Whether it is a divine warrior or a leader warrior, these robots transformed from humans, the combat effectiveness of the robots is proportional to the strength level of humans.

Therefore, as a forest ranger, Joey, who has full hunting and wilderness survival skills, has been the number one in the red camp for a long time after joining the Autobot camp.

And in the private competitions of the Autobots, the Ranger has defeated the normal Renlai twice in a row, but in the third competition, he was defeated by the opponent.

While the Autobots were fighting offensive and defensive battles with the Decepticons, they were trying hard to find the last two divine warriors around the world, even though they only had a pair of transformation bracelets in their hands.

The Autobots who have been searching in vain occasionally relax. On this day, an F1 rally sponsored by Ford Motor Company was held in Los Angeles, USA.

For this reason, as the young master of the event sponsor, Gray took Gang Xiutai, Kabe and Minerva to watch the game.

Before the game officially started, Gray and his four friends went to cheer for their driver, Jack, and they also met the famous racer, Steve, who has won many championships in the rest area.

Although Steve is a racer of the rival sponsor, Gray and his four friends still walked up and greeted him very friendly. In addition, Gang Xiutai, Kabe and Minerva are all loyal fans of Steve.

Especially Minerva, she also treasured a photo of Steve's autograph, and this time she reunited, she got another autographed photo of him, and the two of them stood together and took a photo.

When the race started, Gray was the only Autobot who came to watch the race. He was still cheering for his own racer, Jack, while Gang Xiuta, Cabe and Minerva were cheering for Steve.

In the first few laps of the race, Steve ranked first, and Jack, the racer sponsored by the Foote family, ranked second.

But in the last lap, Jack, who was determined to win, had a tragic accident with Steve who was in front of him because of an accidental operating error.

Jack's red car exploded with a "boom" after he stumbled out of the cab. Fortunately, he only suffered a slight concussion.

As for Steve's yellow car, after being hit by Jack's red car on the rear wing, he crashed directly into the guardrail on the side of the road, and then the right front wheel of the yellow car suffered devastating damage.

Just when everyone was sighing and lamenting that Steve would definitely miss the championship this time, the yellow car under him miraculously repaired itself, and then he started the car again to complete the rest of the race, and he also won the championship of this race.

"The fourth God Warrior, it turns out to be here!" The automatic recovery of the yellow car made Gray in the audience excited, but the three little ones next to him did not notice this detail.

When Steve stood on the podium, holding the championship trophy and giving a speech, Gray privately used the transformation bracelet to contact Optimus Prime, who was searching for God Warriors near Los Angeles.

When Steve received the championship prize and was about to go home to celebrate with his adoptive father, Gray brought the three little ones to find him.

About half an hour later, Optimus Prime drove the transforming mecha to Gray and others.

When Stie took the transformation bracelet from Optimus Prime, he understood the purpose of these people looking for him, so he put on the transformation bracelet very readily.

After putting on the transformation bracelet, Stie's hands were uncontrollably and forcibly crossed together. After a flash of golden light, he put on a brown and yellow transformation armor.

"Stie, you sit in the driver's seat now, and then shout transformation, power, combination!" Gray, who has transformed from a recruit to a veteran, told Stie the next step of the operation process.

After Stie nodded, he sat in the driver's seat of the yellow racing car, and then he shouted "Transformation, power, combination!"

This time, Stie's transformed metal module was no longer attached to the back of the racing car, but directly attached to the chest. In the end, he and his racing car became a body.The color scheme is a robot with blue on top and yellow on the bottom, and the name of this Autobot warrior is Road King.

Similar to Zappos, the Autobot logo of Road King is also in the position of the robot's philtrum.

When Road King turned back into Steve, Joey's communication was broadcast to Gray's transformation bracelet. The other party claimed in the communication that the three Decepticon young leader warriors were heading towards the car town more than 100 kilometers away.

The car town more than 100 kilometers away is where Steve's adoptive father is located. So, Steve drove the transforming mecha without saying a word, and the speed reached the maximum speed, and rushed towards the car town at full speed.

Time went back two or three hours. When Steve was still receiving the award, the three brothers Tianlang didn't know from where that Steve's adoptive father, Steven, had a yellow racing car that could be repaired automatically.

So, the three brothers thought that the yellow racing car must be the transforming mecha of the God Warrior, so the three Tianlangs came to Steven's bar and prepared to threaten the old man to hand over the yellow racing car.

As a result, although Steven was old, he was very agile. After all, he was once a famous racing driver. He didn't spend much effort before he beat the three Tianlangs out of his bar. Yes, even the poisonous scorpion with the dragon fist skill was not his opponent.

The three Tianlangs who were kicked out were unwilling to control the transforming mecha and began to wreak havoc in the town next to the car town.

Time returned to the present, when Steven drove the transforming mecha to the destroyed town, the Ranger had just driven the three Tianlangs out of here.

After looking around, Steve drove the transforming mecha towards the bar of his adoptive father, Steven. Then, after seeing the yellow racing car, the three Tianlang brothers who were chased out followed behind Steve's car.

After seeing that his adoptive father was safe and sound, Steve's heart was finally at ease. Before the father and son had said a few words, the three brothers of Tianlang came to Steven and Steve in transforming armor.

Next, after the three brothers of Tianlang confirmed that the yellow racing car was the transforming mecha of the God Warrior, they turned into Wild Wolf, Mad Bull and Scorpion in front of Steven and Steve.

"So you three bad boys are the Decepticons who have committed many crimes!" Steven angrily scolded the three Decepticon warriors of Wild Wolf.

When the wolf was about to reach out to take the yellow racing car, Steve jumped straight into the driver's seat. Then he shouted out the three-step transformation command "Infinite Power" and "Transformation Power" in succession. In a moment, the Autobot warrior - Road King made a brilliant appearance!

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