The dramatic performance of the Decepticons made many of the top leaders of the United States see the light of hope for the new weapons. So, they worked hard one by one and began to develop this weapon more diligently in secret.

After the Chicago War ended, the earth ushered in several years of peace. After the Transformers became legends among people, the Tomb Wind Squad, which had been hiding in the dark, began to appear.

The purpose of the establishment of the Tomb Wind Squad is to expel all alien forces on the earth. Therefore, whether it is the Autobots or the Decepticons, they are actually their expulsion targets.

And after some discussion, most of the members of the United States asked the Tomb Wind Squad to eliminate the Autobots' forces on the earth first.

Yes, you read it right. Everything is just as Bello speculated. The first target of the earthlings to be eliminated is not the Decepticons but the Autobots. For such a plan of mankind, the Autobots in the Sky Blade Company all felt incredible shock.

This is the sinister nature of human nature! When the Decepticons were constantly destroying the earth, the Autobots were the best allies of mankind, but when everything became stable, the Autobots became a thorn in people's eyes!

Never underestimate the meanness of human nature. In order to be foolproof, the Gravewind Squad asked the President of the United States to meet Optimus Prime in person the day before taking formal action, and the man and the robot stood together to discuss many topics about establishing a more stable alliance relationship between each other.

The next morning, when Optimus Prime called the Autobots to sit together and discuss future development issues on the earth, the Gravewind Squad took various advanced weapons and launched a particularly swift attack on the temporary base camp of the Autobots.

After several years of fighting side by side, humans have a clearer understanding of the weaknesses of the Transformers. Therefore, when these weapons hit the Autobots, they will basically produce more effective lethality.

It has to be said that Optimus Prime's logical thinking is sometimes really stubborn. When humans have already stabbed him in the back, he actually ordered all Autobots not to use lethal weapons to fight back against humans.

However! Although Optimus Prime is a bit stubborn, he is still quite qualified as a leader. When the situation is completely unfavorable to his side, he still tries his best to cover every Autobot to escape from the battlefield, and he has to stay alone to face the human gunfire.

The captain of the Tomb Wind Squad saw through Optimus Prime's thoughts, so he immediately ordered to give up the attack on other Autobots, and everyone focused on destroying Optimus Prime first.

When all the Autobots under his command evacuated the battlefield, Optimus Prime also started a journey of escape, and then the soldiers of the Tomb Wind Squad chased him relentlessly.

Optimus Prime's escape scene was not only watched by the Bake family, but also by Megatron and a large number of Decepticons.

Bazookas, armor-piercing shells, high-explosive shells, small atomic bombs without radiation... countless human weapons were flying towards Optimus Prime, who was rushing forward, one after another.

Even at this point, Optimus Prime was still attracting various shells and energy attacks to the places with the least crowds, but he was also baptized by many shells for this.

However, the members of the Tomb Wind Squad took advantage of Optimus Prime's "cowardly" character, and they fired all kinds of weapons in their hands unscrupulously towards crowded places.

After being hit by hundreds of rockets in a row, Optimus Prime finally remembered that he could avoid being hunted down by changing his shell image, so after he determined the next plan, he headed towards an almost deserted car scrapping factory.

When Optimus Prime drove into the scrapyard, the members of the Tomb Wind team behind him called fighter jets and armed helicopters to come and drop countless high-explosive bombs on the scrapyard to clean up the place.

In the blazing fire with extremely high temperature, Optimus Prime scanned a nearly scrapped flat-head truck, and then he had to endure the high temperature and buried his body under a pile of car wreckage that was almost the same as iron slag and molten iron.

After three days and three nights, when the members of the Tomb Wind team successivelyAfter evacuating the area that was still burning intermittently, Optimus Prime really fled the area in a mess.

After the backstab operation of the Tomb Wind Squad, Kaiyu harvested another 17 Autobot toys, but among all the Autobots rescued, there were still eight extremely stubborn Autobots who chose to leave.

In addition, the bodies of these 25 Autobots were all empty shells made by Kaisha. As a result, among the 25 mechanical wreckages sent to the Sky Blade Company by the Tomb Wind Squad, 10 of them were fakes. Yes, these fakes were highly imitated by humans using their own technology.

Dare to cheat under the noses of the Bekai family. It seems that these Merijian people don’t know how to write the word "death"? For this reason, the device that can convert the earth's energy is silently extracting the energy in the Merijian's jurisdiction!

And under the control of Bello's divine power, the earth energy extracted by this device was controlled within the scope of the iconic and authoritative buildings of the United States, such as the Hundred Palaces, the Pentagonal Building, the World Trade Center, and the Memorial Hall of the Presidents.

When the earth energy of these buildings was completely extracted, these buildings naturally collapsed without any warning. As for the people of the United States in the buildings, they were naturally dead or injured, and they would never be able to build any buildings in this location again.

Yes, when the earth energy in a certain area was exhausted, the final outcome of this area was to become a permanent desert. I believe that the appearance of some deserts within the scope of the United States should also be a beautiful scenic spot that can attract tourists to stop and watch.

After dealing with these ignorant Meriken people, under the flattery of Soundwave, the Bekay family learned that in some special areas on the earth where few people go, there are some neutral Transformers with biological shapes.

When the Bekay family went to visit these Transformers with biological appearance, they joined the ranks of the new Cybertron without any hesitation. Among them, the most eye-catching was the King Kong group composed of five mechanical dinosaurs.

When the number of Transformers became more and more, half of the new Cybertron could no longer meet the current demand. From this point of view, the outbreak of the second full-scale civil war in Meriken really needs to come in advance.

As the saying goes, you can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child. In order to make Meriken chaotic earlier, Bello directly took out a large amount of treasures at no cost to bribe and induce the governors of various states, so that after they made advanced weapons, they began to make tentative independent attempts to the top leaders of Meriken.

When the new president of the state of Beauty took countermeasures against the governor who was trying to be independent, Bello bribed a state official who held military power and induced him to launch a small attack on one of the president's private territories.

After the president's private territory was attacked, he quickly took countermeasures, and then after these attacks, the small-scale war between the governor and the president of this state spread like wildfire.

In fact, the whole environment of Beauty has always been like a balloon filled with water. Therefore, when it has a needle hole, more and more needle holes will appear one after another.

Therefore, when the first state wanted to declare independence, less than two months later, the second state wanted to declare independence, and a few months later, the third state...

After only two and a half years, the entire Meriken was completely plunged into a state of endless war, and the new weapons used by these Meriken people were almost all developed and produced by Tianren Company!

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