However, what no one expected was that after losing Silly Girl, Lu Xiaoqian did not go to trouble Dongzi and Sun Feiyan. He just took the crystal doll with him and lived a mechanized life like an empty shell every day.

Yes, the so-called mechanized life means that Lu Xiaoqian will not do anything other than work, eating, sleeping and going to the bathroom.

At this time, Father Lu and Mother Lu finally knew that their son was the No. 1 Flying Man. At the same time, they also knew about the emotional entanglement between Lu Xiaoqian, Silly Girl, and Xiao Chuchu.

"Xiaoqian, Chuchu went to teach because of you and Silly Girl! How could I have a son like you?" Father Lu, who was getting more and more angry, grabbed something handy and hit Lu Xiaoqian hard.

After being beaten by Father Lu, Lu Xiaoqian didn't even make a sound. Now he is in a state of grief.

On the other hand, You Suowei and Hua Mei had their first quarrel after marriage.

You Suowei wanted to take out 500 million to compensate Dongzi and Sun Feiyan for the sin of suffering for five years in ancient times, but Hua Mei firmly opposed it. Her husband took out so much money for compensation, and her bottom line was only 20 million.

No matter how Hua Mei threw a tantrum, You Suowei insisted on his own opinion and took 500 million to compensate Dongzi and Sun Feiyan.

However, when You Suowei came to the residence of Dongyan and Sun Feiyan, they had already left without saying goodbye, and when You Suowei used the prince to search, he could not find any trace of Dongyan and Sun Feiyan.

In desperation, You Suowei took 500 million again and went to find Dongzi's parents. As a result, the two old people only accepted 100 million in compensation.

Although only 100 million was "lost", Eric was a bit hurt. For this reason, Hua Mei, who managed the company, was very busy for a long time.

Every night, when Hua Mei returned home, she would vent all her anger on You Suowei, who came home after working as a flyer.

Finally one day, Hua Mei did not even go to the company, and she was at home, blocking You Suowei who wanted to work as a flyer, and did not let him go out.

"Brother You, you should learn from Lu Xiaoqian. You should give up your identity as a flyer and come back to manage the company!" Hua Mei persuaded You Suowei with reason and evidence.

Yes, although there was the support of the prince's copywriting, Hua Mei was still a long way behind You Suowei when she was managing the company, and managing the company was not her ideal life. Her ideal life was the life of a rich lady like Kesha.

"Hua Mei, Lu Xiaoqian can no longer be a flying man! Therefore, I have the responsibility to carry the banner of the flying man team! Listen to me..." You Suowei also said this to Hua Mei with a sense of justice.

That's right, compared with the management company, being a full-time flying man is You Suowei's biggest dream, a dream of becoming a chivalrous and righteous man, like a chivalrous knight in the rivers and lakes. Therefore, he will not easily give up the identity of a flying man.

After a fruitless persuasion, the next day, Hua Mei did something that would make her regret it. She took advantage of You Suowei's inattention and unplugged the charger of the prince who was charging.

Hua Mei's original intention was to make You Suowei look bad a little, so that the other party would feel a little disgusted with the identity of a flying man.

But the result was that in this action of You Suowei, he encountered a group of vicious criminals.

When the prince's phone prompted that the battery was low, You Suowei really wanted to flee.

"The flying man is not in good condition today. Brothers, let's see today whether the flying man is immortal?" The leading gangster, with his brothers, desperately chased after You Suowei.

After You Suowei flew out, about one kilometer later, the prince's phone was completely turned off. After a while, the gangsters chased him with knives.

After losing the support of the prince, You Suowei could only defeat two or three gangsters at most. In the end, under the siege of the gangsters, he was chopped and fainted.

When You Suowei opened his eyes, he found himself in a very strange room, but at this moment, the wounds on his body had been bandaged.Well, in addition, the Prince on the bedside table is also fully charged.

"Fight against piracy!" You Suowei said the power-on password to the Prince, but the Prince did not respond.

"It turns out that the Prince's password is so simple that the three of us have been guessing for a whole night!" When You Suowei said the power-on password of the Prince for the second time, Sun Feiyan and Dongzi appeared in front of him.

In You Suowei's shock, Dongzi took out a mobile phone that was exactly the same as the Prince. Yes, this one was the real Prince, and the Prince in You Suowei's hand was a fake.

"Fight against piracy!" After Dongzi started the Prince, he took Sun Feiyan and flew straight away from You Suowei.

When Dongyan and the others flew about five kilometers away, they were blown down from the air by a sudden black wind.

When Dong Yan and the other two landed, the black wind turned into Mr. Fan in front of them.

"Is this what I taught you? Can you take other people's things casually?" Mr. Fan stretched out his right hand to Dong Yan and the other two.

Under Mr. Fan's soft threat, Dong Zi reluctantly handed over the prince.

A quarter of an hour later, Mr. Fan came to You Suowei with the prince, and he returned the prince to him with a smile.

"Who are you?" You Suowei was keenly aware that the Mr. Fan in front of him was definitely not the Mr. Fan in his impression.

"You are worthy of being the second flying man! You saw through my identity so quickly!" As soon as the voice fell, Mr. Fan turned into a bull-headed monster in front of You Suowei.

Next, during the conversation between the two, the bull-headed monster told You Suowei that he was the Bull Demon King, and that he had come to the modern world with Shanu and Huang Mei.

"Sister, you lost. He is the Bull Demon King, not the Green Bull Demon!" After seeing everything through the virtual light screen, Besha said to Jiang Chen beside her.

"I will accept the defeat, sister, I will let you punish me later!" Jiang Chen sighed softly.

After a few minutes, Besha took Jiang Chen back to her bedroom, and she was going to punish the other party.

"Kesha, you lost again!" When Besha and Jiang Chen left the living room, Belo said to Kesha.

"Okay! I will accept the defeat, you can punish me however you want!" Kesha stretched out her arms to Belo.

There were no secrets between Belo and Keisha anymore, and they had done everything together. So, after thinking for a while, Bello picked up Keisha and went to their bedroom to carry out tonight's compulsory lessons in advance!

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