Of course, when everything has become a foregone conclusion, the Earth Consciousness is also responsible for finishing the work.

If Bello does not intervene, You Enjun's child will die in Huang Cao'er's belly, and then Xiaocao and Lu Zhiqiang will have their own child in two or three years, and this child should be Lu Dongyu.

But now, the Earth Consciousness has to modify the plot. He wants to merge You Enjun and Huang Cao'er's son with Lu Dongyu in the original timeline.

In other words, from now on, You Enjun and Huang Cao'er's son is Lu Dongyu in this world.

So far, whether it is an unknown variable or a butterfly effect, You Enjun's mission to come to this world can be considered to be basically completed.

You may ask? Didn't Lu Dongyu test his own genes and Huamei's genes before? Why didn't he detect similar comparison results at that time?

For these questions, the Beikai family can answer them. Either there is a behind-the-scenes promoter who tampered with the genetic comparison results of Lu Dongyu and Huamei!

Just like Ma Lei interfered with Silly Girl, making her mistakenly believe that Lu Dongyu was Lu Xiaoqian's biological son!

Or, the previous Lu Dongyu and the current Lu Dongyu are not the same person at all! However, the Beikai family is more inclined to the first statement!

One night a few months later, Huang Cao'er was in a hospital in Beizhixing, giving birth to a child with great difficulty, and the doctors and nurses in charge of the delivery had asked the family members more than once, do you want to save the child or the adult?

And Lu Zhiqiang, who pretended to be affectionate, said firmly that he wanted both adults and children. In this regard, Huang Dehua and Xiao Chuchu were more and more satisfied with this son-in-law.

As more and more people came to visit Huang Cao'er, Xiao Cao's situation became more and more dangerous. Just when everyone was in a state of panic, Lu Dongyu and Shanu, who came from the future time and space, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Dongyu, go in and help your mother quickly. I want to talk to Brother Xiaoqian here!" Shanu said to Lu Dongyu.

"Okay, you guys chat slowly!" As soon as the voice fell, Lu Dongyu went to Huang Cao'er's delivery room.

"Brother Xiaoqian, I miss you so much!" At this moment, thousands of words were not as good as Shanu's words, and the warm hug between her and Lu Xiaoqian.

At this time, Lu Xiaoqian, who was already in his fifties, became less willing to hug Shanu, so he hesitated for a while before responding to the other's hug.

However, neither Lu Xiaoqian nor Shanu noticed that when they were hugging and reminiscing about the past, everyone around them was in a state as if time had stopped.

"Bero, Shanu has upgraded again! Her own magnetic field makes everyone except Lu Xiaoqian seem to have been paused!" Kaisha, who was watching all this through the virtual light screen, said to Belo beside her.

"Kesha, I also saw that Shanu's current physical state is already between reality and illusion!" Belo gently kissed Kaisha on the forehead.

According to the rules of time and space, the same person cannot appear in the same time and space. Therefore, when Huang Caoer gave birth to a child, Lu Dongyu was being rejected by this time and space.

"Brother Xiaoqian, I'm leaving! You must wait for me! We will meet again in the future!" As soon as the voice fell, Shanu reluctantly returned to Lu Dongyu from Lu Xiaoqian's eyes.

Then, Lu Dongyu and Shanu left this time and space together. After they left, those people who seemed to have been paused gradually returned to normal, and Lu Xiaoqian also took the opportunity to wipe the tears from his face and pretended that nothing had happened.

When everyone was thinking of a name for the little guy, Huang Caoer, who had woken up, named her son Lu Dongyu without saying anything.

When the three words "Lu Dongyu" came out of Huang Caoer's mouth, everyone present, except Lu Xiaoqian and Lu Zhiqiang, fell into shock and stagnation.

Among them, the expressions on the faces of Lu's father and mother, who were almost half buried, were particularly shocked.

Although everyone was shocked,Everyone chose to remain silent. After all, not everyone knew the truth. For this, the secret was tacitly known to everyone.

Speaking of Lu Zhiqiang, he was really an actor. In order to get the research data of Huang Cao'er, he treated his son as his own after Lu Dongyu was born. Gradually, Xiaocao relaxed his vigilance against him, so he had the opportunity to access Cao'er's research data.

Since he had the research data of Huang Cao'er, Lu Zhiqiang's reputation in the science and technology circle has become bigger and bigger, and after gaining both fame and fortune, his ambition is gradually increasing.

One day, when Lu Zhiqiang took Lu Dongyu to visit He Lan's house, he saw through it at a glance. The meteorite that Zhu Bajie gave to He Lan was a priceless treasure for the entire scientific research circle.

Therefore, Lu Zhiqiang secretly imitated a counterfeit that was exactly the same as this meteorite, and he once again brought Lu Dongyu to visit He Lan's house, and then he took advantage of the host's unpreparedness to replace the meteorite.

After getting the meteorite, Lu Zhiqiang just gently scraped a little powder off its surface, and he knew the potential value of this meteorite, so he quickly used his resources and connections to contact some private organizations in the Overseas Country.

Yes, you read it right, Lu Zhiqiang didn't want to share the value of the meteorite with the Flower Planting Family, but instead contacted some people in the Overseas Country, because these people's bids are often higher than those of the Flower Planting Family.

It's over! In the eyes of the Beikai family, the greedy Lu Zhiqiang, his own fate is doomed!

That's right, when the other party had already reached an agreement with him, Lu Zhiqiang suddenly changed his mind and asked for an exorbitant price, and his behavior was undoubtedly provoking the emperor.

When the leaders of these private organizations overseas were planning to plot to get rid of Lu Zhiqiang, he was happily preparing to celebrate Lu Dongyu's sixth birthday, and Huang Cao'er took the initiative to propose that after her son's sixth birthday, the two of them should be "re-"formally together!

Yes, although Lu Zhiqiang pretended to be Lu Dongyu's biological father, he did not take advantage of Huang Cao'er, so before that, the two of them had always slept separately.

On the day of Lu Dongyu's sixth birthday, Lu Zhiqiang, who had prepared everything, found out when he brought the birthday cake that he seemed to have forgotten to buy birthday candles.

Everything was destined. Huang Cao'er had said that it didn't matter if there were no birthday candles, and Lu Dongyu also held Lu Zhiqiang's hand and kept saying things like "Dad, don't go."

However, Lu Zhiqiang, who had always pretended to be a good husband and a good father, had to make this birthday party perfect this time. So, he ignored his wife and children's requests to stay and insisted on going out to buy birthday candles. As a result, he never came back!

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