Since Bessa got the Six-Faced Knight, she has been driving it all day long, shuttling back and forth over the cities of Sakura Country.

Yes, because the land form of the Six-Faced Knight is an electric drill tank, it is still a bit inappropriate to drive such a vehicle to wander around the streets, so Bessa chose to drive it in the sky.

Since there is only one seat in the cockpit of the Six-Faced Knight, Kaiyu can't accompany Bessa to do these things.

Whenever Bessa goes to the outside world alone to play, Kaiyu will stay in the dream space and learn some relevant etiquette of angel civilization from Kaisha.

"Xiaoyu, you have learned almost everything, and you can digest the rest slowly by yourself!" Bello used the means of telekinesis to move Kaiyu from Kaisha to the outside of the castle, and then he went forward to hug his beloved wife, and Bessa and Kai went to the bedroom immediately.

"Bello, in broad daylight, and in front of the children, can't you be a little reserved?" When Kaisha was asking this question, her clothes were already being taken off one by one.

"Kesha, you have taught Xiaoyu angel etiquette for three days and three nights, and now you owe me three nights of compulsory lessons! From now until the morning of the day after tomorrow, you are not qualified to leave this room!" After removing all of Kaisha's clothes, Bello immediately became exposed.

"Okay, I can stay in this room, but you have to stop halfway!" Kaisha took the initiative to throw herself into Bello's arms.

"Don't worry, I guarantee you'll be satisfied!" Bello then laid Kaisha flat on the bed in the room... (Someone said: I'm here to show my face again!)

When the Bekai family had their own things to do, Gray, who had joined the team for half a year, finally remembered one thing, that is, the metal raw materials used by his father when making his transforming mecha were all excavated from a natural vein in the western mountains of Meilijian.

In view of this situation, the wanderer and the Kamikaze were left to guard the base, and Hank, Diling, Optimus Prime, Gray, Gang Xiutai, Kabe and Minerva went to the natural vein together to find out.

After arriving in this western mountainous area, the scenery here is very suitable for camping, so Hank and his team decided to explore the veins while having a picnic and camping in the mountains.

When Hank, Diling, Optimus Prime and Gray went to explore the natural mineral veins, Gang Xiutai, Kabe and Minerva stayed in the camp to set up tents and prepare ingredients for dinner.

With Kabe as the leader and Gang Xiutai and Minerva as the assistants, after the three of them set up the tent and chopped the firewood, they went to the lake in the forest to fish together.

Gang Xiutai and the other two had been stationed by the lake for a long time without catching a single fish. After a while, they saw Mr. Joey, the ranger, who came here to collect ingredients for dinner.

Joey tied a branch-like bait to one end of the fishing line, and then he gently threw the fishing rod into the lake. Then, less than a minute later, he caught a half-meter-long fish.

Kabe felt that Joey had some fishing secrets, so he mustered up the courage to ask him, and then Joey generously lent Kabe the branch-shaped bait.

With this branch-shaped bait, Kabe and Gang Xiutai only took about two minutes to catch a big fish nearly one meter long from the lake.

After calculating the number of people camping, Kabe and Gang Xiutai then caught three big fish from the lake, all of which were about one meter long.

After Kabe returned the bait, Joey took his dinner ingredients and said goodbye to Gang Xiutai and the other two with a smile, and then he walked back to his cabin, and before he left, he said enthusiastically: You are welcome to visit my home anytime!

Unexpectedly, Joey's unintentional words really worked that night. After exploring the mineral veins and finding nothing, Hank and his companions returned to the camp. When they finished dinner and were about to enter the tent to rest, a strong wind blew and heavy rain began to fall.

When the tents in the camp were blown over by the strong wind, Cabe suggested that everyone go to Mr. Joey's house.After staying overnight, everyone packed up and went to Joey's cabin together.

Joey warmly entertained Hank and others for their late night visit. During the subsequent chat, he mentioned that he had found a glowing black rock in the mountains.

Optimus Prime's truck box and Gray's GT sports car, these two transforming mechas, evolved from a glowing black rock. Therefore, everyone thought that the black rock in Joey's hand might be a transforming mecha.

So, under everyone's strong request, Joey had to take everyone to his stable and show them the black rock.

The originally dull black rock, after the curtain covering it was pulled down, immediately emitted a very dazzling golden light on its surface. At the same time, the transforming bracelets worn on the wrists of Optimus Prime and Gray also glowed with the rock.

The rock and the transforming bracelet glowed together, which was a good proof of the rock's identity. So, Optimus came to Joey and put a transforming bracelet on his wrist.

Unlike Gray, although Joey, who was wearing the transforming bracelet, could not take it off, his hands were not forced to cross and wear the transforming armor.

Next, Optimus explained to Joey the various battles between the Autobots and the Decepticons...

"So that's it, you are the brave warriors who protect the earth, but I still find it incredible that humans can become robots!" Joey sighed softly.

When the time came to midnight, Joey arranged for everyone to rest in the cabin in groups of three or two, and as the only girl in the team, Minerva was arranged alone in the master's bedroom.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the cabin, a loud noise came from the stable.

By the time everyone was dressed and rushed to the stable, Wild Wolf was about to lift the black rock from the almost collapsed stable and take it away.

Before Wild Wolf left with the rock, Crazy Bull and Scorpion set a fire outside the cabin and the stable, and then the entire stable became a ruin, and the horse that had accompanied Joey for ten years was crushed under countless wooden boards.

Seeing this, Hank and Earth Spirit took the lead in transforming into Iron Eagle and Earth Spirit's robot forms, and then the two of them chased the three young Decepticons, Wild Wolf, Crazy Bull and Scorpion.

Next, Optimus Prime, Gray, Goshuta, Cabe and Minerva also drove their respective transforming mechas over one after another.

"Gong Xiutai, the three of you stay here to put out the fire, Gray and I will go to support Hank and the others!" After briefly explaining some things, Optimus Prime and Gray turned into their normal Renlai and Zappo, and then they went to catch up with Iron Eagle and Earth Spirit.

"It's amazing, humans can actually turn into robots, can I be like them?" Joey lowered his head and took a look at the transforming bracelet on his wrist.

After Optimus Prime and the others went to chase Wild Wolf and the others, the three Autobots started their own jobs. The task of extinguishing the fire was given to Cabe, Gang Xiutai went to move the important supplies in the house, and Minerva was responsible for treating the seriously injured horse!

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