When Lu Dongyu learned the whole truth of the matter, he kept a series of apologies to Professor Lu.

"Okay! Dongyu, everything is over, you don't need to blame yourself! Oh, Xiaocao, let's leave! Lu Xiaoqian and Shanu will be here soon!" When he said the second half of the sentence, Professor Lu's face suddenly tightened.

"Dad, how do you know?" Lu Dongyu asked with a puzzled look.

"My child is sometimes quite silly and cute!" Xiaocao said to Lu Dongyu half-jokingly on behalf of Professor Lu, and then the fake couple left together.

When Professor Lu and Xiaocao disappeared completely, Lu Dongyu once again realized that Professor Lu had personally experienced all the past events, so he seemed so omniscient!

About five minutes later, Lu Xiaoqian and Shanu came to Lu Dongyu hand in hand, but when they were about to get close to each other, they let go of each other's hands.

Next, Lu Dongyu expressed his deep apologies to Lu Xiaoqian and Shanu, but he concealed the fact that he was not Lu Xiaoqian's biological son.

After the three of them chatted for a while, they went to look for Ma Lei's traces together.

I wonder if Ma Lei's mortal enemy took action? When Lu Xiaoqian and the other two found Ma Lei at the same time, the other party also happened to find the whereabouts of the space-time array!

After seeing Lu Xiaoqian and the other two coming, Ma Lei first released a superpower to fix the space-time array, and then he decided to take the space-time array for himself after getting rid of Shanu and the other two.

In the first round of battle, both sides released a high-tech metal creature to attack each other. Ma Lei's metal creature was a black phoenix, and the one released by Shanu and the other two was a silver dragon.

When the phoenix and the dragon were fighting each other, Ma Lei, Lu Xiaoqian, Shanu and Lu Dongyu were all injured to varying degrees. Yes, these two metal creatures seemed to be connected to their lives.

After a shocking fight, the dragon finally defeated the black phoenix with a slight advantage.

When the phoenix was defeated by the dragon, Ma Lei's face became not very good, and Lu Xiaoqian and Lu Dongyu spit out a mouthful of bright red. As for Shanu, on the surface, she seemed to be fine, but her internal organs were damaged.

After a short break, the two sides started the second round of fighting. This time, they all fought in person. Ma Lei was the first to turn into a huge skeleton man. Then, Lu Xiaoqian and the other two transformed into many clones, and then together formed a tall tricolor giant.

The next battle was a pure bloody fight. The tricolor giant and the skeleton man were fighting each other with fists. However, compared with Ma Lei's recklessness, Lu Xiaoqian and the other two had to change their positions on the giant at any time to avoid being hit head-on by the opponent.

But as the saying goes, no matter how much defense you take, there will always be mistakes. Lu Dongyu's body was hit by a punch from the skeleton man first, and then the tricolor giant's hands and feet really fell apart.

After Lu Xiaoqian and Shanu adjusted themselves again, the tricolor giant's body became shorter.

The shorter tricolor giant began to be suppressed by the skeleton man, and this situation continued until Lu Dongyu rejoined the battle to ease the situation.

In this way, after Ma Lei discovered his weakness, the tricolor giant's body shrank again and again in the following fight, but he quickly recovered again.

And Lu Xiaoqian, Shanu and Lu Dongyu, no matter how serious their injuries were, the three of them stood up again and again like indestructible cockroaches.

After a long battle, Ma Lei's inner world began to fluctuate greatly. Slowly, he had the idea of ​​destroying the space-time array if he couldn't get it.

When this idea was confirmed, the skeleton man used a super move on the tricolor giant.

Under the attack of this super move, the bodies of Lu Xiaoqian and Lu Dongyu were actually knocked out of the body of the three-colored giant at the same time. Then, the body of the three-colored giant became shorter than ever before.

Taking advantage of this gap, Mare left a skeleton manThe shell was empty, and then he flew to the location of the time-space array, and then he took out the new jade pendant.

That's right, as long as this new jade pendant is inserted into the interior of the time-space array, the time-space array will be completely destroyed.

When Lu Xiaoqian and Lu Dongyu had not completely recovered, Silly Girl had already discovered Ma Lei's intention, so she quickly flew up to stop him.

Silly Girl tried her best to stop Ma Lei's behavior with one hand, and to remove the "fixation" of the time-space array with the other hand. When these two things were done, Silly Girl's energy was about to fall into a state of exhaustion.

When Ma Lei watched the time-space array disappear again, he transferred his anger to Lu Xiaoqian and Lu Dongyu. So, after getting rid of Silly Girl's entanglement, he rushed over desperately and wanted to kill the other two.

Just when Ma Lei's hand was about to touch Lu Xiaoqian and Lu Dongyu, the almost dying Silly Girl flew over and entangled Ma Lei like a "last gasp".

When Silly Girl looked at Lu Xiaoqian with deep affection, she stabbed the new jade pendant into Ma Lei's body.

Then, accompanied by a violent explosion and strong light, the figures of Silly Girl and Ma Lei disappeared from the front of Lu Xiaoqian and Lu Dongyu.

"Silly Girl!!!" Lu Xiaoqian and Lu Dongyu shouted hoarsely.

After a while, the new jade pendant slowly fell from the place where Silly Girl and Ma Lei disappeared, and it automatically split into two original jade pendants in mid-air. Then, the two jade pendants, as if recognizing their master, flew into the hands of Lu Xiaoqian and Lu Dongyu respectively.

After the two looked at each other, they both understood without saying a word: Lu Dongyu had to take his jade pendant back to the future, and Lu Xiaoqian's jade pendant had to be given to Xiao Chuchu!

In addition, the death of Shanu and Ma Lei would have caused the collapse of the alien space, but under Belo's strong intervention, the entire alien space did not even dare to move!

However, You Suowei and others who were still in the alien space encountered a crisis of some magnitude, but in the end, they still left the alien space safely!

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