As it turns out, if there hadn't been a premonition from Jiang Chen as a reminder, You Enjun would have probably really encountered an accident. As for the specific course of events, let's listen to the author slowly tell us!

Due to Huamei's firm opposition, You Enjun and Huang Cao'er's engagement ceremony was suddenly cancelled.

Not long after, Huang Cao'er told her adoptive parents that she wanted to study abroad for a while.

Although Huang Dehua and Xiao Chuchu were both very worried about their daughter's safety, they finally agreed to their daughter's request because she had just been hurt.

After Huang Cao'er flew overseas, You Enjun also boarded a plane to Xiao Cao's location under the pretext of helping his father, You Suowei, negotiate business.

The two people who met again in a foreign country quickly put the shadow of the "engagement ceremony" behind them, and then You Enjun rented a house in the local area, and then he and Huang Cao'er lived here together.

Of course, at this time, the two of them still had their own room.

About half a year later, You Enjun negotiated an unimaginable amount of business with a Nordic old family for Eric, and at the same time, Huang Cao'er's research was also recognized by many Nordic experts.

In this way, on this day of double happiness, You Enjun and Huang Cao'er sat together to celebrate for each other.

Next, because they drank a few more glasses of wine, and they liked each other, You Enjun and Huang Cao'er naturally completed the first baptism in their lives... (Someone said: I finally appeared again, the first train between Jun and Cao has officially departed!)

After seeing the above plots, the Beikai family felt that there should be no waves in the affairs of Jun and Cao. After all, considering the relationship between the You and Huang families, it would be useless for Huamei to oppose such a thing!

However, the reversal of things happened to You Enjun and Huang Caoer.

The next day, when Juncao and Huang Caoer woke up, neither of them did anything extreme. They both accepted this reality very calmly, and from now on, they began to live in the same room.

However, the substantial progress between Juncao and Huang Caoer was kept secret from their families, and in order to prevent their parents from knowing, they pretended to be unfamiliar with each other in front of outsiders.

Next, there will be accidents if there are no accidents. Soon after the first baptism of Juncao and Huang Caoer, a suitor appeared in their sight.

You Enjun's suitor is the daughter of the old Nordic family. The other party's name is Alice.

As a Nordic person, Alice has a very carefree personality. When she was sure that she had fallen in love with You Enjun, she not only shared this joy in her circle of friends, but also made a private long-distance call to tell Huamei about this matter.

Huamei was quite satisfied with Alice, after all, the previous big order had already made Eric's strength unprecedentedly improved.

If he married into this Nordic family again, what kind of huge scale Eric would become would be an unimaginable surprise.

For this reason, Huamei tried her best to promote the relationship between You Enjun and Alice.

On the other hand, Huang Cao'er's suitor was her classmate who studied with her, a Huaxia person named Lu Zhiqiang, and this boy was also a super genius in computers.

After seeing the appearance of Lu Zhiqiang, the Beikai family understood that if they had not appeared, this Lu Zhiqiang should be Lu Dongyu's biological father.

"Bero, this Lu Zhiqiang is a boy who is not what he seems!" Kaisha saw through Lu Zhiqiang's true face at a glance.

"Kesha, I also saw that he pursued Xiaocao not to get her, but for the research materials in her hands!" Beikai also saw through Lu Zhiqiang's fake mask.

After seeing the true face of Lu Zhiqiang, the Beikai family wanted to stop him, but this time, the power of the law of time and space, the earth consciousness and Mare's mortal enemy, actually worked together to dissuade their family.

In this way, the Beikai family could only watch the gradual development of things.Developed.

As the saying goes, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. When Lu Zhiqiang and Alice knew that Huang Cao'er and You Enjun were a pair of invisible lovers, they naturally joined together.

Next, Alice was responsible for paying and Lu Zhiqiang was responsible for planning. The two of them caused Juncao and You Enjun to encounter a car accident.

And while the doctor was treating Juncao and You Enjun, Lu Zhiqiang used one of his research results to completely clear all the memories of each other in You Enjun and Huang Cao'er's brains.

After seeing Lu Zhiqiang's memory clearing method, the Beikai family recognized that it was the memory deletion method of the magic phone such as Shanu.

In this way, Lu Zhiqiang is really a rare computer genius in the world, but it's a pity that his mind is not pure.

So, when Juncao and You Enjun were discharged from the hospital, they really forgot each other's existence.

After that, You Enjun and Huang Caoer were taken away by Alice and Lu Zhiqiang respectively.

Half a month later, Huang Caoer found out that she was pregnant, and then she naturally thought that the child was Lu Zhiqiang's.

Yes, Huang Caoer's child was actually You Enjun's, because Lu Zhiqiang had never touched Xiao Cao.

The following plot is something you can imagine without thinking. Huang Caoer, who was unmarried and pregnant, returned to Beizhixing, the flower-growing family, accompanied by Lu Zhiqiang, and then quickly became a couple with a certificate under the arrangement of Huang Dehua and Xiao Chuchu.

And You Enjun was forced to become the son-in-law of this big family under the dominance of Alice's family.

Yes, in view of You Suowei's little favor, the patriarch of this Nordic big family, that is, Alice's grandfather-Caesar, did not let You Enjun become the son-in-law of the family, which was already a great blessing.

However, relying on this in-law relationship, You Suowei and Huamei's Eric gradually developed into the first business giant of North Star, and even the leader in the business circle of the Flower Growers!

After You Enjun became the son-in-law of the Alice family, he would not be able to go home for several consecutive years in the future!

When everything became a foregone conclusion, the Earth Consciousness quietly told the Beikai family that if it were not for Bello's strong intervention, You Enjun would die in the plan of Alice and Lu Zhiqiang, and even the child in Huang Cao'er's belly could not be saved.

Because this plan was originally imperfect, it was the power of the law of time and space and Mare's mortal enemy who made it the most perfect!

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