In this way, with the disparity in strength between the two sides, Kyle Reese's breathing gradually became weaker. At this time, if there was no external interference, he would definitely die in the hands of T800.

When Kyle only had his last breath left, Bessa, who was hiding at the scene and watching the show, still asked Xiaoyu to go and help a little.

Xiaoyu, who had been with the Bekay family for decades, did not show up directly to help Kyle, but gently put her hand on T800's body, causing the other party's energy supply to stop for a short time.

In this way, in Kyle Reese's understanding, he thought that T800's energy supply was temporarily interrupted because of the damage to his body, and then he took this opportunity to get rid of the other party's entanglement.

When Kyle went to meet Sarah, Xiaoyu allowed T800 to restore its energy supply, and then this dedicated Terminator started the pursuit mode again.

After a difficult escape, Kyle and Sarah finally passed a hydraulic press and came to a narrow ventilation duct. When T800 climbed into the operating table of the hydraulic press, Sarah pressed the start switch of the hydraulic press.

When T800 was pressed by the hydraulic press, one of his mechanical arms tried to reach out and tightly grasped Sarah's neck, but as the hydraulic press plate continued to fall, the mechanical arm finally fell slowly.

When the police came to take over the follow-up work, according to regulations, Kyle Reese was originally going to be taken away alone, but with the intervention of the Bei Yu sisters, he and Sarah finally left the hydraulic press factory without any danger.

Yes, in this way, the Becky family has given Sarah and Kyle a chance. I hope that they will never do anything wrong in the future.

That's right, as the saying goes, some things can be done once or twice but not three times. In the future, if Sarah and Kyle dare to do something irrational, then all the consequences will be borne by themselves.

When the first T800 was terminated, all its wreckage was sent to Yusha Technology Company, and then a month later, Sarah found out that she was pregnant.

At this time, Kyle Reese realized that the future supreme leader of the human camp, John Connor, was actually his and Sarah Connor's biological son. No wonder the other party knew the weaknesses of the robot army.

When Kyle Reese thought of being raised by his own son since he was six years old, he felt that all this was like a dream.

On this day, when Sarah, who was pregnant, went out to buy things alone, a naughty little boy took a photo of her secretly with a point-and-shoot camera when she was not paying attention, and then the other party took the photo and asked her for 20 cents for the film fee.

And this photo was exactly what the future John Connor gave to Kyle Reese to go back to the past to find the clues of Sarah Connor.

When the two identical photos were put together, Sarah and Kyle both felt that all this was a beautiful blessing from God to them.

While waiting for the birth of the child, Sarah and Kyle often sat together and discussed their son. Should he be called John Connor or John Reese in the future?

In the end, after Sarah gave birth to the child, she and Kyle decided to name the child John Connor!

Smart Sarah and Kyle could think of the principle of why John Connor knew the weaknesses of robots, but they could not connect the birth of Skynet with the birth of their son.

Therefore, as soon as John Connor was born, Sarah and Kyle began to plot to raze Yusa Technology Company to the ground. For this reason, they bought a large number of weapons and equipment in private.

These actions of Sarah and Kyle naturally did not escape the eyes of the Bekai family, but they chose to let it go.

After all, even if they did not personally take action, the security force of Yusa Technology Company was not vegetarian. If Sarah and Kyle dared to break into the company rashly, the scene waiting for them would undoubtedly be like Tianluo.It was like a den of dragons and tigers.

Perhaps because they were afraid of John Connor's safety, Sarah and Kyle, who were already armed to the teeth, did not take any action against Yusha Technology Company immediately, and then time came to five years later.

When John Connor turned six, Sarah and Kyle could no longer sit still, and then they sent the child to a relative's house, and then they found a dark and windy opportunity and brazenly launched an extremely fierce attack on Yusha Technology Company.

Although Kyle Reese was a brave and combative elite warrior in the future world, when facing the huge security force of Yusha Company, his combat power alone seemed a little stretched. In the end, he and Sarah were captured alive in the situation where two fists could not beat four hands.

Since Kyle was an undocumented person without any identity information in this time and space, after being taken away by the police, he was secretly transferred by some military leaders in the United States after only staying in the cell for less than two days.

At this time, in fact, any one of the Bekay family only needed to talk a little to change Kyle Reese's fate, but the other party's brain was really a little dull, so the family chose to sit back and watch the development of this matter.

In this way, after being arrested in the military prison, Kyle Reese, who had no identity certificate, was naturally treated as a spy from another country, and he was tortured day and night.

Relying on the cruel environment in the future world, Kyle had already trained an extraordinary physique, so he survived round after round of torture in the military prison of the United States.

On the other hand, Sarah Connor's life was not easy. Although she did not suffer any hard torture, she was constantly subjected to various soft tortures.

For example, she was locked in a dark room, given only water but no food for three consecutive days and nights, had her retina irradiated with strong light for several hours, and was stuffed into a mixture of ice and water in full view...

Under these continuous tortures, Sarah Connor, who was really unable to bear it, told the story about Kyle Reese and the fact that humans would encounter robots occupying the world in the future time and space, just like pouring beans.

After telling all the truth she knew, Sarah Connor was not only not released, but she was also directly locked up in a mental hospital.

From the perspective of the Bake family, those high-ranking officials of the Meilijian who locked Sarah Connor in the mental hospital had actually secretly copied many technologies of Yusha Technology Company, and many military experimental bases were already stepping up their time to secretly study Skynet.

Yes, Sarah Connor's honest confession further strengthened the confidence of these self-righteous politicians to create this cross-era technological product, and they were more confident than one another that they would not let this technological product control humans in turn.

As for why Sarah Connor was locked up in a mental hospital? That was naturally because these politicians did not want the other party to tell more people about the future, and at the same time, they also wanted to firmly grasp this important insider in their own hands!

For the secret operations of these politicians and military bosses, the Bake family not only did not stop them, but also secretly gave them certain technical support!

After all, how could the Bekai family stop something that could help Skynet come into being sooner? Yes, they all wished that Skynet's birth day could come sooner!

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