end she still fell to the ground with her legs spread out.

"Bang!" The sound of Medusa Bik landing made other people living in the B&B open the windows and stick their heads out, but they did not see Nina who had already fled to the outside of the B&B in a panic in the night!

"Sister Lingling, remember that you will confess to Duanmu Yan early tomorrow morning!" Before leaving the other party's room, Bessa did not forget to turn around and tell Ma Lingling so.

"Okay! I know!" When Besha and Jiangchen walked out of the room, Ma Lingling closed the door with a blushing face.

Yes, in fact, Duanmu Yan and Ma Lingling both have a good impression of each other, but both of them are a little shy. Therefore, it has been more than two years since they met, and they have not yet broken the window paper.

Before, Ma Lingling was worried that her father and Duanmu Yan's identities were hostile to each other, but just now, Jiangchen had made a promise in front of her that the other party would extract the Oxer element in Ma Tian's body. Therefore, she agreed to Besha's request and went to Duanmu Yan to confess tomorrow morning!

The next morning, Besha and Jiangchen got up early, and then they looked through the door of the room and saw the situation on the opposite side.

After about half an hour, Ma Lingling came out of her room trembling with fear, and then she came to Duanmu Yan's door with a nervous look.

I don't know if Duanmu Yan in the room has already gotten up. When Ma Lingling just came to his door, he opened the door of the room excitedly, and then the two of them stared at each other with eyes wide open!

"Sister Lingling, don't forget what you promised me last night!" When Yan Ling and the other stood there and looked at each other for about a minute, Beisha used the sound transmission technique to transmit these words into Ma Lingling's ears.

"Duanmu, I like you, can you let me be your girlfriend?" After hearing Beisha's sound transmission, Ma Lingling took a deep breath, and then she closed her eyes and asked Duanmu Yan.

"Lingling, what did you say just now? Do you like me? Lingling, I have always liked you!" After hearing Ma Lingling's confession, Duanmu Yan also plucked up the courage to confess to the other party!

Then, when Yan Lingling and the other finished their confessions, they hugged each other directly. After about two or three minutes, Duanmu Yan took Ma Lingling into her room.

In the following time, it is unknown whether there was any substantial progress between Yan Lingling and the other party, but from that day on, the two of them went to the front desk of the B&B and checked out a room, and from now on, when they go out to play or explore again, they will only book one room.

Before going home with Betha, Jiang Chen still kept her promise. She came to Tiantianhao Company in an invisible way.

Jiang Chen first took the opportunity to knock Ma Tian unconscious, and then she skillfully took out the other party's body,The element belonging to the King of Oxer was extracted with a needle.

Next, Jiang Chen, who was curious for a moment, knocked Li Xiaochou unconscious again, and then she injected the element of the King of Oxer into Li Xiaochou's body intact.

According to Bello's description, Jiang Chen already knew that the larvae of the God of Oxer were attached to Li Xiaochou's body. Therefore, she was very curious now. When the God of Oxer and the King of Oxer were concentrated in the same person's body, what kind of wonderful chemical reaction would happen?

Little did she know that because of Jiang Chen's curiosity, the future Yatales would encounter an unprecedented powerful opponent!

When Besha and Jiang Chen returned home, the latter got into Bello's scepter world.

Jiang Chen took the syringe containing the flower demon Oxer's gene and went straight to the No. 3 laboratory of Tianren No. 1. Of course, this No. 3 laboratory was specially prepared for her by Kaisha.

In the No. 3 laboratory, Jiang Chen removed all the negative elements in the flower demon Oxer's gene, but she retained the powerful strength that should be in this gene.

"Jiang Chen, give me this gene! I will help you optimize it again!" When Jiang Chen was about to inject this flower demon's gene into herself, Kaisha appeared in time and stopped her.

"Thank you for the gift of the goddess!" Jiang Chen bowed to Kaisha.

Kaisha added the early angel gene to this flower demon's gene. Yes, it is the original gene that can only prolong the life span but cannot allow the other party to open the angel wings.

After the original gene of the angel and the gene of the flower demon were completely integrated, Kaisha handed this new super gene to Jiangchen.

Next, under the watchful eyes of the three members of the Bekai family, Jiangchen injected this new super gene into his body.

With the original gene of the angel as an aid, Jiangchen did not experience any discomfort or pain in the process of integrating this gene, and she also completed the complete integration of this super gene as if she were in the spring breeze.

"Entering your gene dark plane, please create a model name for the super gene!" When Jiangchen integrated this super gene, her consciousness entered a hazy environment.

"Transplantation!" Jiangchen gave his gene model such a name.

"Gene title created successfully, super soldier-transplantation, good luck!" After becoming a formal super soldier, Jiangchen's consciousness withdrew from his own gene dark plane!

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