However, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie knew this bionic robot, Silly Girl, but the other party did not seem to know them.

"Silly Girl, why did you come alone? Where is your brother Xiaoqian? Didn't he come with you? Did you two have a quarrel?" Zhu Bajie asked Silly Girl kindly.

"Zhu Bajie, why do you know me?" Silly Girl asked mechanically.

"Brother Monkey, Silly Girl is not really stupid! She doesn't even recognize me, Old Pig!" Zhu Bajie asked Sun Wukong beside him with a smile.

"Stupid, this matter is a bit out of scope! She doesn't seem to recognize me, Old Sun!" Sun Wukong was scratching his head.

When Sun Wukong, Silly Girl and Zhu Bajie were chatting, the Beikai family, who were in the invisible state, seemed a little "petrified".

What is going on? How come there are words full of modern civilization in the mouths of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie? Yes, from time to time, they would say one or two exclusive words of modern civilization!

Oh my! Is this still the real Journey to the West? At this moment, the Beikai family was really looking at each other in bewilderment!

Just when Sun Wukong, Shanu and Zhu Bajie were still chatting there, the Yellow Eyebrow King led a group of little demons and rushed straight towards them.

"You yellow skin, why are you in such a hurry? I won't beat you first, I'll clean up these little things first!" Seeing this, Zhu Bajie waved the nine-toothed rake in his hand and rushed among the little demons.

When Zhu Bajie went to fight with the little demons, Sun Wukong flew straight to the Yellow Eyebrow King, and the two of them fought in a dark scene.

Facing the battle between Sun Wukong, the Yellow Eyebrow King and Zhu Bajie, Silly Girl just stood there quietly. Although she kept the same expression, the Beikai family could see that the other party was collecting everyone's battle data.

"Mechanized behavior pattern, not taking the initiative to act, she is 100% controlled by someone!" The invisible Kaisha circled around Silly Girl.

"I don't care whether she is controlled by someone! I am only curious about two things now. One is whether this is the real Journey to the West world? Second, why do Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie know her?" The invisible Belo was also looking at Silly Girl seriously.

"The little princess and I are more concerned about how Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie know some knowledge of modern civilization?" Jiang Chen said this for himself and Bessa.

"Bero, I scanned her database. She really doesn't know Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, but she was invented by scientists in 2060... a super smart phone!" Kaisha couldn't believe it. Such a lifelike bionic robot is just a mobile phone.

"Oh my god! This world is too crazy! Mobile phones are designed like this! But I really like it!" As soon as the voice fell, Bessa wanted to go forward and hug the silly girl, but fortunately Jiang Chen pulled her back in time.

"So that's it, I almost understand what's going on!" Bessa suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of some time and space theories.

For example, A and B don't know each other. On the first day, A used time and space to travel and came to meet B on the third day.

Next, after the two people got to know each other, A traveled through time and space and returned to the first day. On the second day, he met B again. At this time, A knew B, but B did not know A.

Therefore, the scene between Sun Wukong, Shanu and Zhu Bajie is similar to the above situation.

"It means that Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie have been to the modern world of this world! Two mythological characters, going to the modern world, it's very interesting to think about it!" Jiang Chen laughed so hard that he could hardly close his mouth.

"I also think it's very interesting. I think that in the current situation, the three of them have not yet fully known each other!"

"In other words, the plot of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie going to the modern world is something that has already happened in their memories, but in Shanu's memory, it has not happened yet! Therefore, we still have a chance to witness this scene with our own eyes!"

Yes, Kaisha paced in front of Shanu and said this..

"Wow! I'm really looking forward to this scene!" Bessa said so while jumping up and down. At the same time, her eyes were always on Silly Girl.

Just as the Beikai family surrounded Silly Girl and discussed some possible plots in the future, Sun Wukong had defeated the Yellow Eyebrow King, but he did not kill him, but only made him temporarily lose his combat power and mobility.

Then, when Zhu Bajie defeated the little demons of the Yellow Eyebrow King, he said again: If it weren't for surviving this disaster, I, the old pig, would not play house with you here!

Needless to say, Zhu Bajie, who has been to the modern world, has probably read the book "Journey to the West" or related film and television dramas. He knows clearly that the entire journey to the West is a trick of the Buddhist crossing to the East!

"Silly girl, how are you? Is your brother Pig's skills better than before?" After beating the little demons, Zhu Bajie came to Silly Girl again.

"Silly girl, you have been here for so long, you should go back soon! Otherwise, your brother Xiao Qian will be anxious! It seems that he will not be too anxious. Anyway, no matter how long you stay here, when you go back, only a little time will have passed!" Sun Wukong scratched his head while speaking in front of Silly Girl.

At this time, in a super smartphone R&D center in 2060, the scientists who were responsible for the development of Silly Girl were like ants on a hot pot.

Yes, when they found out that Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie actually knew Silly Girl, they had already called up a lot of relevant information, but all of them were fruitless.

Not only that, they also found that Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie actually knew Silly Girl a little better than some of them.

"Dr. Cheng, why bother with so much? It's rare to meet the legendary Monkey King! Why don't I give it a try to see how strong the Monkey King is?" As soon as the words fell, the experimenter named Wang began to operate the instrument in front of him. He was ready to control Silly Girl and fight against Sun Wukong.

"Xiao Wang, you have to..." Seeing this, Dr. Cheng just reminded her to pay attention to Silly Girl's energy consumption at any time, but he did not stop her from wanting to fight against Sun Wukong.

"Received the order!" After Xiao Wang entered Silly Girl's control program, Silly Girl attacked Sun Wukong mercilessly!

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