After spending three days and three nights with the female owner of the Flame Bar, Xiao Mai seemed particularly high-spirited on the way back to the Zhengfa Foundation.

Then Xiao Mai, who was really too proud of himself, wanted to give it a try. Sarah had repeatedly warned him not to let Kurt transform in the air.

"Kert, start the super mode and turbo takeoff!" Xiao Mai gave Kurt two instructions.

Yes, in the cockpit, Kurt has no buttons. All its functions are triggered by the driver's voice control or controlled by its own artificial intelligence system.

With Xiao Mai's two instructions, Kurt immediately turned into super mode and took off directly three seconds later.

In super mode, starting turbo takeoff, Kurt can fly in the air for about five seconds, so Xiao Mai gave it a command to change back to normal mode before it completely landed.

However, Kurt refused to follow Xiao Mai's order because it would be very dangerous to do so. So, after landing safely, it switched from super mode to normal mode.

"Kert, my order is the primary order! Now listen to my command: start super mode first, accelerate to the fastest speed, then start the turbine to take off, and change back to normal mode in the air. Do you understand?" Xiao Mai gave Kurt a series of orders.

Kurt, who could not disobey Xiao Mai's order, hesitated for a while, and then did it according to the other party's request.

The result... The result was naturally tragic. The transformation in the air was very smooth, but after landing, Kurt immediately fell apart. Yes, it really fell apart. Even its four wheels fell off the body of the car. As for the other large and small parts, they fell to the ground like flowers scattered by fairies.

"Puchi..." The sisters Bei Yu, who were watching the show not far away, really couldn't help laughing this time.

"Ms. Bessa, Ms. Kaiyu, do you want to pick up those parts?" Carl used his scanner to project the pictures and prices of the parts that fell from the body of the Kurt onto a virtual light screen in different categories.

Yes, each of the parts of Kurt is a high-tech product worth a fortune.

"Pick them up! Those are all money! Why not pick them up? But, isn't it a bit too self-degrading for my sister and I to pick them up by hand?"

"Xiaoyu, go hire a few people to pick up those parts! We will buy them back at a high price!" As soon as the voice fell, Bessa turned Xiaoyu on her neck into a real person and threw it out.

"Sister Bei, do you need to hire someone for this kind of thing? I can pick them up with one hand!" Xiaoyu asked in confusion.

"Xiaoyu, if you go to pick it up, won't it also lower your own value? Besides, this kind of thing doesn't cost much! Go quickly!" Kaiyu waved his hand and stuffed a pile of money into Xiaoyu's hand.

Off topic: A pile of money is not worth much? Miss Kaiyu, if you have too much money to spend, please be kind and give some to the author!

Xiaoyu is really a bionic robot who is frugal and a good wife and mother. The money Kaiyu gave her was originally expected to be not enough, but she didn't even spend half of the money. She hired people to pick up all the parts that fell out of Kurt and paid for the recycled parts.

"Carl, Xiaoyu, who knows how to be frugal, are you really not going to think about it again?" When Betha took Xiaoyu to sell those parts, Kaiyu asked Carl in front of her like this.

"Ms. Kaiyu, Xiaoyu and I are not of the same species! What's more, she is not above my aesthetic standards!" Carl responded shyly.

"I believe that our aesthetics are not the same, but what is the principle of species? Aren't you and her both robots? How can we not be of the same species? Please explain it to me!" Kaiyu sat in the main driver's seat and crossed her legs.

"Ms. Kaiyu, robots have a different worldview from humans. You humans, oh no, you are not humans anymore. There are often disagreements between their concepts, and disagreements between concepts will rise to disagreements between species!"

"And the difference between Xiaoyu and I is a typical disagreement between concepts!" Carl explained very tactfully.

To put it bluntly, it isXiaoyu's appearance is too much like a real person, and no matter how Carl upgrades, he can't reach the standard of a real person. More importantly, the size of the two robots is also a huge gap.

"I understand! Carl, do you like female robots like Transformers?" Kaiyu blew gently on the index finger of her right hand with pink nail polish.

Since becoming a third-generation angel, although Kaiyu still maintains the appearance of red hair and red eyes, her ten long red nails have been replaced with short nails with pink nail polish like the female angels.

"If it's the kind of female Transformers in the cartoons, they still don't meet my aesthetics, but if it's...what to say, the kind of female Transformers full of technology, they are the type of partner I want to choose!" Carl responded shyly.

"Transformers are full of technology. I can probably imagine what robots they look like! I wonder if we will encounter such robots in the future?" Kaiyu asked Carl to open the panoramic sunroof on the roof, and then she stood up and stretched.

After Kaiyu finished stretching, Beisha, who was out selling parts, also came back with Xiaoyu. Guess what happened? Those parts were bought back by the people of the Zhengfa Foundation at a considerable amount of money!

Yes, Xiaomai's impulse this time was enough to spend 85 million US dollars in public funds, of which 79 million US dollars all fell into the pockets of Beiyu and her sister, and the remaining millions of US dollars were the labor costs for repairing Kert!

This time, Xiao Mai caused a lot of losses to Kurt because of his carelessness, and also damaged the financial resources of the base. For this reason, he was ordered by Rojek to be put in solitary confinement. Then he spent a relatively long three days and three nights in a room with only one toilet.

After the confinement was lifted, Xiao Mai took a female technician in the base, Linda, and drove Kurt to a beach to investigate and arrest a black-hearted businessman involved in arms reselling.

After arriving at this beach, because there were still two days before the nearest arms transaction, Xiao Mai and Linda enjoyed it on the beach at public expense.

When Xiao Mai appeared in front of Linda wearing only a pair of swimming trunks, her eyes were almost unable to move, because the other party's figure was too perfect.

However, what was unexpected was that Xiao Mai, who had always been open to all women, suddenly turned into Liu Xiahui when faced with Linda's flirting. After several unsuccessful attempts, Linda gradually gave up this idea!

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