On this day, the singing girl who had inspired Belo in the subway station also found Hao Ren's small western-style building with a rental information of the same type.

"Hello, my name is Nangong Wuyue. Are you the landlord here?" The singing girl-Nangong Wuyue asked Wang Daquan in the living room.

"Hello, Miss Nangong, my name is Wang Daquan, and I am also a tenant here. The landlord has something to do today. You can sit here and wait!" Wang Daquan was very gentlemanly and gave his seat to Nangong Wuyue.

"Thank you, Brother Wang!" Nangong Wuyue bowed to Wang Daquan and sat on the sofa.

"Is there a new tenant in the house?" After hearing the movement in the living room, Vivian, who was cooking in the kitchen, came out with an apron tied around her waist.

"Hello, my name is Nangong Wuyue, you are not...the woman who summoned the Red Moon..." After seeing Vivian's face, Nangong Wuyue fainted directly. It seems that she must have known the other party's true identity.

"It turns out to be a sea monster!" While Nangong Wuyue was unconscious, Vivian had already checked some special auras on the other party.

That's right, Nangong Wuyue is not a human being. Her race is a sea monster living in the deep sea. In fact, under the secret intervention of Raven 12345, normal humans would not come to rent at Hao Ren's house.

After about an hour, Nangong Wuyue slowly woke up from her coma, and then she kept a certain safe distance from Vivian. After all, the other party's "bad reputation" is well-known in the circle of aliens.

If an alien is afraid of Vivian, then this alien will gain Liu Lili's favor. Therefore, when Liu Lili learned about the new tenant, she took the initiative to get close to Nangong Wuyue.

"Oh my God! What kind of place is this? Vampires and werewolves actually live under the same roof!" Nangong Wuyue, who was a little nervous, almost fainted again after seeing how Vivian and Liu Lili get along.

After more than ten minutes, the Beiyu sisters, who had just gone to their own supermarket and swept around, returned to the small western-style building with large and small bags of items.

Yes, since Tianren Supermarket has fruits, vegetables, rice, flour, grain and oil, many of Hao Ren's daily necessities can be moved directly from the supermarket.

"A new tenant? A beautiful little sister! Hello, my name is Huo Yu. What's your name? What's your race?" Kai Yu smiled and stretched out his right hand to Nangong Wuyue.

Yes! Now the Beikai family has known that ordinary humans will not come here as tenants, because only aliens will come here!

"Hello, my name is Nangong Wuyue, and my race is Siren. Are you also an alien?" Nangong Wuyue asked with sweat on her forehead.

"I guess so! I'm an angel!" As soon as the voice fell, Kai Yu spread his angel wings.

"Oh my God! I don't think I've ever heard that there is an angel race in the circle of aliens! By the way, why don't you have a halo on your head?" Nangong Wuyue, like Liu Lili, thought that it would be reasonable to have a halo on the head of an angel.

"Well! Just treat me as an angel with impure blood!" Kaiyu responded with a twitch in his mouth.

Why do all people in this world, oh no, all the aliens think that there must be a halo on the head of an angel, which is a reasonable phenomenon?

After Nangong Wuyue and everyone slowly became familiar with each other, Hao Ren upgraded again from Raven 12345.

"Landlord, this is my first month's rent, you can accept it first! Don't worry, I will pay the rent on time every month in the future." Nangong Wuyue solemnly handed a pile of change earned from singing to Hao Ren.

Hao Ren actually wanted to refuse the rent that Nangong Wuyue gave him. After all, the arrival of this mermaid girl could increase his monthly salary by 2,000 yuan. For this reason, he didn't need to collect the other party's rent.

After paying the rent to Hao Ren, Nangong Wuyue chose a room on the second floor, and the door of this room just happened to face the door of Bei Yu and her sister.

In the evening, Bei Kai and her sister returned to Hao Ren's small western-style building from their own supermarket.As the scale gradually expanded, the two of them hired a full-time night shift manager.

Since the night shift manager, Bello has lived a nine-to-six boss life, while Kaisha has no restrictions and can go to or leave the supermarket at any time.

After a group of people sat together and had a sumptuous dinner, Hao Ren called Beikai and the others separately. He claimed that Raven 12345 would officially meet them in the God Realm in a month.

Look at this sense of ceremony, it is really well-made. Just to meet in private, they actually have to make a special appointment for a time. In this way, Beikai and the others became more interested in Raven 12345, the Shunzi goddess.

During this one-month waiting time, Hao Ren received another task assigned to him by Raven 12345. This time, he had to cross the galaxy. Oh no, he should go to a deformed universe that was almost extinct and bring back a very special tenant.

This deformed universe, like the other world where Wang Daquan was, was hidden in the space nodes of the universe level. Therefore, if you want to go to these places, you have to drive the spaceship of the Xiling Empire to a certain universe coordinate, and then you can find the specific location of the space node.

Since Hao Ren has been in office for a short time, the headquarters has not approved his official spaceship. For this reason, for this outing, he will take a ride on the ship of a certain interstellar boss to the designated universe coordinate.

At this time, Hao Ren gradually realized that he seemed to have joined a very large organization, and he seemed to be an ordinary earthling. What virtue and ability did he have to see these fantastic things!

But as the saying goes, once the arrow is shot, there is no turning back. At this point, Hao Ren can only face the challenge head-on.

This interstellar boss is called Captain Chris. His spaceship is a private cargo ship. He does not rely on any type of space-level enterprise. He is a completely self-employed entrepreneurial boss.

When Hao Ren took Wang Daquan and Nangong Wuyue to Chris's private cargo ship, the three of them saw aliens of various shapes at the cargo loading and unloading port of the spacecraft, including human, animal and indescribable shapes.

Captain Chris's image is not much different from that of an earthling, but half of his organs are the crystallization of the wisdom of various alien technologies. Therefore, he has the ability to walk freely in space without any equipment.

Captain Chris, who had long-term trade cooperation with the Xiling Empire, generously lent a small space cruiser on the cargo ship to Hao Ren and his companions. After the cargo ship reached the designated cosmic coordinates, Hao Ren and his companions could take the space cruiser and fly into the deformed universe!

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