After only two minutes, the stains on the dirty Bello and Hao Ren were automatically cleaned up, because the golden lightning was not striking their bodies, but directly striking their souls.

"Mr. Bei, the will of the universe is the highest authority in this world. No one can say bad things about Him, otherwise He will strike you with lightning that will strike your soul directly!" Hao Ren explained the characteristics of the will of the universe while looking up, fearing that the other party would strike him with lightning again.

"In other words, the will of the universe in this world is equivalent to the existence of the way of heaven!" As soon as Bello finished speaking, a small dark cloud appeared above his head again.

But this time, no thunder punishment came from the dark cloud. It seemed that the will of the universe seemed to recognize Bello's statement that it was equivalent to the way of heaven, so after thirty seconds, the small dark cloud automatically dissipated.

"Heavenly Dao? I think He is much more powerful than Heavenly Dao!" Hao Ren said this again while looking up.

Next, through a conversation with Hao Ren, Bello learned that Vivian's constitution of the God of Poverty and God of Bad Luck was a deliberate targeting of the will of the universe, but even Hao Ren was not clear about the specific reason.

After listening to Hao Ren's description of Vivian, Bello also felt that his family was probably deliberately targeted by the will of the universe, but he couldn't think of the real reason why the other party did this.

"Hao Ren, what do you think of the strength of the Shunzi goddess?" Bello asked Hao Ren again about the strength of Raven 12345.

Narrator: In the original work, the alias of Raven 12345 is Shunzi Goddess or Shunzi Raven!

"Goddess Shunzi, this name is quite appropriate. As for her strength! I haven't seen it in detail, but she is very powerful anyway!" Hao Ren told Belo all the details of his two experiences with Raven 12345.

"Okay, I got it! Find a time to help me make an appointment with this Goddess Shunzi!" At this time, Belo was looking forward to the official meeting with Raven 12345.

"Okay! No problem, next time I go to her, I will ask her for you!" As a real-good guy, Hao Ren sometimes really didn't know how to refuse others.

Next, as a good guy, Hao Ren bought a lot of goods from the shelves when he left Tianren Supermarket, and he insisted on paying the bill at the normal selling price of the goods, and even resolutely refused the discount given to him by Belo.

After the first day of business, Bello returned to the small building in high spirits, and then he met the new tenant of Hao Ren's house, Izaks, in the living room.

"Bello!" "Izaks!" Bello and Izaks shook hands and exchanged names.

Izaks is a demon monarch from another world. In this world, he is called "Mad Demon King" by humans and other races. His demon race type is Flame Demon: when he shows his true body, he is more than five meters tall, his whole body is like flowing magma, and when he speaks, sparks will be ejected from his mouth.

At this time, Izaks has become a human, a sturdy man with a height of nearly two meters and a very strong body.

Beikai and the others can see that Izaks is a demon monarch with a lot of stories, but the other party is unwilling to talk about his past. Since he moved into Hao Ren's house, he has been doing things silently every day with little speaking.

Since Yzaks looked like someone who had just escaped from prison, when he arrived at the commercial street in the southern suburbs, the simple-minded uncles and aunts would call the nearby police officers every now and then to check his identity.

Fortunately, the ID card that Raven 12345 had issued to Yzaks was the type that could withstand any inspection, so every time the police officers checked, they just took a routine look at his ID card and released him.

Oh, by the way, Yzaks also gave himself a very down-to-earth human name called "Wang Daquan".

On the other hand, since the Bekai family was able to capture the daily material needs of every resident on the commercial street in the southern suburbs in a timely manner,In this way, the two of them can accurately put the right products on the shelves at the right time.

In this way, the turnover of Tianren Supermarket is growing rapidly every day at a speed visible to the naked eye. After only one month, Beikai's family successfully expanded the scale of the supermarket.

After expanding the scale of Tianren Supermarket, even the freshest fruits and vegetables are placed in the supermarket's vegetable selling column.

Then, when the staff of the Commercial Bureau learned that Tianren Supermarket had put fruits and vegetables on the shelves, they personally sent Bello an agreement to apply for vegetable basket subsidies.

Vegetable basket subsidies are a kind of people-friendly subsidy policy that the official flower-growing family of this world has implemented for several years, specifically for the sale of fruits and vegetables in supermarkets.

Its purpose is to allow supermarkets to strictly control the prices of fruits and vegetables, and to keep the prices in the supermarket exactly the same as those in the fruit and vegetable stalls outside.

Yes, the fruit and vegetable purchases in the supermarket are generally large-scale, so it is inevitable that there will be some bumps and damages. In the case of losing some fruits and vegetables, the supermarket owners will often increase the price of fruits and vegetables to make up for the losses.

For this reason, the official subsidy policy of the Flower Growers can be used to offset the transportation losses of supermarket fruits and vegetables, thereby ensuring that the prices of fruits and vegetables inside and outside the supermarket are exactly the same.

However, the supermarket run by the Beikai family will not have fruit and vegetable losses, but in line with the principle of not taking advantage of the bargain, Belo still very readily signed his name on the vegetable basket subsidy agreement.

After selling fruits and vegetables for a period of time, Tianren Supermarket expanded again. This time, the Beikai family put all kinds of rice, flour, grain and oil on the shelves of the supermarket.

After the rice, flour, grain and oil were put on the shelves, the staff of the Commercial Bureau visited the supermarket again, because the official website of Zhihuajia also has corresponding subsidy policies for the sale of rice, flour, grain and oil in supermarkets.

Other supermarkets signed these agreements for the subsidies to offset the various losses in the supermarkets, but after Bello signed these agreements, the subsidies issued by the official authorities were pure income without cost.

As for the firefighters coming to check whether there are any safety hazards of using fire in Tianren Supermarket, whether there are any four pests such as cockroaches and rats... These routine inspections are very standard and in compliance with regulations every time.

For this reason, the city's fire brigade also sent a banner of "Model Supermarket" to Tianren Supermarket, and the captain also called the owners of other supermarkets, and then he awarded Bello a considerable amount of safety bonus on the spot in front of the supermarket owners!

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