Amidst the laughter of the tenants, the landlord Hao Ren's official spaceship was crossing from the surface world to the dream plane through the cross-border channel between Hilltan and the elf warship.

From the perspective of Beikai and the others, they could clearly see that there was a barrier between the surface world and the dream plane that most people could not see. Although this barrier looked very thin, it could isolate many creatures in the two worlds and prevent them from crossing the boundary between the two worlds.

When the Beikai family, except Doudou, came into contact with this barrier, they all felt that there was a mysterious force that seemed to be preventing them from entering the dream plane. However, in the end, they successfully entered the dream plane, but some of their family's powers and skills were suppressed.

Yes, the dream plane has a certain suppressive effect on the Bekai family except Doudou:

First, the combat power of the four of them is basically suppressed by half. Secondly, the dark plane of Bekai and the two is in a state where they can sense that it is still there, but cannot contact it. Third, the Beiyu sisters. Kaiyu's super engine can no longer be started, and the power of Beisha's fire lotus is also much smaller.

The dark plane of Bekai and the two cannot be contacted, which means that they can't call up the scepter and the dream space in the dream plane. At the same time, the creatures in the scepter world and the dream space can no longer sense their existence.

For this reason, Belo actually prayed to the will of the universe humbly, asking him and Kaisha to convey the news that the two of them are safe to the creatures in the scepter world and the dream space!

As a result, the will of the universe really responded to Bello's sincere plea, allowing him and Kaisha to use one minute to report safety to the creatures in the Scepter World and the Dream Space!

When the official spaceship arrived above the planet of Aerym, it flew towards the Queen's warship of Hilltan with a "whoosh".

"Terminal, stop the ship!" Facing the speeding official spaceship, Hao Ren shouted loudly.

"I'm sorry, this is the first time this machine has executed this program, and the established route can no longer be cancelled!" The voice of the data terminal came into the ears of every crew member with a crying voice.

Because Hilltan's Queen's warship and Hao Ren's official spaceship were just at a 180-degree angle of the space orbit of Aerym, the official spaceship finally stopped about 50 meters away from the Queen's warship after circling half of the space orbit of the entire planet.

Since Hiltan's queen warship was built using alchemy, its appearance looks like a medieval pirate ship.

Like last time, Hao Ren let the official spaceship hover in the sky, and then they followed Hiltan and boarded the other party's queen warship. Next, they had to rely on this "broken" warship to go to the Elf Kingdom of Aerym Star.

When the Elf warship arrived, about a few kilometers away from the capital of the Elf Kingdom, the ministers in the palace were already standing outside the city gate to welcome their queen's return.

When Hao Ren and his party got off the Elf warship, Hiltan walked in front of everyone.

As guests brought back by Queen Hiltan herself, Hao Ren and his party enjoyed the highest standard of courtesy used by the Elf Kingdom to entertain guests. They enjoyed a particularly sumptuous dinner together and were assigned to the most luxurious guest rooms.

"The Elven Kingdom is already in turmoil, right?" When most people had gone to bed, Kaisha left Bero and went to Hiltan alone.

"You are worthy of being the Angel Queen. Nothing can be hidden from you. Yes, the Elven Kingdom has indeed come to the final moment of life and death!"

"Although we were very lucky to survive the catastrophe more than 10,000 years ago, we are already in a state of sunset to survive!" In response to Kaisha's inquiry, Hiltan said so without hiding anything.

"It has been more than 10,000 years. Everything in the dream plane has actually entered a new era. You might as well change a galaxy to survive! Of course, as an independent planet, if you want to change a galaxy, you have to sit down and discuss it with the monarchs of other countries!" Kaisha made a more pertinent suggestion to Hiltan.

After chatting with Hiltan for a while, Kaisha took the other party'sShe turned and left. She was going back to her room to have a compulsory class with Beikai tonight.

When Kaisha returned to her and Bello's room, a small and exquisite figure came from Bello's body and came to her body. After a closer look, it was of course the cute Doudou.

"Auntie, I'm hungry!" Doudou's little face was cute and she pointed at her mouth.

During dinner, Doudou had already eaten two pairs of chopsticks at the Elf Kingdom dinner. Unexpectedly, only a few hours later, she was hungry again. So Kaisha used the Eye of Insight and found that she was really growing.

Kaisha took out from the ring. After she left Hiltan, she broke several unknown branches at any time when she passed by the Imperial Garden.

Since the Elven Kingdom is a typical magic kingdom, the trees planted in the palace, in theory, will have some magical elements. For this reason, Doudou was quite happy and delicious when eating these branches.

"Burp..." After eating four branches, Doudou burped with a magical effect, and then she chose the most comfortable sleeping spot on Kaisha's body. After a while, a light snoring sound came from her mouth.

When Bello wanted to take Doudou off Kaisha's body, he suddenly found that the adhesion of this fish baby was really strong! It was impossible to pull her off using ordinary methods.

It was impossible to pull her off by force. In this case, Kaisha started the void engine and made a water ball cradle for Doudou. When the water ball cradle came into contact with the fish baby, the two were directly "fused" together.

After Doudou entered the water ball cradle, Bekay and the other person smiled at each other and started the compulsory course of the night... (Someone said: I showed up again!)

After a few hours of romance, Bekay and the other person first lay on the couch and chatted for a while while looking at the ceiling, and then they both put on their pajamas at the same time. Then Kaisha hooked her finger in the air, and the water ball cradle wrapped in Doudou came to the middle of her and Belo.

The next day, when Doudou woke up from her sweet dream, she came to the outside of the water ball cradle without any obstacles, and she climbed onto Kaisha's body again, and then she chose the most comfortable place to stick to it.

When Doudou's fish tail just touched Kaisha's body, she opened her eyes from a shallow sleep, and then Belo also opened his eyes from half asleep and half awake, and then Bekay and the other person took Doudou out of the door together.

In the Elf Kingdom, except for Queen Hiltan, everyone else slept soundly that night. After everyone gathered together and had a sumptuous royal breakfast, the somewhat tired Hiltan took Hao Ren and others to take a walk around the capital of the Elf Kingdom.

As the Elf Kingdom is proficient in magic, the first sect of Airem Star - the Brilliant Sect, naturally also established a well-organized branch in the capital of this country. As everyone walked, Hiltan took Hao Ren and others to the gate of the Brilliant Sect branch!

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