When the population of Meriken was almost consumed by the civil war, Bello awakened Unicron who was sleeping in the core of the earth.

When Unicron woke up, he slowly sat up along the veins of Meriken's territory and began to transform.

In this way, Unicron's waking up and the process of transformation dealt a more thorough and devastating blow to Meriken, which was already in danger. When he flew out from the depths of the earth's core, all ten states of Meriken were shaken into ruins.

Unicron did not stay in the outside world for long. After flying out of the earth's core, he immediately went to find Bello. Next, as Unicron integrated into the new Cybertron, the Transformers hidden in the most hidden places on the earth were detected by sound waves.

What is incredible is that there are descendants of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table on Earth today, and these knights' descendants have formed a sect. Among the original twelve Knights of the Round Table, only five are humans, and the remaining seven are Transformers.

The leader of these seven Transformers Knights is actually the Autobot member-Hot Rod, who corresponds to Rodimus, who will take over the leader position of Optimus Prime in the animation.

It has to be said that Hot Rod is also a stubborn Transformer. When he faced Bello, he actually proposed to challenge the opponent alone, and the result was naturally that he was beaten and doubted.

After conquering these Knights, more and more Transformers slowly joined the new Cybertron. So far, only Optimus Prime and a small number of Autobots are still in the outside world, and all Decepticons have surrendered to Bakay's family.

In response to the stubborn Optimus Prime, Kai Yu directly asked her Autobots to forcibly bring back the Autobots who were still in the outside world. She wanted to turn the stubborn Optimus Prime into a real commander without troops.

When Jazz, Ratchet, Ironhide, Inspector, and Whirlwind were all forcibly brought back to New Cybertron, Optimus Prime, who was left in the outside world, really became a lonely man.

When only Optimus Prime remained in the outside world in the Autobot camp, the topic of whether to take him away became a topic of discussion among all the Autobots.

The final result of the discussion was that when the new president of Meri Cain came to power, if Optimus Prime still had a stubborn attitude, then let him stay alone in this world!

Yes, Meri Cain's current president had died a few days ago at the hands of an assassin hired by a governor.

Bello is always paying attention to all the developments in the political arena of Meriken. If nothing unexpected happens, the new president will officially take office in a month. For this reason, Tianren Technology Company began to transfer and sell all its assets one after another.

As the saying goes, tomorrow and an accident, no one knows which will come first? The new president of Meriken was assassinated by a killer arranged by another governor the day before he was about to take office!

In this way, the full-scale civil war in Meriken lasted for more than a year. During this period of more than a year, Optimus Prime, who was seriously injured, finally recovered slowly. When he found that he had become a lonely man, he began to seriously reflect on what he had done.

In the end, Optimus Prime, who had learned his lesson, took the initiative to contact Bumblebee. He wanted to hand over the position of the leader of the Autobots to Bumblebee.

Bumblebee did not agree to Optimus Prime's request to pass on his throne. He took him to New Cybertron.

When Optimus Prime returned to Cybertron, all the Transformers in this world had become the possession of the Bake family. In this way, there was naturally nothing in this world that was worth their family's continued remembrance.

However, before officially leaving this world, Bake and the others played the role of Yue Lao again. The two of them joined hands to cast an illusion, allowing Sam Witwicky and Michaela Baines to bravely take that substantive and critical step... (Someone said: I can show my face again!)

At this moment, the civil war in Meriken has not ended yet. Bake and the others decided to add another big fire to this war. Kesha opened the Eye of Insight and controlled all the atomic bombs in Meriken, and she also wanted theseThe atomic bombs were detonated simultaneously above the inauguration ceremony of the president.

The height of the detonation of the atomic bombs was also controlled very accurately by Kesha. At that time, these atomic bombs could be destroyed at one time, and at the same time, a heavy blow to Meilijian could be dealt.

The explosive power of these atomic bombs could be used to cooperate with the explosive power of a Tianxuan bomb, and finally the golden energy of Belo could be integrated to open the space-time tunnel to the next world.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of the inauguration ceremony of the new president of Meilijian. Hundreds of politicians and tens of thousands of people gathered here at this moment.

After all, this president was the result of the concerted vote of officials and citizens from top to bottom. It can be said that the other party truly achieved the will of the people.

When the new president faced an angel statue and read the oath of office with a Bible in his hand, Kesha detonated all the atomic bombs in the sky at the right time.

For a moment, there was a violent explosion and a dazzling light like the white aurora above the inauguration ceremony.

When the dazzling white light dissipated, a time-space tunnel like a black hole appeared directly above the inauguration ceremony of the new president, and then people seemed to see the figures of two angels.

Yes, Bei Kai and the other showed their respective angel forms, and the two of them held hands and flew straight into the time-space tunnel, while the Transformers on the electronic star of the scepter world, together with the Bei Yu sisters, witnessed this miraculous scene of traveling through time and space through a virtual light screen!

Postscript: After losing all the atomic bombs and more than 90% of the gold reserves, the decline of this world's Beauty Jane is much faster than that of the previous world. Then the flower-growing family and the bear country in this world took this opportunity to rise rapidly!

The author has something to say: I admit that the world of Transformers is getting more and more broken as I write about it, because I basically only recognize the first live-action "Transformers" movie. From the second part, the style of the movie has gradually deviated. Therefore, I pay less and less attention to this series of movies!

My personal opinion of the movie's failure: First, humans backstab the Autobots, and second, human weapons can actually kill Transformers. The appearance of these two major failures makes me more and more disappointed with this series of movies, so that I am too lazy to even watch the next two movies!

Let's get back to the point. After the Transformers chapter is finished, in addition to the Marvel Universe and the DC Universe, I will also arrange two movie worlds of Beauty and the Cain. After the lessons of the Transformers world, I will quickly write some content for the next two movie universes and quickly pass them over!

After writing these two movie universes, I will turn my writing ideas back to the universe of the Flower Growers, and then write some fictional ancient martial arts worlds!

After writing three martial arts worlds in a row, I plan to let the Bekai family return to the modern civilization world after the fusion of the Qin Dynasty world and the Bad People world, and at the same time as writing the story of this world, I will start to intersperse the plot of the extra chapter of Humanity Star!

Regarding the story outline of Humanity Star, I don't have a specific writing plan yet, and I can only conceive while writing!

However, I can warm up a little first, such as letting the three emperors of the ages, the combination of dragon, phoenix and pig, compete on the same stage, but as for how to show the great talents of these three emperors, I still have no clue!

Wait, the planners responsible for designing the humanities planet are the Bei Yu sisters, one of whom is funny and the other is unreliable. I guess they will make a lot of jokes for the three emperors!

Finally, here’s a little easter egg: there are only three updates today!

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