When Lu Dongyu was about to leave and return to the future, everyone gathered together and held a grand farewell party for him. At the farewell party, except for Lu Xiaoqian who was forcing a smile, the rest of the people were happy from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, this farewell party for Lu Dongyu, none of the Beikai family attended. They stayed in the castle, using the virtual light screen to watch and eat more exquisite and rich food and drinks than at the farewell party.

In addition, before Lu Dongyu left the current time and space, he still did not tell anyone who his biological parents were!

Therefore, Lu Xiaoqian and You Suowei and others still believed that Lu Dongyu was Lu Xiaoqian's biological son, and at the same time they still didn't know that Xiaocao was Lu Dongyu's biological mother.

After Lu Dongyu returned to the future, Huang Dehua formally proposed to Xiao Chuchu on her birthday.

After careful consideration, Xiao Chuchu finally agreed to Huang Dehua's proposal.

Huang Dafu and his wife were very satisfied with their daughter-in-law, and they took out all the chickens in their chicken farm to entertain all their relatives and friends.

Everything was just as the future grass said. After Huang Dehua and Xiao Chuchu got married, they adopted the grass of this time and space and named each other Huang Caoer.

One day, when a female reporter met Huang Dehua's family of three on the street, she asked the family what the secret of happiness was?

Then, Huang Dehua and Xiao Chuchu looked at the grass in the cradle, and they made a heart gesture together and answered "8023"!

When Su Qiaoer saw Huang Dehua and Xiao Chuchu saying 8023 on TV, she asked Huang Mei beside her what 8023 was.

Huang Mei did not respond. He just used one hand to make an eight, a zero, a two, and a three!

Then, after thinking for a long time, Su Qiaoer finally figured out what 8023 and Huang Mei's gestures meant.

That's right, if the four numbers 8023 are all made with gestures, gesture eight and gesture three rotated 90 degrees will be the letters L and E, and gesture zero and gesture two will be the letters O and V directly. Putting these four letters together means the English word "LOVE"!

The author has something to say: As of the above content, my magic modification of "Magic Phone 2" is complete!

Next, it is my personal original creation of "Magic Phone 3". Therefore, the content after this is all my own "making up". Please don't take it too seriously!

Now let's continue the book!

After everyone's life gradually returned to peace, Bei Kai and his partner came to the shop owner who sold the jade pendant to Lu Xiaoqian and Xiao Chuchu one day, because they wanted to verify something.

Sure enough, the owner of the jade shop had no impression that he had sold a jade pendant to Lu Xiaoqian and Xiao Chuchu. Through Kaisha's memory reading, the other party really didn't remember this matter.

In this way, Bei Kai and his partner made such a speculation: At that time, there must be something attached to the owner of the jade shop, who sold the special jade pendant to Lu Xiaoqian and Xiao Chuchu.

As for what it was? In the minds of Beikai and the others, there are only three options: the power of the law of time and space, the consciousness of the earth, or Mare's mortal enemy!

After verifying this matter, Beikai and the others disappeared from the jade shop owner's face like a gust of wind while he lowered his head.

On the other hand, after a period of settling down, Lu Xiaoqian gradually came out of the pain of losing Silly Girl again. Not long after, he went to find He Lan and went through the resignation procedures.

After leaving his job, Lu Xiaoqian took his parents to travel around the world. When he returned to the Lu family again, he changed from a former advertising designer to a newbie in technology.

And in order to obtain more abundant scientific and technological knowledge, Lu Xiaoqian actually applied for a very professional university of science and technology. When he graduated with excellent results, he stayed in this school and served as an ordinary teacher.The attention turned to the Kerosene couple. After the final battle with Ma Lei, Hua Mei became pregnant again in the second year. This time, the child she and You Suowei gave birth to was a daughter named "You Manting".

At You Manting's full moon banquet, Hua Song and Xiao Wu each chose a girl of their choice from the guests who came to congratulate them. Soon after, they both got married.

As for Tian Yan and Tian Yan, Sun Feiyan gave birth to a son and a daughter in her first pregnancy. Then Wang Tianba almost did his best to hold a grand full moon banquet for his two children.

On this day, when Su Qiao'er was almost as old as she would be in ancient times when she gave birth to her first child, Huang Mei came to borrow the prince's mobile phone from You Suowei. Yes, he wanted to send her back to the Ming Dynasty before Qiao'er gave birth to her first child.

As a result, when You Suowei learned about the incident, he mentioned to Huang Mei that they had stayed together for ten years 80,000 years ago.

According to You Suowei, although his appearance had changed a little during those ten years, when he came back, he had a secret physical examination in the hospital, and the result showed that his bone age had not increased by ten years.

Therefore, You Suowei persuaded Huang Mei to let Su Qiaoer continue to stay in the modern world! He was very sure that no matter how long Qiaoer stayed in the modern world, when she returned to the Ming Dynasty, she would definitely return to her appearance when she traveled through time!

After believing in You Suowei's point of view, Huang Mei let Su Qiaoer continue to stay in the modern world.

After Su Qiaoer passed the age when she gave birth to her first child in ancient times, she and Huang Mei's descendants did not have any adverse conditions, which shows that You Suowei's point of view was correct.

After Su Qiaoer passed the age when she could give birth to a second child in the Ming Dynasty, she and Huang Mei suddenly had the idea of ​​giving birth to a child of their own in the modern world. However, they found that no matter how hard they tried, they could not have a child.

After talking with Zhu Bajie and He Lan, Huang Mei and Su Qiaoer came to a conclusion that sounded a bit absurd: a couple composed of monsters and humans could not have children in the modern world!

And such a seemingly absurd conclusion, which was indeed a bit absurd, was highly recognized by Zhu Bajie and He Lan!

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