After Gang Xiutai and the other two had been running-in with their respective transforming mechas for three days and three nights, Hank told them the second stage of the transformation procedure, which was to sit in the cab and shout out the three-stage transformation commands: transformation, head, combination.

"Puff..." After hearing the three-stage transformation command, the Beiyu sisters, who were watching the show, sprayed the top-grade red wine they had just drunk in each other's faces.

Then, the Beiyu sisters each took out a piece of the world's top-grade high-end silk scarf and began to wipe the red wine marks on each other's faces.

After the Beiyu sisters wiped the red wine marks on each other's faces, in the Autobot base, under the gaze of Cab and Minerva, in the three-person team, Gang Xiutai, who vaguely had the aura of a captain, slowly walked into the cab of the police car.

Sitting in the cab, after calming down a little, Goshuta shouted the first command loudly: Transform!

In an instant, Goshuta came with a seat and ejected from the cab of the police car, and the police car immediately stretched its body and turned into a headless robot.

"Head, combine!" Goshuta, who was still in the air, shouted the second and third transformation commands, and his body folded 180 degrees with his back facing outward, and combined with the seat to form a robot head, and then this head was combined with the headless robot below.

It took Goshuta less than five seconds from shouting the first transformation command to turning into a complete robot. After the successful transformation, he was already an Autobot Warrior-SWAT.

After witnessing the whole process of Goshuta's transformation, the Bekai family wanted to ask leisurely: Boy (Gongshuta), is your waist okay? Is your head okay!

That's right, after becoming the head of the robot, not only was Gang Xiutai's waist folded 180 degrees, but he also merged with the transforming mecha head-down. In this way, wouldn't his head be congested and hypoxic because of the inversion?

"Bero, Xiaobei, Xiaoyu, we don't have to worry about him (Gang Xiutai). After becoming a robot, the body will provide the leader warrior with a complete set of very stable life support systems to ensure that he will not have brain congestion and hypoxia!"

Using the Eye of Insight to stare at the virtual light screen, Kaisha saw through the actual life of the leader warrior after he became a robot.

After not worrying about Gang Xiutai's physical condition, the sisters Beiyu complained a little, because the back of the other party's armor did not look like a robot's face no matter how you looked at it. Even if you looked at it upside down, you couldn't tell where the eyes and mouth were.

Regarding this point of complaint, Bekai and the others also discovered that the back of the armor was not originally in the style of a robot face, but after it became the shape of a head, it immediately became a human face.

While Bekai's family was still complaining about the SWAT number, Kabe and Minerva also completed their respective transformation processes one after another. After the transformation, they became Autobots-Faucet and Fire respectively.

Like Goshuta, the armored backs of Kabe and Minerva were not a robot face, but after they became Faucet and Fire, they became a standard robot face.

However, what is even more incredible is that the size of the fire truck is obviously a full circle and a half larger than that of the police car and ambulance. As a result, after becoming robots, the heights of these three Autobots have reached an amazing consistency.

And it's not just the height, the width of the fire truck is also half a car body wider. After becoming a faucet, his body width is almost the same as that of the SWAT number and Fire.

"Are you interested? Xiaobei, Xiaoyu, do you want to become a robot like this?" Kaisha asked her two daughters.

"No!" The sisters Beiyu shook their heads in unison without hesitation.

Even if there is a life support system as a guarantee, the sisters Beiyu do not want their bodies to be folded into that shape to become robots.

If SWAT, Faucet and Liehuo want to change back to vehicle form, they only need to shout "transform", and the password to remove the armor form is also "Power of the Brave".

"Hank, this is amazing, this transforming bracelet,Who created the props? "Gong Xiutai, who had removed his armored form, immediately rushed forward to ask Hank.

"It was created by our companion, computer geek Guo Wen." As soon as he finished speaking, Hank played a video recording to Gang Xiutai and the other two.

In the video, a red chariot appeared. He seemed to be a leader warrior. When he turned into a robot, he said to the camera: Hank, I have sent someone to deliver the transforming bracelet and the transforming mecha to you. You must choose an upright and kind human to become a warrior who protects the earth!

From the perspective of the Bekai family, this computer geek Guo Wen, although he is also a leader warrior, the head that has turned into a human is not an armored form, but a "small" robot with a height of nearly two meters.

After the video was played, Hank I told Gang Xiutai and the other two that the computer geek Guo Wen sent people to send the transformation bracelets. There should have been six pairs, but when they received them, there were only three pairs.

Needless to say, according to the routine of general cartoons, the three pairs of transformation bracelets that disappeared must be in the hands of the Decepticons at this time, so Kaisha waved her hand and projected a virtual light screen that was showing the timely picture of the Decepticon base.

As expected, in the Decepticon base at this moment, the bat blood demon, the deep-sea fish demon and the goat monster found three bad boys from nowhere, and after a lot of nonsense from the three of them, the three bad boys each wore a pair of transformation bracelets.

Slightly different from Gang Xiutai and the other two, the transformation password of these three bad boys is: Juvenile Decepticon Leader Warrior! Oh, by the way, the names of these three bad boys They are: Sirius, Rhino and Scorpion!

Then the appearance of their three transformed mechas is a two-winged flying wolf that can't fly but walks on two feet, a rhino that runs on four feet, and a viper that walks on two feet and has a pair of pincers.

Like Gang Xiutai and the other two, before turning into robots, Sirius and the other two have to enter the cockpit first, and then shout out the three-step transformation command: transformation, head, combination.

Unlike Gang Xiutai and the other two, when Sirius and the other three turned into heads, there was no cockpit seat that transformed with them. The three of them flew out of the cockpit directly, folded their bodies and transformed with their heads facing down.

The transformation of the three of them is also very interesting. The flying wolf and the viper exchanged their hands and feet, that is, the hands in the vehicle form became the feet of the robot, and vice versa. The rhino's front legs became hands , just stand up and it's done. In addition, the exclusive names of their three robots are: Wild Wolf, Mad Bull and Scorpion.

Whether it's Tianlang or Wild Wolf, at least his vehicle form has a wolf head, but the vehicle form is obviously a mechanical animal with a viper face, why must it be called Venomous Scorpion and Scorpion? This question, the Bekai family is a little confused!

Is it because the venomous scorpion's vehicle form has a pair of pincers? But creatures with pincers are not only scorpions, but also crabs and lobsters!

Of course, there is another key point, and the Bekai family all thought of it at the same time:

Logically speaking, the transforming mecha made by computer geek Guo Wen, even if it was stolen by the Decepticons, but with the three iron idiots of Bat Blood Demon, do they have the ability to change the program of these transforming mechas? So, behind this matter, there must be a mastermind behind it all!

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