The author has something to say: Regarding the word "Ji", in the ancient naming rules, I went to check some historical materials last night. According to a netizen, the four characters Bo, Zhong, Shu, and Ji are generally only used by the legitimate sons of the family.

In the official history, Liu Bo, Liu Zhong, and Liu Bang are all legitimate sons of Liu Taigong, and only Liu Jiao is born to Liu Taigong's stepwife.

Of course, in order to verify the netizen's statement, I specifically searched for the courtesy names of Sun Jian's four legitimate sons, and it turned out to be like this.

The eldest legitimate son-Sun Ce, courtesy name Bofu, the second legitimate son-Sun Quan, courtesy name Zhongmou, the third legitimate son-Sun Yi, courtesy name Shubi, the fourth legitimate son-Sun Kuang, courtesy name Jizuo, and Sun Jian's illegitimate son-Sun Lang, unexpectedly did not even have a courtesy name!


"Lord Bei, no, I'd better call you Mr. Bei! Do you know how many wrong things you have done?"

Before confirming that Bei Luo was a time traveler, Yi Xiaochuan dared to ask him directly, but after confirming that he was also a time traveler, he began to ask him indirectly.

"If you mean, Liu Bang became Wen Bang! Yes, I did it, so what can you do to me?" Bei Luo tilted his head slightly and asked Yi Xiaochuan.

"You... Do you know that you have changed history!" Yi Xiaochuan said to Bei Luo indignantly.

"Oh! Then what?" This time, it was Kaisha who replaced Bei Luo to continue questioning Yi Xiaochuan.

"Mrs. Bei, are you also a time traveler?" At this time, Yi Xiaochuan realized it belatedly.

"Idiot!" Kaisha said disdainfully to Yi Xiaochuan.

"Mr. Bei, Mrs. Bei! Please stop interfering with the normal course of history! Please help me cancel the engagement between me and Lü Zhi! I know you two have the ability to do so!" Yi Xiaochuan bowed to Bei Kai and the others.

"We can't do that. Lü Zhi in history was so miserable! We are going to change her fate!" Kaisha responded in a really stubborn way.

", why are you so stubborn? Don't you know that once history is changed, it will cause such serious consequences!" Yi Xiaochuan continued to argue and said to Bei Kai and the others.

"What are the consequences? Is it the destruction of the world? Or the collapse of the plane?" Kaisha asked in a nonchalant manner.

"The destruction of the world! The collapse of the plane! Wait, what is the plane?" Yi Xiaochuan asked in a somewhat bewildered way.

Yes, in the future world where Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao live, even the word "plane" has not been invented yet. To be more precise, it has not been invented by some online novelists with pens or keyboards.

"You don't even know what a plane is! You still want to talk to us about changing history! Kid, your vision and thinking are still relatively limited!" Kaisha sat up a little in Belo's arms.

"I don't know what a plane is? But I know that history cannot be changed! Therefore, I ask you two again to stop all incorrect behaviors! Let the historical process of this world return to its original order!" Yi Xiaochuan begged Bei Kai and the others bitterly.

"Okay! No matter what you say, we will not change our minds. If you think you have the ability, just come and stop us! By the way, let me remind you! One month and three days later, you will marry Miss Lu Zhi!" Belo said with a raised corner of his mouth looking at Yi Xiaochuan.

"Don't worry! I will never marry Lü Zhi! Besides, I will also help her get married to Liu Bang!" Yi Xiaochuan vowed to Bei Kai and the others, and then he turned around and left without looking back.

"Xiaochuan, listen to me, you shouldn't go against the master and the mistress, it won't do you any good!" When Yi Xiaochuan walked to the gate of Bei's mansion, Gao Yao chased him out of the mansion.

"Old Gao, listen to me too, leave them as soon as possible! If you stay with them for a long time, your thinking will be affected to a certain extent! And you'd better not marry Lü Su, although I don't know why she changed her name? But I know that Lü Zhi's sister finally married Fan Kuai!"

When Yi Xiaochuan thought he was right and considered the other party, he preached to Gao Yao, then he turned away from the other party and walked straight away.Left.

Yes, in Yi Xiaochuan's eyes, Lv Su should be Lv Xu, and the other party should have changed his name.

"Fan Kuai, a rough man who slaughters and sells dogs, is worthy of being compared with me! You want to snatch Su Su from me, let me see how I will deal with you?" When Yi Xiaochuan left Bei's house, Gao Yao stood at the gate and said so to himself.

Yes, Yi Xiaochuan was right. Gao Yao stayed with Bei Kai for a long time, and his thinking did change. No, because of Yi Xiaochuan's "unintentional" words, Fan Kuai would suffer inexplicably.

Just when Yi Xiaochuan was still thinking about how to reject the marriage proposal from the Lu family and how to match Wen Bang and Lu Zhi, a sudden news interrupted his plan. Fan Kuai's dog meat almost killed him, and the guest who almost died was a not-so-small official of the Qin Dynasty.

"It's unfair! I'm really wronged! Please spare my life, sir!" Fan Kuai was shouting at this time, because he was being pressed to the ground by two yamen runners, and another two yamen runners were hitting him hard on his buttocks.

"Hit, hit me hard, hit me to death, a lunatic like this deserves to die!" The chief constable of this county, who was almost choked to death by dog ​​meat, pointed at Fan Kuai and said so angrily.

Under the heavy beatings of the two yamen runners, Fan Kuai was beaten to his last breath.

"He's not dead. Send him to the county magistrate's jail. When he wakes up, we will torture him again!" The chief constable probed Fan Kuai's breath.

"How did Fan Kuai become like this?" When Yi Xiaochuan looked at Fan Kuai being carried away by four yamen runners, he stood behind the crowd and asked himself.

Then, Yi Xiaochuan went to ask the neighbors about the whole process of the incident. After understanding the cause and effect of the incident, the first person he thought of in his mind was Gao Yao.

"Old Gao, did you instruct others to frame him for Fan Kuai's crime?" Yi Xiaochuan came to the Bei Mansion in anger and rushed directly to Gao Yao who was cooking.

"Xiaochuan, I have been in the mansion all day today, cooking for the master and mistress! How can I have time to find someone to frame Fan Kuai?" Gao Yao responded while cooking.

"In the whole Pei County, only you and Fan Kuai have a grudge! Who else could it be but you?" Yi Xiaochuan asked Gao Yao angrily.

"What grudge do I have with him?" Gao Yao asked knowingly.

"Because in history, Fan Kuai will marry Lu Zhi's sister, and you are about to marry Lu Su! Therefore, Fan Kuai is your rival in love, so you are the one with the most motivation to attack him!" Yi Xiaochuan pointed at Gao Yao's nose and said angrily.

"Susu and Fan Kuai have no contact in daily life. What makes you say that she is going to marry him? Yi Xiaochuan, you are just talking nonsense! If you have the guts, go outside and shout! See if the neighbors will believe your words?" Gao Yao put down the spatula in his hand and slowly walked in front of Yi Xiaochuan.

"Old Gao, you have changed, you have really changed! You are no longer the Gao Yao I know! Well, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust! Let's wait and see!" After saying a harsh word, Yi Xiaochuan turned around and left in front of Gao Yao!

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