When the Yellow Eyebrow King was knocked back by him, Wang Tianba flew away quickly and wisely.

However, when Wang Tianba flew out, less than 50 meters away, the Yellow Eyebrow King came right in front of him.

The Yellow Eyebrow King kicked Wang Tianba again, and then the opponent lost his fighting power.

Just when the Yellow Eyebrow King wanted to kick Wang Tianba again, Lu Xiaoqian came in front of them under the cover of Chief Zhou and more than 20 police officers.

Next, under the coercion of Chief Zhou, Wang Tianba reluctantly returned the silly girl to Lu Xiaoqian, and then Lu Xiaoqian fought with the Yellow Eyebrow King.

In the past, when fighting side by side with Lu Xiaoqian, Silly Girl had reminded him more than once that if he wanted to bring out the full power of the magic phone, he had to become a video game expert.

Therefore, during this period of recuperation, Lu Xiaoqian would play fighting video games whenever he had time. For this reason, he was able to fight back and forth with the damaged version of the Yellow Eyebrow King. Yes, the previous Wang Tianba had more or less consumed part of the opponent's mana.

"A man should be looked at with new eyes after three days of absence! Lu Xiaoqian, your strength has improved again, but now I know that you rely on that mobile phone called Silly Girl!" The Yellow Eyebrow King teased Lu Xiaoqian while fighting against him.

While Lu Xiaoqian was fighting with the Yellow Eyebrow King, he was recalling the special moves he had used in video games. He transformed Silly Girl's character attack into the wave punch in the Street Fighter game.

Then a spherical green energy wave flew out from Lu Xiaoqian's hands and quickly went to the chest of the Yellow Eyebrow King.

"I'm a jerk..." Seeing this, the Yellow Eyebrow King subconsciously used his hands to block the energy wave sent by Lu Xiaoqian.

When the energy wave hit the Yellow Eyebrow King's hands, the opponent immediately flew back four or five meters. Then, Lu Xiaoqian took advantage of the victory and used more fighting skills in the game.

I don't know if it was because of the injury protection period, but Lu Xiaoqian, who had returned from studying, actually suppressed the Yellow Eyebrow King in the next few rounds.

Seeing the bad situation, the Yellow Eyebrow King flew into the air and took out his magic weapon - the human race bag. Then Lu Xiaoqian was gradually sucked into the air from the ground by the magic power of the human race bag.

At this time, the police officers who were responsible for "watching the show" finally played their due role. Police Chief Zhou raised his pistol and fired directly at the human race bag in the hand of the Yellow Eyebrow King.

Then, a magical scene happened. The human race bag, which was an acquired spiritual treasure, was actually shot through by a bullet. Then the human race bag with a bullet hole naturally lost its due magic power. Lu Xiaoqian, who was half sucked up, fell back to the ground from the air.

After seeing this scene, Bei Kai and the other two who were watching the show in the company and at home could only shake their heads slightly. After all, in this world, even Sun Wukong's golden hoop was weakened beyond belief, so it seemed understandable that the human race bag would be shot through by bullets.

However, the bullet that shot through the human race bag did not seem to be an ordinary bullet. It should be a special bullet, and this kind of bullet was specially made by these police teas after studying the content of "Journey to the West" to deal with the Yellow Eyebrow King.

From this point of view, the words that Chief Zhou said to Lu Xiaoqian in the previous ward were really not groundless polite words. They were really studying how to deal with the Yellow Eyebrow King!

When the human race bag was shot through, the Yellow Eyebrow King turned and flew away directly from the sight of everyone.

When the Yellow Eyebrow King left, a flame and a whirlwind suddenly appeared in front of Lu Xiaoqian and others.

Yes, when Lu Xiaoqian was fighting the Yellow Eyebrow King, in addition to Beikai and the other two watching the show from a distance, the sisters Besha and Jiangchen were also watching the battle in an invisible state not far from the scene.

And this time, the sudden appearance of the two of them was naturally to verify whether the bullet that shot through the human race bag could break the defense of the Five Elements Armor!

When the fireAfter the flame and the whirlwind disappeared, Flame Dragon Knight-Besha and Wind Eagle Knight-Jiangchen appeared in front of Lu Xiaoqian and others.

Today, Besha and Jiangchen have confirmed that they can no longer make their own sounds after putting on the armor. They can only make the original sound of the armor in the armor form.

Therefore, Flame Dragon Knight-Besha openly told Chief Officer Zhou that she and Wind Eagle Knight-Jiangchen were here to verify whether the special bullets could break the armor's defense!

Faced with such a request, Chief Officer Zhou raised his pistol after serious consideration and fired a shot at the armor wrist guards of Flame Dragon Knight-Besha and Wind Eagle Knight-Jiangchen respectively.

When this special bullet hit the sisters' armor wrist guards, only a shallow white mark was left, and then in less than a minute, the white mark was automatically repaired.

After Xiaoyu's data analysis, this special bullet, unless 89,500 bullets are fired at the same position on the armor at the same time within one second, it will not leave a clear bullet hole on the armor!

After verifying the power of the special bullet, Bessa and Jiangchen sisters removed their armor forms in front of Lu Xiaoqian and others. That's right, after a flame and a whirlwind flashed out of thin air, the two of them disappeared from everyone's sight.

When Lu Xiaoqian "defeated" the Yellow Eyebrow King for the first time, You Suowei suddenly noticed the existence of Silly Girl and Yellow Eyebrow.

For this reason, You Suowei specially prepared one million in cash and planned to buy back the silly girl from Lu Xiaoqian.

As a result, when the deal was about to be concluded, Lu Xiaoqian suddenly regretted it again. Then, as a true gentleman, You Suowei did not go to embarrass the other party for this.

Just to mention one more thing, after Belo dealt with Manager Bai, he went to find You Suowei and expressed his sincere apologies to the other party on behalf of his employees. Then the two of them sat together and seriously negotiated a new food procurement contract.

In addition, in this new food procurement contract, You Suowei gave Belo the maximum 30% order discount that Eric Food Company could offer!

Then, in the face of such a sincere You Suowei, Belo also generously promised the other party the cooperation period of this contract, that is, unless one of the companies went bankrupt first, the validity of this food procurement contract would be completely terminated!

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