Yi Xiaochuan's actions in the following period of time made Bei Kai and the other two who did not use the Eye of Insight think that he had chosen to be content with the status quo after experiencing a disaster.

However, under the insight of the Eye of Insight, Yi Xiaochuan's true thoughts would become nowhere to hide.

Unexpectedly! Yi Xiaochuan, who has a hidden scumbag attribute, actually thought of pretending to marry Lu Zhi first, and then when the wedding night came, he would let Wen Bang go on his behalf... The following plot is not something that a normal person can think of!

Yes, not only on the wedding night, but every time after marriage, Yi Xiaochuan planned to let Wen Bang go on his behalf with Lu Zhi, and when Lu Zhi became pregnant, he would make this matter public.

That's right, now Yi Xiaochuan no longer has his eyes on Bei Kai and the others. He wants to wear a grassland-colored hat for himself.

And Yi Xiaochuan is self-righteous and thinks: I am respecting the progress of history by doing this. I am simply too great. I am the greatest time traveler in history!

After hearing Yi Xiaochuan's true thoughts, Bei Kai and the others were almost nauseated. How could there be such a dirty person in the world? For this reason, Kaisha suggested to Bello that either don't let Lu Zhi marry Yi Xiaochuan!

"No, Kaisha, Yi Xiaochuan must marry Lu Zhi! However, since he wants to play, I will play with him!" Bello looked at Kaisha in his arms with a smile.

"I know! I hope he can still bear it when the time comes!" As a couple with a tacit understanding, Kaisha saw through Bello's "ghost" idea at a glance.

Because this is the ancient world, the weddings of the sisters Lu Zhi and Lu Su were deliberately staggered by three days. The elder sister married Yi Xiaochuan first, and three days later, the younger sister married Gao Yao.

In order to make the play more realistic, Yi Xiaochuan would go to Lu Zhi every day to say some love words in the few days before the wedding.

When the love words were said to the extreme, Lu Zhi, the tough girl, almost pushed Yi Xiaochuan down in advance.

Although she was not pushed down in advance, Lu Zhi still took the initiative and hugged Yi Xiaochuan to talk about how many children they would have in the future.

"Xiaochuan, we have decided now. We will have two boys and one girl in the future, a total of three children!" After discussing the future, Lu Zhi slowly let go of Yi Xiaochuan.

"Okay! Definitely!" Yi Xiaochuan responded to Lv Zhi with pretended affection.

After leaving Lv Zhi, Yi Xiaochuan left Lv's house directly, and then he went to a thatched house in Pei County and found Wen Bang, who was already in a very poor state.

Since losing the surname Liu, Wen Bang's life has become worse and worse. Just when he was about to starve to death, Yi Xiaochuan appeared very timely, and then he lived on the living supplies that he had been secretly providing.

However, Wen Bang would not be grateful to Yi Xiaochuan for his active assistance. On the contrary, every time he ate a little of his food and used a little of his things, he would hate him more in his heart, but on the surface, he would continue to be brothers with him.

"Brother, do you really plan to let me replace you and do that with your wife?" Wen Bang asked Yi Xiaochuan in disbelief.

"Yes! Big brother, I have something to worry about, so I need you to do it for me!" In order to respect history, Yi Xiaochuan did not hesitate to say that he was a useless man.

"Good brother! As the saying goes, brothers are like hands and feet, and women are like clothes! I will do this for you!" Wen Bang said with a smile.

"Thank you, big brother!" Yi Xiaochuan bowed to Wen Bang, and the other party bowed back.

"Yi Xiaochuan, although I don't know why you did this? But since you took the initiative to give me your wife, I will naturally not be polite! I must let your wife give birth to ten or eight children for me!" Wen Bang spit fiercely at Yi Xiaochuan's back.

Time soon came, the day of Yi Xiaochuan and Lu Zhi's wedding, and the two of them became a legitimate couple under the witness of many elders and villagers.

ToIt was the wedding night, and Yi Xiaochuan immediately made arrangements. He first came to the bridal chamber, uncovered Lu Zhi's veil, and then the two of them drank a cup of wedding wine together.

After drinking the wedding wine, Lu Zhi fainted in Yi Xiaochuan's arms without any signs. Yes, a little bit of knockout drug was put into her cup of wine.

Next, Yi Xiaochuan immediately went to the back door of Lu's mansion and quietly brought Wen Bang, who had been waiting there, to the bridal chamber.

"Brother, everything is up to you!" After Yi Xiaochuan bowed to Wen Bang, he left the bridal chamber without looking back.

"Yi Xiaochuan, you have hurt me so badly! Today, I will get some interest back from your wife!" As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Bang walked towards the couch in the bridal chamber... (Someone said: I really don't want to come to the scene of the dirty villain driving!)

Did Wen Bang really give Lv Zhi to that? The answer is naturally no! With Bei Kai and the other two watching, how could Yi Xiaochuan's plan of stealing the sky and changing the day succeed?

Just now, the plot before Lv Zhi drank the wedding wine was real, but when she and Yi Xiaochuan drank the wedding wine together, all the plots and scenes were illusions created by Bei Kai and the other two!

As for why Bei Kai and the other two had to work together to create an illusion? That's naturally because this illusion is half true and half false!

Yes, Wen Bang did have a romantic affair with a woman tonight, but that woman was just a middle-aged woman that Bei Kai and his partner had found temporarily from a romantic place in Pei County.

For this kind of middle-aged woman, giving her money to have a romantic affair with a man is just her specialty, isn't it?

And why did Bei Kai and his partner work together to create an illusion? Because Belo didn't want his wife to see Wen Bang's body, and conversely, Kesha didn't want her husband to see the body of the middle-aged woman, so the two of them worked together to create an illusion!

That's right, Belo was responsible for Wen Bang's illusion, and Kesha was responsible for the illusion of the middle-aged woman, and after combining the illusions of these two people, it was a very perfect half-true and half-false illusion!

Similarly, tonight, Lü Zhi and Yi Xiaochuan also successfully completed their first baptism on the wedding night with the cooperation of Bei Kai!

As for Yi Xiaochuan's illusion, he was just doing romantic things with his dream lover!

However, when Bei Luo extracted the head portrait of Yi Xiaochuan's dream lover from his illusion, Gao Yao said that this woman was not his biological sister-Gao Lan!

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