I don't know if it was because of the executioner's momentary mistake or because of the plot needs. After Sarah Connor confessed honestly, Kyle Reese died directly after suffering the 100th round of torture because of excessive torture.

In fact, when Kyle was dying, the Becky family also discussed whether to save his life.

But in the end, the Becky family gave up this idea, because they all agreed that only John Connor, who grew up without his father, might grow up to be a future leader of mankind!

When the news of Kyle Reese's death reached Sarah Connor's ears, this fake mental patient was hit and turned into a real mental patient. She broke free during a treatment, and then she beat up all the attending doctors and nurses around her.

After beating up the doctors and nurses, Sarah was able to vent her anger, but the torture and revenge she would face in the following days were unimaginable.

Yes, in the mental hospital, doctors and nurses have many ways to torture patients. Various treatment methods that are no less than torture can drive a normal person crazy, or make this normal person have to admit that he is mentally ill in order to suffer less pain.

Therefore, before the second T800 broke in to rescue Sarah, Sarah would experience all the unconventional treatment methods in the mental hospital from beginning to end at regular intervals.

And because of the special care of some politicians, whether Sarah admits that she is mentally ill or not, she will regularly "enjoy" the treatment methods in the hospital.

Under the repeated torture of these treatment methods, Sarah's spiritual world has not completely collapsed, which can only show that she is really different.

After his parents were captured, young John Connor began to move around in various foster families. I don't know if someone informed him in advance, but no matter where he went, he would be constantly rejected by the people around him.

Gradually, John Connor developed an autistic personality. He often immersed himself in his own fantasy world. He felt that he was trapped in a quagmire and was waiting for a superhero to rescue him.

On the other hand, in various military laboratories, the progress of human research and development of Skynet has been under the surveillance of the Bake family. Among them is a colonel named Robert Brewster, whose laboratory's research and development progress is almost close to 30%.

For this reason, the Bake family secretly passed more advanced technologies and scientific theories to Robert Brewster, and they also deliberately covered up and diverted attention from the other party's laboratory.

Therefore, if someone wants to investigate the source of Skynet, the final information he will get is that Yusha Technology is still in charge of this project, and except for Robert's laboratory, the rest of the military laboratories are covering for this company.

Time quickly came to the year when John Connor was ten years old. On this day, when the Bekay family was fishing leisurely on the lake again, the radar of the Rodimus sounded a prompt, and the signal of the time shuttle appeared on the outskirts of Los Angeles.

Why is it Los Angeles again? It seems that no matter which world it is in, the beautiful Los Angeles seems to have become the main battlefield for the two forces of righteousness and evil to compete with each other!

After playing a virtual light screen, the Bekay family saw in the picture that the second T800, which was obviously not as majestic as the first T800 in terms of figure, walked out slowly from the spherical energy shield created by the time shuttle with solid steps.

I heard that in the human worldview, when watching the movie "Terminator 2" that year, many fans would default to the second T800 as a villain, but in the eyes of the Bekay family, regardless of the fact that they had watched the movie, they would know that the other party was not a villain just by looking at the other party's eyes.

"Old wine in a new bottle, there is no novelty at all!" Kesha made such an objective evaluation of the second T800.

"Yes! Mom is right, let's look forward to the performance of T1000!" Kaiyu pointed at his fingerBlow it.

I don't know if it's because of the butterfly effect, T1000's landing place is not Los Angeles, but the lakeside where the Bekai family is currently.

Seeing this, the Bekai family has already understood that Skynet deliberately set the coordinates of the time-space shuttle at this location. I guess T1000 came here specifically to see their family.

Next, Kesha used the method of void creation to create a set of the most classic black police uniform in the movie for the unobstructed T1000. After putting on this police uniform, the other party was so excited that it couldn't be added.

After a conversation with T1000, the Bekai family learned that because of the arrival of their four butterflies, Skynet in the future time and space has already called Bekai and the two great creators. Therefore, all the Terminator series robots must unconditionally obey the instructions of their family.

"Go! Go and complete your mission! But you should also know the causal relationship between Skynet and John Connor! So don't chase too hard, remember to leave a little line at the critical moment!" Bello issued a new combat order to T1000.

"Yes, Lord Creator!" After T1000 bowed deeply to the Bekai family, he locked John Connor's position and started his pursuit mission.

When T1000 went to perform the mission, Bekai and the others continued to stay in the hull of the Rodimus, watching in real time through a virtual light screen, while the Beiyu sisters drove their own exclusive cars and planned to go to the scene to observe.

"T1000, do you need a car?" When the Beiyu sisters drove the car and caught up with the T1000 running at full speed, Kaiyu, who was sitting in Carl's main driving seat, threw a wink at the other party.

"My sister's subordinates are Autobots, and mine are Decepticons. T1000, which camp are you going to choose?" Betha, who was sitting in the driver's seat of Shockwave, also cast a wink at T1000.

Yes, there is only one driver's seat in Shockwave's car.

Facing the invitations of the two little princesses, T1000 said that he dared not refuse anyone, so he went to the roadside to rob a car of a random unlucky passerby.

When T1000 drove the car to catch up with T800 who was riding a motorcycle, the Beiyu sisters and their respective vehicles entered the stealth mode together.

At this time, T800's first task was to find John Connor first. Therefore, when he faced T1000's pursuit, he chose to turn a blind eye. He only saw him twist the maximum gear of the motorcycle and go all out towards the destination.

"Sister, is there something wrong with T800's thinking? At this time, shouldn't he think of a way to lead T1000 somewhere else first?" Betha used Shockwave's communicator to connect to Carl's communicator.

"Sister, there is nothing wrong with T800's thinking. Don't forget that T1000 can also locate John Connor's position. If T800 dares to make a move to divert the trouble, do you think T1000 will follow?" Kaiyu asked in Carl's communicator.

"That's right! It turns out that I was a little narrow-minded!" Betha responded in Shockwave's communicator with some embarrassment.

In this way, T800 rode a motorcycle at full speed towards John Connor's location, and the T1000 with new instructions followed behind him, always keeping a certain distance in pursuit. Then the exclusive car of the Bei Yu sisters was also in stealth mode, always maintaining the same driving speed as the T1000!

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