After a leisurely vacation, Michael and Kit returned to the boring and tedious tasks again.

In a mission two months later, Kit tried to glide on the water for the first time after being transformed by Apro.

In this regard, Carl said: My good brother, I can not only glide on the water, but I can even dive under the water to drive.

After watching Michael and Kit's missions too much, the Beiyu sisters also felt a little bored. After all, it was a similar routine every time. Anyway, after experiencing a relatively bizarre process, Michael finally beat up the small boss and handed him over.

Yes, every time it was just the small boss who was beaten, but Michael and Kit had never met the real big boss of each case. Maybe it's not that they can't meet it, but even if they meet it, they dare not use heavy hands.

Michael and Kit, the big bosses who dare not take heavy actions, will be taken to the homes of these bosses by the Bei Yu sisters, Carl and Xiao Yu, and they will be plundered from inside to outside.

Then, if the remaining strength of the big bosses who have been robbed is relatively low, then he will gradually be forgotten by the crowd, but if the remaining strength is still relatively strong, then he will put pressure on the Fa Zheng Foundation, and the usual result is that he will get some monetary compensation from the foundation.

For this reason, the Bekai family said: This Fa Zheng Foundation will be completely changed sooner or later, and its own nature of existence in the world!

At this point, the RV has long been completely scrapped. Of course, it often has to withstand the vibration of the two gods together. It would be strange if it was not scrapped. For this reason, when the RV was scrapped, the Bekai family would often go to the dream space.

It was another sunny day. Bessa rode on Txue and ran freely in the wilderness of the dream space, while Jiangchen drove Carl, letting the front of the car and the head of the horse go hand in hand.

When the horse and the carriage came to a pond, Txue carried Bessa and went straight to the water surface, and then its four hooves began to walk on the water surface like a dragonfly skimming the water.

Then, Carl started the turbine to take off, carrying Jiangchen directly to the water surface, and then it was like a speedboat, gliding quickly on the water surface, and after a while, it caught up with Txue's footsteps.

When the sisters Beiyu went outside to gallop, Beikai and the others were in the castle, playing all kinds of romantic games unscrupulously. When the two daughters were about to come back, they would prepare all kinds of delicacies together.

Today's lunch ingredients are the specialty fish in the river of the dream space. In this special space, there are very strange days, nights and four seasons.

And under the influence of this special environment, the native creatures born in the dream space can become extremely delicious even with the most common cooking methods.

Faced with the food made from such ingredients, Bessa immediately turned into a big eater, and then she basically ate almost half of the dishes on the table.

Regarding Bessa's big eater problem, Bessa and Kai have discussed it privately. This girl probably didn't inherit much of the angel's genes. In her dual genes, most of them are dominated by the Saiyan genes.

"Bero, I plan to completely give up the plan to train Xiaobei to be an angel. I will now arrange this plan for Xiaoyu. For this reason, Xiaobei's future development is left to you!"

After the Bessa family finished lunch, Kaisha talked to Bessa alone about the future development of the two daughters.

"Thank you, my dear wife! I wonder if our family will have the chance to return to the Dragon Ball world in the future? If we can go back, I will let Xiao Bei challenge Vegeta and trample his so-called pride of the Saiyan Prince under his feet!"

At this moment, in Belo's mind, he has begun to imagine some scenes after Besha defeated Vegeta.

"What are you imagining? Have you forgotten that the great priest who guided you to become a god has forbidden you to return to the world where you were born?" Kaisha asked with a smile on her face.

"That's true! However, as far as I know, there areMany parallel worlds exist. I may never go back to the Dragon Ball universe where I was born! But I still have a chance to visit other parallel Dragon Ball universes!" Bello hugged Kaisha and responded with a smile.

"Parallel universe? I don't know if there is a parallel universe in the Super God Universe? If there is, I also want to go there to take a look! When the time comes, I will twist off the head of Hua Ye in that world and kick it like a ball!" Kaisha made a gesture of twisting someone's head in Bello's arms.

"Keisha, I wish you all the best. I will take Xiaobei to develop the Saiyan talent now! "Bero lowered his head, kissed Kaisha's forehead deeply, and left a strawberry mark. Then he let her go and stood up and left.

When Bero took Besha to develop her Saiyan talent, Kaisha also brought Jiangchen back to Tianren No. 1.

Before injecting pure angel genes into Jiangchen, Kaisha asked for his opinion on whether to keep the red hair or turn it into golden hair after becoming a real angel.

"Mom, let me be a unique red-haired angel!" After careful consideration, Jiangchen decided to keep his red hair.

"Okay, but from now on, you have to change your name. I will register a new angel name for you! Just a joke! You will take my last name in the future!" Kaisha registered the name of Jiangchen in the sacred knowledge treasury as Angel Kaiyu.

"Mom, you are so good to me! In fact, I have forgotten who my parents are. But you gave me a complete family! "Jiang Chen, no, Kai Yu hugged Kai Sha and cried loudly.

"Xiao Yu, just cry for a while! Remember, from now on, you are the princess of the angel civilization, and your words and deeds must match your identity!"

After solemnly instructing, Kai Sha let Kai Yu, who was in full view, walk into the gene container specially used to cultivate high-level angels.

When the transformation program started, He Xi's voice came into Kai Sha's mind.

"What's wrong? Tomboy, are you really going to personally train a future angel king?" He Xi's consciousness appeared in the sacred knowledge treasure house.

"Old goblin, in fact, the person I originally counted on was Xiao Bei, but unfortunately, her main gene does not seem to have inherited my gene! "

"But fortunately, there is no way to become a god. I saw in Xiaoyu that she has the potential to become a king!" Kaisha's consciousness also appeared in front of Hexi.

"Well! I also took a serious look. In Kaiyu, in addition to the potential of a king, there is more of a temperament called funny! Tomboy, are you serious about this?" Hexi's expression became a little more serious.

"Speaking of the word funny, old goblin, aren't you the biggest funny in the Super God Universe? Maybe you should add another word "naughty"! "Kaisha exposed Hexi's old bottom completely.

"Yes, I admit that I am funny, I am naughty! But what about you? As the most stuffy goddess in the Super God Universe! You and your male god are playing more and more. Who is responsible for these things? "He Xi was not to be outdone and revealed all of Kaisha's secrets.

After a verbal battle, the consciousness of Kaisha and He Xi left the sacred treasure house in no particular order!

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