Although he has become the leader of the Autobots, Hank warned Gang Xiutai and the other two that their future mission is only rescue and disaster relief, and they must not participate in the battle.

However, the Bat Blood Demon told the three Tianlangs that from now on, the world will be dominated by them, and they can control the world as they please.

Sometimes, the mentality of bad boys is so simple and unpretentious. When the three Tianlangs became powerful, they took the lead in finding the gangsters who had bullied them on the streets.

Probably knowing that humans would be crushed into powder as soon as the robots made a move, the three Tianlangs just wore armor and beat these gangsters so that they could never stand up again.

However, it was a coincidence that when the three Tianlangs were teaching the gangsters a lesson, Gang Xiutai and the other two were patrolling nearby, and even more coincidentally, one of the gangsters slipped out in the chaos.

The gangster who had escaped ran over and shouted for help after seeing the police car driven by Gang Xiutai.

After listening to the gangster's story, Gang Xiutai and the other two realized that the armored men who were bullying the gangsters should be the Decepticon who stole the transformation bracelet.

So, the Autobots and Decepticons, who had just become the leader warriors, met each other by coincidence.

"Transform, head, combination!" After the six transformation commands were spoken in unison, the SWAT, Faucet, Liehuo, Wild Wolf, Mad Bull and Scorpion appeared one after another.

"I didn't expect that there would be female warriors in the Autobot camp!" Scorpion was a little disdainful of Liehuo.

Liehuo, whose self-esteem was damaged, was looked down upon by Scorpion, so she took the lead in attacking the opponent, but her fancy moves were easily avoided by the opponent.

The leader of the Scorpion, the Poison Scorpion, seems to have the blood of the Flower Planting Family. He once worshipped a master of ancient boxing and learned the most authentic Dragon Fist for several years. After he jumped into the air, he immediately performed the flying kick of the Dragon Fist, and then kicked Liehuo out with just one kick.

Liehuo flew a parabola in the air and temporarily lost his combat effectiveness after landing.

After seeing the girl he loved being knocked down, the Special Police and the Faucet immediately rushed forward to fight with the Scorpion.

The leader of the Special Police, Gang Xiutai, was a scumbag, but compared with Liehuo, he was knocked to the ground and could not move after being kicked by the Scorpion.

As for the leader of the Faucet, Kabe, as the prince of Kalin Island, was born to live with animals, so he had some basic self-defense methods. Therefore, he fought back and forth with Scorpion with his own skills.

As the saying goes, professionals are professionals. Scorpion, who had learned authentic boxing from a master, gradually figured out the opponent's moves and routines after hundreds of rounds of fighting with Faucet. Then he sold a flaw to the opponent, and then he took advantage of the opponent's carelessness and kicked the opponent in the air.

In addition, when Scorpion kicked Liehuo, he still reserved some strength. Therefore, when Faucet was kicked away, he flew back a longer distance, and when he landed, Scorpion rushed over to finish him off.

In the eyes of the Bekai family, they all discovered a fact. When these leader warriors fought each other, they seemed to not attack each other's heads. When they hit each other, they were hitting other parts of the body.

For this reason, the Beiyu sisters were a little curious. What would happen if they hit each other's heads directly?

Just when Betha wanted to let a Decepticon go out and hit the head of the SWAT, Hank and Langzi rushed to the battlefield. They only looked like armored forms, and they beat Scorpion back step by step.

After seeing their companions lose, Wild Wolf and Mad Bull also joined the battle circle, and then Hank and Langzi became Iron Eagle and Diver.

Next, two Autobots fought against three Decepticon leaders. In the eyes of the Bekai family, it was like two adults bullying three children. It could also be said that two game kings were crushing three little bullies from the Novice Village.

Like the previous battle scene, Iron Eagle and the diver did notAttack the heads of the three leading warriors, including Wild Wolf. Their various attacks were only focused on the torsos and limbs of the three opposite.

Seeing this, the Bei Yu sisters, who were really impatient, simply put on the Flame Dragon Armor and the Wind Eagle Armor, and then appeared directly on the battlefield. Next, they saw the situation and punched the heads of Wild Wolf and Mad Bull respectively.

When the heads of Wild Wolf and Mad Bull were hit, the whole bodies of the two Decepticon warriors flew backwards for a long distance, and when they landed, they were unable to stand up in a short time. It seems that the heads of the leading warriors are their fatal weaknesses.

After verifying their respective conjectures, the Flame Dragon Warrior and the Wind Eagle Warrior disappeared from in front of the Iron Eagle and the Diver after turning into a flame and a whirlwind.

After that, Scorpion went forward to help up Wild Wolf and Mad Bull, and then the three Decepticons left in a dusty state, and Iron Eagle and Diver did not pursue them, but let them leave in a mess.

When the three Decepticons, including Wild Wolf, had completely walked away, Iron Eagle and Diver helped up the three Autobots, including Special Police, one by one.

After returning to the base, Hank severely criticized Gang Xiutai and the other two who had gone out without authorization, and he also issued a warning that if there was a next time, he would take back the three transformation bracelets.

In response, the Becky family, who were responsible for eating melons and watching the show, said: After wearing the transformation bracelet, it is obvious that you can never take it off again. How are you going to recycle it, Hank? Do you want to cut off the palms of Gang Xiutai and the other three?

After this lesson, Gang Xiutai and the other two never tried to show off their strength again. They went to perform rescue missions honestly. When they became more and more proficient in their work, the burden on Hank and the other four hermit warriors was much lighter.

Slowly, Hank, the leader, had more time to sit in the base and command the people to fight remotely, which also gave the Bekai family an opportunity to come and read some of his physical data.

On this day, when Hank had just finished commanding a long-distance battle and came to the lounge from the base's communication room, he had just stepped through the door of the lounge when the entire lounge was covered by an energy barrier.

As expected of the leader of the hermit warriors, Hank was very keenly aware of it three seconds after the energy barrier appeared. He turned back and shouted: Who is there?

However, with Hank's ability, he could only do this much. After he shouted these five words, his body was locked. Then, the Becky family appeared in front of him with Xiaoyu and Skynet.

"It's too narrow here, let's go to another place!" After Kesha said this to Hank, she raised her right hand and snapped her fingers.

The next second, the Becky family, Xiaoyu, Skynet and Hank disappeared from the Autobot base. When they appeared again, they had already arrived at an open area under Mount Fuji. Because it was covered with thick snow all year round, it was a real no-man's land!

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