In fact, on the first day of coming to the beach, Linda had already told Xiao Mai in advance not to let herself drink tequila, otherwise, she would do something jaw-dropping.

However, Xiao Mai, who did not learn his lesson, although he rejected Linda's flirting with him a day ago, mixed half a cup of tequila into Linda's drink cup at dinner the next day.

After drinking the drink mixed with tequila, Linda fell down drunk, and then Xiao Mai carried her back to the room.

When Xiao Mai wanted to leave the room, Linda, who was half drunk and half awake, tightly entangled Xiao Mai from behind like a Titan.

"I said, you are not allowed to give me tequila. Now you let me drink it, you have to pay the corresponding price!" As soon as the voice fell, Linda half-pushed and half-pushed Xiao Mai to the ground.

Yes, at the beginning, when Xiao Mai faced the active Linda, he was somewhat resistant. Although the other party was very beautiful, she did not quite match his aesthetic taste.

But when Linda became more and more active, Xiao Mai completely ignored the view that the aesthetic taste did not match and completely threw it out of his mind.

After drinking tequila, Linda not only became more active than Xiao Mai, but also had more tricks than the other party, and many of them made even Kesha, who was responsible for watching only half of the show, feel a little ashamed.

After watching Linda's tricks, Kesha sent a look to Bello, so Bette and Kesha immediately practiced those new tricks.

Yes, every time when watching other people's romantic dramas, Bette and Kesha were only responsible for watching half of it, Bello only watched the man's half, and Kesha only watched the woman's half, because in their perspectives, the unobstructed part of the opposite sex was just a rough outline of a human figure.

Xiao Mai did not feel Linda's charm during the romantic night. He just felt backache and weakness, but Linda, who was lying beside him, slept very sweetly.

Linda, who had drunk tequila, was not only active and varied, but also quite bold, because when she was having a romantic night with Xiao Mai, she did not even lock the door of the room.

As a result, the next day, when Xiao Mai and Linda just opened their eyes and prepared to get up and dress, Sarah and Tom pushed the door straight in.

Faced with this sudden situation, Linda quickly grabbed the quilt and wrapped it around herself, while Xiao Mai appeared in front of Sarah and Tom in a clear view.

Furious, Sarah stared at Xiao Mai, who was clearly visible, for about a minute, and then turned around and left without looking back.

However, compared with Xiao Mai, Sarah's biggest advantage is that she can treat feelings and work separately.

Therefore, when Sarah witnessed that she was wearing a grassland-colored hat, she was able to calmly analyze the current case progress with Xiao Mai, Linda and Tom.

After a period of calm discussion, Xiao Mai was responsible for coming forward to play the role of the middleman who was going to contact the arms dealer.

As a result, the four people who had everything going smoothly were riding in Kette to catch the arms dealer red-handed when a sudden rocket hit, and Kette was thrown into the ocean with the car.

Yes, this time the rocket attack did not cause the people in the car to be almost cooked, nor did it cause any damage to the car body, but the super explosive power of the rocket shook Kette directly into the sea.

For this reason, Carl, who was also watching the show, said: Nephew, even if a hundred rockets of this type were fired at me, I would stay where I am and not move!

Xiao Mai asked Kurt to stay in the sea and scan the current beach environment using satellite cloud maps. After confirming that there was no danger on the beach at this time, Kurt slowly drove ashore from the sea.

Afterwards, after a series of battles of wits and courage, the arms dealer was finally caught by Xiao Mai and others, and the other party was locked up unprecedentedly and sentenced to a full 120 years in prison.

To celebrate this unprecedented victory, Xiao Mai and Sarah, Tom and Linda, had a small gathering together, and after drinking two large bottles of champagne, the four people went to the romantic scene in pairs, but it was men with men and women with women..

Actually, there is some ambiguous relationship between Sarah and Linda, but there is no relationship between Xiao Mai and Tom. However, with a little trick of Bello, they are naturally like that!

However, what Xiao Mai and others don’t know is that this arms dealer is actually doing this kind of "extremely evil" business for many big men in the United States, and among these big men, there are even the current president and many congressmen. Of course, Becky and the others also participated in it.

Therefore, for such a big business that makes money very quickly, this arms dealer can only be a dog under these big men.

When people have eaten the "meat", the dog can only drink a little "soup", but when the dog wants to eat the "meat", it is naturally time to replace it with a dog that listens to the owner more.

Yes, the actual situation of this case is that these big men, with the help of Xiao Mai and others, got rid of a dog that wanted to eat "meat" and was not very obedient.

After cracking the arms dealer's case, the next bunch of cases were some insignificant cases, because these cases were some "beautiful scenery" that can be seen everywhere in the beauty of this era.

Until one day, when Xiao Mai intercepted a group of gangsters, one of the gangsters placed a rectangular device on the hood of Kurt, and then Kurt's intelligent system was covered.

Then this Ford Mustang was turned into a remote-controlled super tank by the gangsters in an instant.

Finally, when this group of gangsters used Kurt's weapon system to rob more than a dozen banks, the staff in the base briefly controlled Kurt's laser transmitter and quickly used laser beams to smash the rectangular device.

However, when Xiao Mai got back into the main driving seat of Kurt, the gangsters who had robbed more than a dozen banks had already completely fled.

This time, all the losses of the dozen banks that were robbed were paid by the Zhengfa Foundation.

Poor Zhengfa Foundation, most of the money was originally taken by Rojek to improve New Carl. Therefore, after compensating the losses of these banks, their financial situation became even more stretched.

After this setback, Xiao Mai soon welcomed his boss again and scolded him. The reason was that his superior sent him to protect the personal safety of a key person, but in order to ensure that some secrets were not leaked, his superior did not tell him the whole truth.

As a result, Xiao Mai watched helplessly as this key person had two fingers chopped off, and then he triumphantly took the person he was protecting who was missing two fingers, thinking that his mission was relatively smooth, back to the base of the Zhengfa Foundation.

After returning to the base, Rojek told Xiao Mai that the genetic map of the protected object was a key password for the important confidential files of Meilijian Security, so Xiao Mai had to ensure that the protected object returned intact.

Facing the constant scolding from his boss, Xiao Mai, who was rarely tough, questioned his boss in return, saying that for such an important task indicator, he should have made it clear in advance. For such a mistake, his boss also had an unshirkable responsibility.

Xiao Mai, who had had enough of talking in front of his boss, was naturally punished by Rojek to be put in solitary confinement again, and this time the solitary confinement room did not even have a toilet!

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