"Minerva, how is it (the horse)?" Joey squatted beside the horse with tears in his eyes.

"Mr. Joey, it's not in a good condition!" Minerva was trying his best to save the horse.

"Old buddy... It's all your fault, damn Decepticons!" After touching the horse's head, Joey walked into the cabin where the fire had not been completely extinguished, and took the hunting rifle from the fireplace in the living room, which had also accompanied him for ten years.

On the other side, the wolf carrying the rock ran very slowly. After a while, Hank, Di Ling, Ren Lai and Jie Bu caught up with him one after another.

After a round of mutual shooting between the two sides, the rock was shot away by Gray, and then the rock rolled down a slope into the lake below the slope. Yes, it was the lake where Gang Xiutai and others went fishing yesterday.

Seeing this, Crazy Bull and Scorpion continued to hold back the other Autobots on the shore, while Wild Wolf plunged into the lake, and then Renlai, who had escaped from the battlefield, also jumped into the lake.

The scene of Renlai jumping into the lake was seen by the brothers Black Cloud and Tiansha who came to support him, so the two brothers merged into the Wings of Terror in the air and threw a large number of mines into the lake.

At this time, in the lake, Wild Wolf had picked up rocks from the bottom of the lake, and Renlai came behind him and clamped his arms. Just as the two of them were entangled, countless mines appeared around them.

Next, in the successive explosions of many mines, Renlai, who had taken away the rocks, was blown out of the water, and then his body hit a mountain heavily, and then he slid down quickly close to the mountain.

Seeing that Renlai was seriously injured, Heiyun and Tiansha quickly separated and quickly turned into robots. Then they came to Renlai and forced him to hand over the black rock in his hand.

Just as Heiyun and Tiansha were gradually approaching Renlai, Joey climbed to the top of the mountain behind Renlai.

"Go to hell! Damn Decepticons!" Joey aimed at Tiansha's head with a shotgun, and he accurately hit one of his eyes.

After being shot in the left eye, Tiansha immediately fired a shot at the mountain. Then, Joey and many falling rocks fell rapidly to the bottom of the mountain.

"Joey, cross your hands and shout out the boundless power!" Renlai shouted loudly to Joey who was falling.

"The power... is boundless!" Joey, who was a little scared, crossed his hands and shouted the transformation command intermittently.

In a flash of golden light, Joey was wearing a brown transformable armor.

"Joey, now shout out transform, power, combination!" Renlai continued to shout at Joey.

"Transform, power, combination!" Joey, who was wearing the transformable armor, shouted out the second and third transformation commands in a firm tone, and his body fell from head down to feet down.

After Joey shouted the six words "Transform, power, combination!", the black rock emitted an unprecedented golden light.

Then a desert off-road four-wheel drive vehicle with four tires that were slightly larger in diameter than the height of the vehicle slowly emerged from the golden light, and the vehicle flew rapidly towards Joey in the air.

When Joey met the four-wheel drive car, the former turned into a metal module and was attached to the front of the latter. Then, the latter transformed into an Autobot warrior with a black head, a white torso, and red limbs. His name was "Ranger".

Compared with the position of the Autobot logo of Zappos, the Autobot logo of Ranger not only appeared very clearly on his chest, but also the largest Autobot logo so far.

"Damn Decepticons, come on! I'm not afraid of you now!" Ranger took a step closer to Heiyun and Tiansha.

When Ranger took a step forward, Renlai took the opportunity to switch to super mode. A few seconds later, Zappos, Iron Eagle and Earth Spirit arrived. A few seconds later, SWAT, Faucet and Liehuo also arrived.

Facing the three-way encirclement of eight Autobots, the brothers Heiyun and Tiansha seemed to have no better way to deal with it except to flee in disgrace.

This made the Bekai family feelWhat was speechless was that in the face of such a good situation, Renlai and the others actually watched as the brothers Heiyun and Tiansha merged into Haiyi, and flew away from the eight Autobots almost unscathed.

After Haiyi flew away from the battlefield, Wild Wolf climbed up from the lake in a mess, and Crazy Bull and Scorpion hurried forward to support him.

"This damn Heiyun and Tiansha, they actually wanted to kill me and Renlai together!" Wild Wolf glared at Haiyi in the air, who was gradually moving away.

Yes, perhaps in the eyes of Heiyun and Tiansha, the two brothers who thought they were superior to others may have never looked at the three leading warriors, Tianlang, Rhino and Scorpion, in the right eyes.

When Haiyi flew halfway towards the base, Betha drove the invisible six-sided knight fighter and fired two most common energy attacks at the combined form of the two brothers.

Just two ordinary energy attacks can make the entire fuselage of Haiyi become shaky. From this point of view, the six-faced knight transformed by Bekai and the others can easily beat any powerful warrior.

After stumbling back to the Decepticon base, the brothers Heiyun and Tiansha were once again severely punished by the Demon King Z. When the two of them were punished, Tianlang, Rhino and Scorpion were gloating on the side, but the three of them were also worried, because they were afraid that the same punishment would fall on them sooner or later.

When Joey agreed to join the Autobot camp, his horse was out of danger. Then, after thinking again and again, he decided to release this old friend who had accompanied him for ten years back to the mountains. After all, he would go to protect the world in the future, and he didn't have extra time to take care of the horse.

After Joey followed Hank and the others back to Sakura Country, Bekai and his partner also made a short trip to this mountainous area. They went to see Joey's horse and found that it was indeed different from others.

Unfortunately, Bekai and his partner both thought it was a good horse, but Taxue just didn't like it. Bekai and his partner's matchmaking had hit a big snag.

It has been hundreds of years, and in the stable of Bekai's family, there are still only Zhuiyue, Heifeng, Taxue, and a horse called "Jianyu". There are a total of four horses in the family, and the number is really scarce.

Therefore, Bekai and his partner occasionally choose to see if there is a suitable horse in different worlds to join the atmosphere of this family of four.

After saying goodbye to Joey's horse, Bekay and the others walked to the ruins of Joey's cabin, and then the sharp-eyed Bello found the branch bait that could catch big fish 100% from a pile of black charcoal.

That night, Bekay and the others simply set up a tent by the lake and camped here. Bello also used the branch bait to catch five big fish over one meter long from the lake. Then the dinner that night was a full fish feast cooked by Kesha herself.

The sisters Beiyu, who were having fun outside, put a big rock by the lake on the full fish feast. They seemed like cats that smelled fishy smells. They flashed in front of Bekay and the others almost "without warning", and then their family happily finished all the fish dishes!

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