Because of the personal visit of the Elf Queen, Hiltan, the bishop of the Brilliant Sect came to the gate to greet them.

Last night, Kaisha gave Hiltan a suggestion, and the latter thought about it for most of the night. Therefore, she came to the Brilliant Sect today to discuss with the bishop here to see if the interstellar relocation of Aerym Star can be realized.

Involving such a big issue as interstellar relocation, Hao Ren, as the prosecutor of the Xiling Empire, naturally had to go with Hiltan to discuss with the bishop. When the three of them went to discuss secretly, the Bekai family and other tenants were casually placed on the square of the Brilliant Sect, allowing them to look around casually.

On the square of the Brilliant Sect, in addition to those strange plants, the only place worth seeing is the fountain pool with blood-red water flowing in the center of the square.

According to a deputy bishop of the Brilliant Sect, the blood-red water in the fountain pool was a replica of the source blood created by the founder of their Brilliant Sect by imitating the magical creation of the Goddess of Creation in the Dream Plane - the source blood. This is the supreme treasure of their Brilliant Sect.

Under the exploration of Bero's divine sense and the observation of Kaisha's eye of insight, they both saw that these so-called source blood replicas were indeed a pool of "divine" water with a faint life signal. However, if they want to reach the level of being able to create life with this, then this group of Brilliant Sect believers still have a long way to go.

Although the believers present were talking about some intermittent and vague nonsense, Beikai and the others still roughly understood and pieced together some of the truth about the Dream Plane more than 10,000 years ago.

To put it simply, many planets in the dream plane were originally lifeless planets. It was the power of the goddess of creation that gave these planets life. However, more than 10,000 years ago, the messengers of God who once protected life actually wanted to destroy all life.

As for what the messengers of God looked like, the believers of the Brilliant Sect described it for a long time, but they couldn't describe a unified image. In addition, these believers could only hear a little bit of vague whispers from the goddess of creation in these thousands of years.

Although the conversation between Hao Ren, Xiertan and the bishop went through some twists and turns in the process, the final result was still as expected. As the largest human sect on the planet of Arim, the Brilliant Sect will be responsible for persuading other countries on this planet to agree to the strategy of interstellar relocation in the next period of time.

But as the saying goes, ideals are full and reality is very skinny. The persuasion journey of the Glorious Sect went smoothly, but when everyone was ready to move to the interstellar, an accident came first. This time, everyone saw what the messenger of God who destroyed a planet looked like.

The so-called messenger of God is actually a towering tree, but it is a towering tree that covers almost the entire planet. Its countless roots and tentacles have drilled out from the ground and destroyed all the buildings on the ground. Moreover, the branches of the tree are targeting living creatures, as if the cruise lock function is turned on, and they are chasing and killing them madly!

Under the perception of Beikai and the others, they clearly sensed that this crazy towering tree should have been the tree of life on this planet, but for some reason, it suddenly went crazy and wanted to destroy everything on the planet.

Facing such a crazy plant, even if its strength was partially suppressed, it was not a big threat to Bekai's family. However, for the creatures on this planet, it was a fatal super threat and a world-destroying disaster.

When Besha wanted to use the incomplete Buddha's Wrath Lotus to deal with the mad plant, Hao Ren had already contacted the official spacecraft floating in the atmosphere of Aerym through a mental connection, intending to use the interstellar orbital gun on the spacecraft to bomb the towering tree that wanted to destroy the planet.

In addition, there was a little easter egg. When the plant was going crazy, Doudou, who had always fed on wood fiber, actually disdained the towering tree in front of him, and she hid in Kaisha's arms in fear.

When the interstellar orbital gun of the official spacecraft began to accumulate energy, Besha naturally pinched out the Buddha's Wrath Lotus in her hand, and then she joined the ranks of evacuating the crowd.

In the precise calculation of the data terminalAfter calculation, Hao Ren and others had to evacuate all the people on the planet Airem to places that could not be reached by the interstellar orbital guns of the official spacecraft. At the same time, they had to calculate how long it would take for this crazy plant to destroy the entire planet? In this way, they could calculate the best time to fire!

After all the preparations were completed, the data terminal blocked the relevant regulations of the Xiling Empire and the agreement that orbital guns were not allowed to be fired at the surface of the planet. Then Hao Ren used the mental connection to control the weapon system of the official spacecraft and fired the interstellar orbital gun with the lowest power at the towering tree that was still raging wildly.

Under the power of the interstellar orbital gun, at the cost of 70% damage to the surface of Airem, this raging plant finally died completely.

Oh, by the way, when the interstellar orbital artillery descended, the plant also launched a final counterattack, gathering most of its branches and tentacles together to form a giant shield, and then blocked the artillery energy for about fifteen seconds.

Although the crazy towering tree was successfully destroyed, the entire surface of the planet Aerym had been severely damaged. In this way, the interstellar relocation had to be upgraded to a full-staff relocation, that is, to find a new habitable planet in the dream plane and relocate all the Aerym people there.

After the data terminal found an uninhabited habitable planet, Kaisha suggested to Hao Ren that instead of relocating the Aerym people to a new planet, it would be better to move the new habitable planet directly to the current galaxy.

Next, after formulating a new plan, Bello, who was only half-powerful, pushed the uninhabited planet into the current galaxy in front of everyone. Then he turned into the second form of Super Saiyan and used the full-power Qigong wave he could call to smash the devastated old Aerym.

After the old Aerym was smashed, the new Aerym directly replaced the galaxy position of the previous planet, and the remaining work was to rebuild civilization on the new planet. Of course, before smashing the old planet, Hao Ren had tried his best to protect some important assets on the old planet.

The elves were the first race to rebuild civilization on the new Aerym. It took only less than half a month for them to complete the outline of the capital of the Elf Kingdom. They also erected a giant statue of Hao Ren on the square of the capital, and Queen Hiltan personally named him the Sun King.

There is also a small episode: the elves also wanted to erect a statue for Bello on the square. As a result, the construction of the statue had just started, and the stone statue, which had not yet been carved out, was struck by lightning. The construction started three times in a row, but the same result was the result. Then the elves who believed in divine punishment had to give up the project.

After becoming the Sun King of the Elf Kingdom, Hiltan also gave Hao Ren a large piece of land that he could freely dispose of according to the rules and regulations on the earth. She claimed that this land would always be the private land of the Sun King. For this reason, Hao Ren even had a sudden idea that he was going to open up the rental business to the rhythm of the other world.

When the new Aerim star was still being rebuilt, Hao Ren and his party were about to leave the dream plane. After all, they had been away from the surface world for some time.

When leaving, the Brilliant Sect also sent two male and two female ascetics, commonly known as the Four Great King Kongs. The four of them were going to follow Hao Ren and others to visit the surface world together!

The author has something to say: I have read the novel "Records of Abnormal Creatures" for a long time, so I have almost forgotten many plots and character names.

Therefore, when I write this article, there will definitely be a lot of content that is completely unrelated to the original plot. I hope all the fans of the original novel will not be too serious.

For example, the doomsday scene of the towering tree destroying the planet encountered by Hao Ren and others, I have completely forgotten whether it happened on the planet Arim or on the planet Horta!

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