The power of the law of time and space was deliberately done, and it really reached the extreme point. When Lu Xiaoqian was injured, You Suowei, Huang Mei and others actually took the initiative to ignore the fact that the other party had not come out of the school.

And Xiao Chuchu, who cared about Lu Xiaoqian the most, fell ill at the critical moment when she was about to return to school.

In addition, when Lu Xiaoqian was hit by the pillar at the same time, Silly Girl not only turned off her phone automatically, but also fell out of the other party's pocket.

Therefore, when the heavy rain ended, the direct sunlight immediately shone on Silly Girl.

Yes, ordinary sunlight cannot charge Silly Girl. Only direct sunlight can charge her. In other words, Silly Girl can only get energy from the sunlight under the condition of exposure.

When Silly Girl got enough energy from the sun, she turned on the machine by herself. Before turning on the machine, the system had repeatedly warned her that if Silly Girl turned on the machine by herself without the master's power-on command, she would be consumed. This was the last time she violated the rules.

But in order to be able to go to Lu Xiaoqian, who was already in critical condition, for timely treatment, Silly Girl still chose to turn on the machine by herself without hesitation.

After seeing the plot of Silly Girl turning on the machine by herself on the virtual screen, the faces of the Beikai family all showed an expression of "as expected".

Yes, for the Beikai family, there is no need to guess the next plot: Silly Girl will definitely turn off the machine due to some accident and become a crystal doll, and will never be able to turn on the machine again, and then Lu Xiaoqian will continue to regret and reminisce!

In addition, it was inevitable that Lu Xiaoqian would lose and regain Silly Girl. In this way, the two of them had experienced a near-real separation of life and death.

This time, Silly Girl didn't need to speak, Lu Xiaoqian already knew that the other party's self-starting must have consumed the number of times the other party violated the rules.

Therefore, when Lu Xiaoqian had nothing to do, he would take Silly Girl to sunbathe. At night, he would let Silly Girl keep the mobile phone in the form and stand under the illumination of ten table lamps.

But day and night, accidents always come, and this accident was brought by Dongzi and Sun Feiyan who suddenly returned.

Without the help of the magic phone, how did Dongzi and Sun Feiyan come back from ancient times? According to what they said, two months ago, they were suddenly brought from ancient times to a modern island by a gust of wind, and just yesterday, another gust of wind suddenly appeared and brought them to the outskirts of Beizhixing!

What kind of wind is so strange? In the eyes of Beikai's family, they naturally know that this must be the same kind of strong wind in the time-space tunnel! And all this is naturally the work of the power of the law of time and space!

"Xiao Qian, please! Just lend us Silly Girl!" Sun Feiyan bowed to Lu Xiaoqian again and again.

Yes, in order to avenge You Suowei, Dongzi and Sun Feiyan came to Lu Xiaoqian to borrow Silly Girl.

Faced with Sun Feiyan's pleading, Lu Xiaoqian naturally would not agree, but when the two of them were arguing, Dongzi quietly took Silly Girl in the form of a mobile phone away.

Dongzi is indeed a computer genius. He actually invented a suitcase and put Silly Girl in it. In the suitcase, there is no light source. In addition, Silly Girl cannot switch to the form of a real person in the box.

"Dongzi, I really didn't lie to you. If Silly Girl turns off her phone again, she won't be able to turn it on again! I beg you to let her out quickly!" This time, it was Lu Xiaoqian's turn to beg Dongzi and Sun Feiyan.

"Lu Xiaoqian, do you think I will believe the lies you made up? To be honest, although Feiyan and I hate You Suowei, we also hate you and Silly Girl a little! After all, if it weren't for Silly Girl's appearance, many things would not have happened after this!" Dongzi said to Lu Xiaoqian with some gritted teeth.

That's right, strictly speaking, if Silly Girl didn't appear in this era, Dongzi and Sun Feiyan would not have been sent to ancient times by You Suowei to suffer. Therefore, it is understandable that they would hate Silly Girl.

"I really didn't lie to you. Everything I just said is true!" In order to save Silly Girl, Lu Xiaoqian gave Dongzi and Sun Feiyan a lot of money.Dongzi and Sun Feiyan knelt down.

"Brother Dong, I think what he said seems to be true!" Facing Lu Xiaoqian who looked sincere, Sun Feiyan felt some sympathy.

"Feiyan, don't be soft-hearted! Lu Xiaoqian must be lying to us!" Dongzi remained unmoved.

In order to win Dongzi's trust, Lu Xiaoqian told the other party the power-on password of Silly Girl after careful consideration.

As a result, after Dongzi got Silly Girl's power-on password, he took out Silly Girl, and after he said the password, he let Silly Girl enter the shutdown state.

"Brother Xiaoqian, I..." Silly Girl looked at Lu Xiaoqian with tears in her eyes, and really-reluctantly started the shutdown program.

"Lu Xiaoqian, whether what you just said is true or false, it can be verified immediately!" Dongzi looked at Lu Xiaoqian and Silly Girl with a proud face.

"Brother Xiaoqian, Silly Girl can't accompany you anymore. You must take care of yourself! Silly Girl belongs to you forever!"

After saying these words of confession, Silly Girl changed from a real person to a crystal doll little by little in front of Lu Xiaoqian's heartbroken expression.

"Silly Girl!!! I love you, I love you, I love you..." Lu Xiaoqian picked up the crystal doll and desperately told Silly Girl's power-on password, but the other party no longer had any reaction.

"Brother Dong, what Xiaoqian said is true! What should we do?" Seeing Lu Xiaoqian crying heartbreakingly, Sun Feiyan panicked all of a sudden.

"Feiyan, let's go, let's go quickly!" At this time, Dongzi also knew that he had caused trouble, so he took Sun Feiyan and left quickly while Lu Xiaoqian was heartbroken.

Yes, Dongzi had never taken Lu Xiaoqian's words seriously, so he had deliberately done such and such things before. After everything was confirmed to be true, he immediately realized that Lu Xiaoqian would never let him off easily.

When You Suowei learned about the incident, he wanted to atone for his sins, so he took Dongzi and Sun Feiyan to another property of his own and provided temporary shelter for Dongyan and the others!

Wait, doesn't Silly Girl have the ability to switch herself into character data and escape from Huang Mei's Jin Rao? Is the suitcase invented by Dongzi more powerful than Jin Rao? As for this situation, the Beikai family knew about it, and all this was secretly operated by the power of the law of time and space!

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