Is Michael Tresser the biological son of Stephanie Mason? Of course not, he is the son of Michael Knight and Bonnie Barstow!

Yes, Bonnie's vacation this time was actually a maternity leave, because she was pregnant with Michael's child, but she had to hide it from him and gave birth to the child.

In fact, Bonnie is from a very old family in Meriken. When she was sixteen years old, her parents and family members arranged a marriage for her. The other party was named Duncan, who was also the heir of an old family. Yes, the marriage between the two of them was a very typical family marriage.

After knowing each other for a year, there was substantial progress between Bonnie and Duncan, and they completed the first baptism in their lives together.

This relationship lasted for three years very stably. When the two families arranged a wedding for them, Bonnie chose to run away without any warning, and Duncan chose to let his fiancee's behavior go.

Bonnie, who left the family, completely cut off contact with her parents. Then, through her own redoubled efforts, she successfully entered a well-known university, and after graduation, she successfully entered the Fa-rectification Foundation.

However, although she had left the family, Bonnie knew clearly that she could not escape the final fate. Therefore, when facing Michael's deep affection, she could only maintain a lover relationship and dared not marry him.

When Bonnie was pregnant, she knew even more clearly that this child could not appear in the eyes of the world openly. Therefore, she chose to hide the child from Michael and gave birth to the child secretly, and she also sent the child to Stephanie for raising.

Speaking of Stephanie Mason, this is also a miserable woman. When she was three years old, she witnessed her parents being killed by gangsters who broke into their home.

Then in the next nine years, Stephanie went to seven foster families, but none of these seven foster parents really treated her. Therefore, she grew up in an environment where she was hungry and cold.

When she was twelve years old, Stephanie finally met a pair of foster parents who treated her like their own daughter. The kind foster parents were called Mr. and Mrs. Therese.

In this way, Stephanie finally lived a happy life, but six years later, Mr. and Mrs. Therese suffered the same disaster as Fanny's biological parents.

When fighting with the gangsters, Mr. and Mrs. Therese tried their best to protect Stephanie from any harm. Although the police finally arrived at the scene in time, Mr. and Mrs. Therese died due to serious injuries.

The death of her biological parents and adoptive parents made Stephanie determined to become a police officer, and she also vowed that she must catch the murderer who killed her biological parents and adoptive parents.

Finally, after going through a lot of hardships and obstacles, Stephanie, who became a police officer, finally succeeded in bringing several of her enemies to justice, and she also met the young and handsome Los Angeles policeman-Michael Long during a joint operation.

Speaking of which, the marriage between Michael Long and Stephanie Mason was once a good story in the Los Angeles police circle.

Unfortunately, Stephanie, who had been childless for three years after marriage, took the initiative to go to the hospital to check her body. As a result, when she found out that she was infertile, she resolutely asked Michael Long for a divorce.

Eight months after Michael Long divorced Stephanie, he was assigned by his boss to investigate the case of Tanya Walker and others, and everyone knows what happened afterwards.

When Stephanie took Michael's son from Bonnie, she thought about it for a while and named the child "Michael Tresser".

That's right, this name not only reflects that the child is Michael Long's son, but also commemorates the Tressers.

After handing the child to Stephanie, Bonnie did not return to the Fa Foundation immediately. In order to be foolproof, she not only applied to Devon to extend her vacation, but also signed up for a program at a high price.In order to achieve the training class for postpartum recovery of prenatal body shape.

On the other hand, without the participation of Charles Graman, the engineers and technicians spent more than a month to repair Kit, and they also added a new function to it: it can interfere with the normal operation of electronic and mechanical equipment within a certain range.

While Kit was repairing, Garth Knight had already used some loopholes left by Wilton Knight to steal part of the property of the Law Foundation, and then he used the money to upgrade the monster truck.

After upgrading the monster truck, Garth did not rush to seek revenge on Michael. He chose to continue to lie dormant and wait for the best time.

After Kit was repaired, Michael drove it and spent countless nights of rest time to various cities in the United States, searching for Garth and the monster several times.

On this day, when Michael was driving Kit to perform a new mission, he was knocked unconscious by a grenade in the hands of the gangster. When he woke up, he lost all his memories of being a Knight Rider. He now only thought of himself as Michael Lang.

From the perspective of the Bei Yu sisters, Michael, who had lost his memory, and Kit staged a scene with the man in front and the sports car chasing behind.

And in order to get rid of Kit's entanglement, Michael chose many obstacles that he thought the car could not pass when he "ran away".

Next, when facing these obstacles, Kit showed all his functions, such as turbo take-off, two-wheel side sliding, blade overtaking, 180-degree turn on the spot, double S-shaped continuous drift, etc.

In the end, Michael, who was upset, had to sit in Kit's driving seat.

After hearing Kit's claim that he would absolutely obey his orders, Michael let it locate Stephanie's position, and then he drove Kit towards New York.

When Michael looked at Stephanie and hugged Michael Tresser (referred to as Little Mike), his heart suddenly became a little lost.

Yes, when they divorced, Stephanie did not say that she was infertile, so Michael naturally thought that his ex-wife had found a new love and had a happy family.

Michael sat in Kit's car, stayed opposite Stephanie's house, and after watching for a whole afternoon, he completely gave up and left.

After leaving Stephanie's house, Michael handed over the driving rights to Kit, and he lay flat on the driver's seat.

After returning to the Fa Foundation, Devin asked Apro to take Michael and ride KITT to see the cases they had solved together, hoping to awaken Michael's memory.

After a series of cases, Michael finally remembered his memories of being Knight Rider, but he pretended that he had not completely recovered his memory. He was seen driving KITT to enjoy the fun of vacation!

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