It was the familiar space-time tunnel again. At this time, Beikai and his partner were holding hands and walking in a space-time tunnel leading to an unknown world.

As they walked, another fork appeared not far in front of the space-time tunnel. After the last experience, Beikai and his partner chose to ignore the appearance of this fork, and they waved at the fork when they passed by.

But when Beikai and his partner were about to move forward, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the space-time tunnel, and this gust of wind just happened to blow them into the forked tunnel.

"Bero, what did you stop for?" Kaisha asked with some complaints.

"Kesha, you can't blame me for this! Didn't you stop too?" Beikai asked back with his hands spread out.

"Forget it! Now that we are here, we can only move forward. I hope that this time, we will not be taken to the ancient world again!" Yes, after experiencing two ancient worlds in a row, Kaisha also felt a little tired of it.

Therefore, if she goes to the ancient world again, Kaisha may have to choose to "hide" in the small world of the scepter for a long time, just like Bessa and Jiangchen.

"I hope everything goes as you wish!" Bello took Kaisha's hand again, and the two of them moved towards the bifurcation of this space-time tunnel.

As they walked, Beikai and the others discovered something, that is, there were some different rules of power in the bifurcation of this tunnel. They seemed to no longer need to walk, but could use the way of flying. In addition, this tunnel also has its own protection power against all creatures.

So, Beikai and the others both removed their protective films, and then, without any divine power, they floated in the air of this space-time tunnel.

Yes, because of the protective film, Beikai and the others landed at the bottom of this space-time tunnel. Without the protective film, they floated up.

There is only one explanation for the space-time tunnel with its own protection rules. This space-time tunnel should be a man-made technological product.

Since it is a man-made technological product, Besha and Jiangchen can be released from the scepter world.

However, when Besha and Jiangchen came to Beikai and the others, they both felt a little disappointed that they could not experience the space-time tunnel that was not created by humans.

"Okay, stop complaining, let's fly forward together!" Bello comforted the emotions of Besha and Jiangchen.

"Forget it, although it is not a real space-time tunnel, it is not bad to experience the feeling of flying!" Jiangchen comforted himself.

"Mom, Dad, Sister Jiangchen, there seems to be someone in front!" Besha, who was flying, suddenly pointed to the front of the time-space tunnel.

Since it is a man-made time-space tunnel, it is not surprising that someone is traveling through time and space. However, when the Bekai family gradually approached the person in front, they all stopped at the same time.

Yes, the person flying in front is, to be precise, a girl, but she has no breath of life.

"Yes, a bionic robot!" The Bekai family said so in unison.

Since it is a bionic robot, there are only two possibilities for the other party. Either she is traveling through time and space by herself, or she is controlled by someone to travel through time and space. But no matter which situation it is, it needs to be treated with caution.

Therefore, the Bekai family chose to put themselves in stealth mode in the next period of time.

Next, the invisible Bekay family split into two groups and flew to the left and right sides of the bionic robot. They saw that the robot was beautifully designed, with a red leather jacket, leather pants and leather boots, and long black hair.

This bionic robot was designed to look like this, which means that it must have come from the modern civilized world. Therefore, the Bekay family was secretly proud and happy. This time, they finally didn't have to go to the ancient world.

And in the hearts of Besha and Jiangchen, what they can think of now is to go to the modern civilized world and go on an unrestrained and crazy shopping spree!

The Bekay family and this bionic machineThe two people flew side by side, and a white light appeared in front of the space-time tunnel. It seemed that the exit of the space-time tunnel was close at hand.

When the bionic robot fell from the space-time tunnel, it imitated the landing method of Iron Man and landed on the ground outside very beautifully. Then, the Bekai family followed closely and landed behind the bionic robot in the same way.

However, as soon as the Bekai family landed, they all discovered that the current world environment did not meet the standards of modern civilization at all. This should be a world of ancient civilization.

However, soon, the Bekai family was attracted by two humanoid creatures with really strange looks, because their appearance was very consistent with the image of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie in "Journey to the West".

A monkey holding a golden stick, isn't this Sun Wukong? A fat man with a pig face holding a nine-toothed rake, isn't this Zhu Bajie?

Oh my gosh! Did the Bekai family follow the bionic robot and travel to the world of Journey to the West?

When the two people who looked like Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie were waiting for battle, a humanoid creature who looked like a monster came into everyone's sight with a group of weird people who were really a group of demons.

At this time, some green characters flashed in the eyes of the bionic robot, and then she began to read the personal information of these humanoid creatures.

Kaisha used the Eye of Insight to easily invade the brain of this bionic robot, and then the Bekai family heard a mechanized female voice like this:

Scanning object: Sun Wukong, also known as the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, the Monkey King, occupation-bodyguard, estimated strength is level nine!

Scanning object: Zhu Bajie, also known as Marshal Tianpeng and Zhu Ganglie, occupation-bodyguard, visual strength is level five!

Scanning object: Huangmei Dawang, also known as Huangmei Tongzi and Huangmei Laofo, occupation-mountain king, visual strength is level six!

Scanning object: Several little demons, no specific names, occupation-thugs, visual strength ranges from level one to level four!

After listening to the voices of the bionic robot, the Beikai family all felt dizzy at the same time. They actually followed each other and came to the world of Journey to the West together.

But in the next second, something happened. The situation turned around. Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie did not pay attention to Huangmei Dawang and those little demons, but flew over and greeted the bionic robot. And they both called each other's name accurately: Silly girl!

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