After failing to buy Silly Girl from Lu Xiaoqian, You Suowei turned his attention to Huang Mei Da Wang.

As Huang Mei Da Wang, who was still inexperienced in modern society, soon regarded You Suowei, who deliberately approached him, as his confidant.

After getting to know each other thoroughly, You Suowei handed Huang Mei Da Wang a copy of the original work of Journey to the West and a work on the interpretation of Journey to the West.

After Huang Mei Da Wang finished reading these two works, he thoroughly understood that the so-called Tang Monk's journey to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures was actually a self-directed and self-acted trick of the Buddhist crossing to the East.

And even the fact that Huang Mei Da Wang would become an obstacle on the way to the West was deliberately done by his master, the Buddha from the East.

And his ending was that after being beaten up by Tang Seng's three disciples, he was taken back by the "taking advantage" Buddha from the East to be a boy again. In other words, Huang Mei Da Wang worked in vain from beginning to end!

After Huang Mei Da Wang finished reading these two works, You Suowei asked him a very soul-hitting question: Do you still want to return to your Little Western Paradise?

Huang Mei Da Wang, who had learned some modern vocabulary, answered without thinking: What Little Western Paradise would I return to!

When Huang Mei Da Wang made up his mind not to return to Little Western Paradise, he followed You Suowei back to another residence of the other party in Beizhixing, and from that moment on, he officially changed his name to Huang Mei.

After staying in the residence for three days, Huang Mei took the initiative to find You Suowei, claiming that he would not accept rewards without merit, so he wanted to do something for the other party within his ability.

Seeing Huang Mei volunteering, You Suowei was overjoyed and took him to the raw material warehouse of Eric Food Company.

And on the way to the warehouse, You Suowei, under the leadership of Huang Mei, experienced the feeling of flying faster than the plane.

Wait, humans fly faster than planes! For this reason, as an ordinary person, wouldn't You Suowei be scratched by the huge airflow in the air? You know, even if it is a metal plane, it will be scratched by these huge airflows during flight. Part of its metal shell!

In addition, even when Huang Mei fell from the earth's atmosphere to the ground, his clothes were burned into tatters by the friction in the atmosphere. In this way, is it possible that you, You Suowei, are more powerful than Huang Mei?

In this regard, the two people who were responsible for eating melons and watching the show, Bei Kai, said: This You Suowei, could it be one of the male protagonists of this world! So there must be some kind of law power protecting the other party!

After arriving at the raw material warehouse, Huang Mei, under the instruction of You Suowei, put all the goods of Eric Food Company into the repaired human bag.

After collecting all the goods, Huang Mei took You Suowei and returned to Eric's warehouse by flying.

After this round of tossing and turning, You Suowei's monthly transportation cost was directly reduced by about one million yuan. For this reason, he gave Huang Mei a salary of 200,000 yuan per month.

After coming into contact with soft sister RMB many times, Huang Mei gradually learned that the soft sister RMB he had used his magic power to transform before were all fake, and it was no wonder that they could not pass the money detector in this world.

After having money in his pocket, Huang Mei's quality of life was significantly improved, and then the flattering Xiao Wu naturally came to him.

After relying on Huang Mei, Xiao Wu brought Wang Tianba and Sun Feiyan back to be their servants.

Now Wang Tianba, in addition to daily cleaning, is also responsible for serving Huang Mei to wash her feet.

When Sun Feiyan saw Wang Tianba being so humble, she actually had the idea of ​​trying to curry favor with Huang Mei.

"Sun Feiyan, listen to me, I am a disciple of the Buddha from the East, and I will not fall into the world easily! Therefore, you should put away your little thoughts! From now on, you just need to cook every meal for me!" Huang Mei stopped Sun Feiyan in time, and she wanted to take a step further against herself.

"Kesha, I didn't expect this Huang Mei to be so principled!" On the other side, in the Bei family's villa, Belo was also serving Kesha to wash her feet, but it was not just a simple foot wash.Instead, they both sat in the bathtub.

"Bero, listen carefully! He said that he would not fall into the mortal world easily! What he meant was that if the conditions were right, he might still fall in love with a girl in the mortal world!" Kaisha keenly grasped a loophole in Huang Mei's words.

"Oh my! It's true! Forget it, anyway, the world view of Journey to the West in this plane is not 100% in accordance with the original plot of the novel! Therefore, even if Huang Mei really falls into the mortal world in the future, we will just treat him as a little bit of spice in life!"

While talking, Bero had already washed Kaisha's pair of fragrant jade feet.

"So? I'm a little curious now, what kind of girl would walk into Huang Mei's inner world?" Kaisha stood up straight from the bathtub.

"Keisha, wait a minute, I suddenly have a very bold idea!" As soon as the voice fell, Bello also stood up from the bathtub.

Then Bello used his spiritual sense to detect and search for some information that might be more interesting.

"Keisha, your intuition is really accurate! After my spiritual sense exploration just now, I really found a large village called Huangjia Village near the outskirts of Beizhixing!"

After retracting his spiritual sense, Bello hugged Keisha's slender waist from behind.

Next, from Bello's description, Keisha learned some basic information about Huangjia Village, and the most important information was that in this Huangjia Village, almost all the villagers love to eat chicken to the point of madness.

That's right, it's literally love to eat chicken, not like playing a popular game, and in order to get the first-hand source of chicken, in this Huangjia Village, the main industry of almost every household is to open a chicken farm.

And their village chief, Huang Dafa, was elected as the contemporary patriarch and village chief by the villagers because he opened hundreds of chicken farms. As the village chief, he also provides 20 high-quality large broilers for each household every month for free!

You may ask, aren't they just a group of villagers who like to eat chicken? What kind of relationship can these people have with Huang Mei? But don't forget, what is the original form of Huang Mei's monster? It is a real weasel who likes to eat chicken the most!

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