You may ask, why didn't Bei Kai stop Gao Yao from framing Fan Kuai?

That's because in the official history, Fan Kuai was not a good person. He was also a scumbag. After he was conferred the title of Marquis by Liu Bang, he began to bring concubines back to the mansion without Lv Xu's consent.

For this reason, Lv Xu in the official history eventually became a strong woman like Lv Zhi!

But unfortunately, Lv Xu in the official history did not have the tough tactics of Lv Zhi. Therefore, after the death of Empress Gao of Han, the Lv family relatives led by her eventually lost to Zhou Bo and Chen Ping, the two ministers of the Western Han Dynasty.

Yes, in Kaisha's eyes, forcing a good woman to become the husband of a ruthless strong woman is not a good thing. Therefore, it is natural that Fan Kuai in this world will have this disaster.

On the other hand, after Yi Xiaochuan left the Bei Mansion, he went to a tavern and drank a lot of wine. While drinking, he said to himself: You forced me to do this. Don't worry, I will try my best to plead for you afterwards!

As the saying goes, alcohol makes the timid bold. After Yi Xiaochuan was drunk, he came straight to the chief constable of this county, and then he reported to him that someone was impersonating an official of this county and swindling in Pei County.

Yes, since it was confirmed that Bei Luo was a time traveler, Yi Xiaochuan would naturally think that the official position of the other party was fake. It must be said that his intuition was really accurate.

After listening to Yi Xiaochuan's description, the chief constable's eyes immediately became bright. After all, if he really caught someone who pretended to be an official under the command of the county governor Gao Yan, then his promotion would be just around the corner.

However, for the sake of caution, the chief constable did not take Yi Xiaochuan's words seriously. After all, if the other party was not a fake official, then the black gauze hat on his head would be completely lost.

In this way, Yi Xiaochuan, who thought he had already won, let the chief constable order people to tie him up, and then they walked towards the Bei Mansion together.

When Yi Xiaochuan and the chief constable arrived at the Bei Mansion, Bei Kai and his party had just finished a comfortable meal, and it was a long time since they had eaten with Beisha and Jiangchen.

Just before Yi Xiaochuan and the others entered the Bei Mansion, Besha and Jiangchen returned to the Scepter World.

"Hello, Lord Bei!" Because the official position displayed by Belo was equal to that of the Chief Constable, when he came in front of the other party, he just performed a slight courtesy, and his tone of voice was also indifferent.

"Captain Wang, I have heard of you for a long time!" Belo did not change his expression and returned the same courtesy to the Chief Constable.

After hearing Belo's answer and seeing the other party's body movements, the Chief Constable immediately felt like kneeling down to worship.

"Lord Bei, excuse me! I'll leave now!" After the Chief Constable confirmed that Belo was a genuine official of the Qin Dynasty, he left the Bei Mansion with his yamen runners and Yi Xiaochuan, who was tied up.

Yes, when the officials in ancient times judged whether a person was a real official, they often observed his speech, behavior and official demeanor, because these qualities could not be imitated by a non-official person.

As a person who had lived in two ancient worlds for more than 200 years, Bello had these qualities of being an official at his fingertips.

"Sir, why did you judge that he was not a fake official after just a few words with Bello?" After being taken to the county magistrate's prison, Yi Xiaochuan, who was tied to a wooden frame, asked the chief constable standing in front of him with a puzzled face.

"Why? Because whether a person is an official or not has a unique temperament, which you ordinary people can never imitate! How about this answer, are you satisfied with this official? Yi Xiaochuan!" The chief constable cracked the whip in his hand.

"Temperament? What temperament? I don't understand!" Yes, no matter how smart Yi Xiaochuan is, as a modern man, he probably can't understand what is the unique temperament of an official.!

In fact, this temperament is also easy to understand, just like the scholars in ancient times, all of them have a kind of bookish air.

Next, the chief constable no longer cared whether Yi Xiaochuan understood or not. He just waved the whip in his hand and kept whipping the other party.

"Ah...ah...ah..." Yi Xiaochuan, who was being whipped, screamed continuously.

Since coming to the Qin Dynasty, after being beaten with a board, Yi Xiaochuan tasted the whip again.

After the chief constable beat Yi Xiaochuan for about a hundred whips, he ordered people to fetch other torture instruments, but just when he was about to use the next torture instrument to "serve" Yi Xiaochuan, a yamen runner came to his side and whispered something in his ear.

"Master Bei is so kind! In this case, I have to give him some face!" After listening to the words of the yamen runner, the chief constable put away some of the torture instruments.

Next, Yi Xiaochuan tasted all the torture instruments except the cruel ones such as red iron and metal sticks.

Yes, Belo spent a little money to let the yamen runner bring a message to the chief constable: Don't leave Yi Xiaochuan with incurable injuries.

Yes, in ancient times, sometimes it was so cruel. As long as the officials said a little, the people in the prison could suffer less. This is commonly known as: a little red for the officials, a thousand drops of blood for the people!

Because of Belo's words, Yi Xiaochuan only stayed in the prison of Pei County for three days and "enjoyed" three days of torture, and then he walked out tremblingly.

During these three days, Yi Xiaochuan not only "enjoyed" a different kind of feeling, but also figured out many things. At this time, he no longer doubted that Bei Luo was a fake Qin official.

Because Yi Xiaochuan felt that Bei Luo must have traveled to this world many years earlier than himself and Gao Yao, and then he got such an official position through his own efforts.

Yes, on the execution ground more than two years ago, Yi Xiaochuan did not notice that Bei Kai and the others followed behind him and Gao Yao and came to this world one after another.

After slowly figuring out these things, Yi Xiaochuan stumbled and moved towards the direction of Lu Mansion!

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