After returning to the surface world, Hao Ren first sent the tenants home, and then he took the four kings to see the goddess Shunzi.

In addition, when he just returned home, Hao Ren was warmly welcomed by Gun Miao. The kitten kept turning around at his feet and kept making "meow meow meow" sounds.

Hao Ren, who thought he was very touched, picked up Gun Miao and rubbed it on his body, and then rewarded Gun Miao with a bag of dried fish.

When Hao Ren took the four kings to the sky castle of the goddess Shunzi, the sisters Bei Yu stared at Gun Miao who was chewing the dried fish and laughed so hard that they fell backwards.

Was Gun Miao welcoming his master home just now? It was confirming whether its master was real and whether there was any smell of other cats on its body. After confirming these two things, it was asking Hao Ren for food!

As the saying goes, why has the relationship between the master and the pet become so harmonious? It was because they couldn't understand each other's meaning, and once some words were said, the relationship between the master and the pet would no longer be as harmonious as before!

Thinking of this, the Bei Yu sisters suddenly thought, if Gun Miao became a human, I wonder what the master-pet relationship between it and Hao Ren would be like? They both imagined this picture in their minds!

On the other side, when Hao Ren brought the four Vajra to the air castle of the goddess Shunzi this time, he happened to bump into the other party floating on the ceiling of the office, showing his holiness to his believers and conveying the oracle.

Seeing this situation, Hao Ren also questioned it. The oracle was not such a simple and crude message. The oracle should not be the kind of vague and mysterious, which makes people not know what it is, and then a group of people get together to discuss for several months, but can't come up with an accurate conclusion, and finally have to type out something stupid!

And Hao Ren's explanation of the oracle was highly recognized by the four great kings. Then Goddess Shunzi told the five of them that only true gods would not say a lot of inexplicable nonsense, which would make mortals tremble and guess.

You must know that the words and deeds of gods are related to the lives and property of trillions of mortals. Any god who conveys the oracle vaguely is a wild god or a false god who popped out from some corner.

Yes, the head of the Xiling Empire, Daddy God, made it clear at the staff meeting: Just because you are a god, you should make your words clearer. If you say a bunch of vague oracles at random, it will kill countless mortals. Then you are not raising mortals as children, but just playing with dogs and walking cats!

The goddess Shunzi's witty explanation made Hao Ren and the four kings unable to find any reason to refute it for a while. After all, what she said seemed to make sense, but it seemed strange.

In the following conversation, through the descriptions of Hao Ren and the four kings, the goddess Shunzi was more certain and convinced that the goddess of creation in the dream plane should be a wild goddess who had never been to school.

When the goddess of creation created life on a lifeless planet, she was still using the creation method that had been abandoned by the Xiling Empire tens of millions of years ago.

However, although the goddess of creation had guessed more information about the goddess of creation in her heart, she did not tell Hao Ren and the four kings in person. After all, the current situation has not yet reached the time for Hao Ren to get in touch with a deeper level.

After talking about business, the goddess Shunzi asked the elemental servant to bring Hao Ren the year-end benefits for the examiner that the God Realm had just issued.

During the waiting time, Hao Ren was imagining whether the year-end benefits of the God Realm would be a spaceship that was more spectacular than the official spaceship. However, when the element servant brought the year-end benefits, Hao Ren widened his eyes and looked a little dumbfounded.

"Hao Ren, what are you looking at? The original contract clearly stated that the year-end benefits of our God Realm are rice, flour, grain and oil! Of course, some places give out sulfuric acid, gasoline and silicon crystal panels, anyway, just follow the local customs!" Raven 12345 chatted while throwing a bag of rice from the God Realm in front of Hao Ren.

"The usual small bonuses are cars and spaceships, but the year-end benefits are only some rice, flour and grain.Oh, could it be that the gods of the Xiling Empire, like Sister Raven, are all a bunch of psychopaths? "Hao Ren opened the portable space, put the bag of rice in, and complained in his heart.

Hao Ren's voice had just fallen, and the will of the universe descended on his head, and a thick black cloud, and then continuous golden lightning struck his soul, making it crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Seeing this, Goddess Shunzi shook her head gently, and then continued to introduce to Hao Ren the specific items of the year-end benefits: a bag of flour from the Xiling Empire, two barrels of top-grade butter from the God Realm, half a bag of butter tea powder for drinking with water, a box of the empire's first delicacy-fine peach cakes certified by the mother and daughter of Princess Zhan Ge, and a large box of golden apples.

Hao Ren mechanically threw the previous things into the portable space, but only this large box of golden apples made him look very greedy.

When Hao Ren asked, When asked what the golden apples were for, Goddess Shunzi told him that if mortals ate the golden apples, at least they would have the effect of regenerating their limbs. As for you and those alien tenants, at most they would increase their respective abilities.

After Hao Ren accepted the golden apples, Goddess Shunzi took out a couplet she had written herself. The first line was: I have been holding back for two months and don't know what to write, the second line was: I have been thinking for three days and came up with two nonsense sentences, and the horizontal scroll was: Just have words!

With such a pair of really nonsense couplets and crooked handwriting, Goddess Shunzi actually declared to Hao Ren that it would not be a problem to turn the other party's home within a half-kilometer radius into half a holy land. Although this sentence does not sound very reliable, it is a real truth.

"This time, I used interstellar orbital artillery on the surface of the planet, and it did not violate the relevant regulations of the empire! "After accepting the couplet, Hao Ren asked Goddess Shunzi with some concern.

"It seems that you already know your business very well. Sometimes when dealing with troublesome problems, you have to solve all your problems with one shot. If you can't solve all your problems, it means that your equivalent is not big enough! "Raven 12345 showed a meaningful smile to Hao Ren.

Just when Hao Ren wanted to ask one more question, Sister Scorpion came to ask for the sword again, and then Goddess Shunzi ran away again.

When Hao Ren and the four Vajra came to the commercial street in the southern suburbs, it was just sunset, so he took the four ascetics to the Tianren Supermarket and bought a lot of discounted expiring goods.

Because the lobby manager Cheng Gang knew Hao Ren, this pile of expiring goods that were already discounted were greatly discounted when checking out, which made Hao Ren a little embarrassed.

When they came to the front yard of the small western-style building, the four ascetics firmly declined Hao Ren's invitation to them to live in the small western-style building. The four Vajra said that although they were in another world, asceticism was an indispensable homework. From now on, they would practice in the nearby deep mountains and old forests!

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