The author has something to say: The family member is in the hospital, and there is only one update today. Please understand!

Text: Lanina's kind reminder made Hao Ren and others take it seriously, but only the Bei Yu sisters showed a cunning smile.

In this demon plane, the strength of the Bei Yu sisters was not suppressed. Using space teleportation here would cause some unnecessary troubles, so they had to take a good look at what kind of troubles they were!

After walking through several mines that were once controlled by several demon lords, no one met a living creature. For this reason, Hao Ren was still lamenting that there was no one around.

Then Vivian patted Hao Ren's head in a bad mood: You still expect a demon patrol to jump out, right? Don't forget, this is the base camp of the demons. Once a demon finds us, it will immediately attract a whole demon army. At that time, you will be very difficult to get away!

The way Hao Ren and Vivian get along with each other makes the Bei Yu sisters feel that they are more and more like a couple, and Liu Lili, Yzaks and others naturally slowly noticed it, but everyone chose to pretend not to know.

Hao Ren and Vivian's mouths can be called crow mouths. Hao Ren and his party, who did not see any demons along the way, came to a local portal, where the demon guards were simply everywhere.

According to Yzaks and Lanina, the territory here belongs to the second largest demon king in the demon plane, the territory of Selaton. This demon lord has always wanted to get rid of the mad demon king and become the largest demon king in this plane.

Facing countless demon soldiers, Hao Ren and others, including Yzaks and Lanina, were thinking about how to get by, but the Bei Yu sisters took elegant super-god-like steps and walked towards those demon soldiers bravely.

Next, Besha's five-colored fire lotus fell down, not only killing dozens of demon soldiers on the spot, but also detonating nearby sulfur and other gases, producing a series of chain explosions, and the demon soldiers were all screaming and crying.

Although these demons have been breathing these harmful gases all day long, and their bodies have their own immunity, this does not hinder their bodies. They are all flammable and explosive human bombs. When a demon soldier explodes, the demon soldiers on his left and right will explode one after another.

In this way, these demon soldiers are "crackling" like firecrackers. For this reason, Besha stood in the center of the explosion and laughed from ear to ear. In response, Kaiyu, who was also standing in the center of the explosion, said: What am I here for? I didn't do anything from beginning to end!

In this way, the plan of bluffing agreed by Hao Ren and others turned out to be the two sisters Bei Yu. The main reason was that after Betha slaughtered all the demon soldiers, they passed through the portal openly and smoothly, and then arrived at the Obsidian Plain.

After arriving at the Obsidian Plain, the scenery here became much more normal, well! It is more normal than humans. It is no longer a mountain range and canyon full of lava, but an environment with mountains, water, forests and towns.

After seeing the river, Liu Lili, Nangong Wuyue and Becky, the three young ladies, immediately rushed over and jumped into the water. They swam in the river with their clothes on, and each of them drank until their stomachs were full before going ashore.

"In fact, those demon soldiers just now were originally my subordinates. All this was caused by that bastard Seraton!" Lanina said so emotionally while standing by the river.

Yes, when the Mad Demon King - Yzaks was defeated, Seraton united with other demon lords and took over the territory and fleeing subordinates of the first demon king.

"Okay! It's all over. Seraton has replaced me and become the first demon king of this plane. We have no soldiers and generals now, so we should try to avoid conflicts with him as much as possible!" Yzaks comforted Lanina's emotions.

Everyone stood by the river and took a short rest. Then they headed towards an unknown destination. Yes, Lanina just guessed that Elizabeth might still be alive, but she couldn't tell the exact location of the other party now, so they could only take one step at a time.

On the road, Hao Ren and his partyPeople saw many kinds of demons and had some interactions with them. Finally, they chose to restrain their breath and followed a demon team that seemed to be looking for something.

After following this demon team and moving forward for a while, Hao Ren and others learned that after the Mad Demon King was defeated, problems arose in the coalition forces of humans and other races. Because of the uneven distribution of post-war benefits, they actually started fighting each other. Now each race is fighting for itself.

Hao Ren and others found this a bit strange, but the Bei Yu sisters thought that this was the same situation as in the human world. When there is a common crusade target, everyone will huddle together for warmth, but as long as the enemy is defeated, today's allies will immediately become tomorrow's opponents!

When Hao Ren and his party arrived at Obsidian City, the environment here was already in a mess. Not to mention humans and other races, even demons had teams stationed here. The chaotic situation here was just like a garbage station.

When the Mad Demon King-Yzaks was the first demon king, Obsidian City was not what it is now. At that time, this city was the most prosperous trading city in the demon plane, and residents of all races could trade goods here. At that time, everyone got along very harmoniously.

As a result, after a ten-year crusade against the Mad Demon King ended, the once prosperous Obsidian City could no longer return to its former glory. There was only a dilapidated scene and chaotic rules. Is this the final outcome that the coalition forces wanted to get after overthrowing Yzaks?

"Sister, do you think the situation here is like what mom once said, that once the Super God Universe is no longer under the control of the King of Gods, all kinds of people will dare to jump out and jump!" Bessa sneered at everything around her.

"Sister, it seems that no matter which world it is in, when there is order, people tend to hate order, but when the order collapses, everyone will miss the order they once had, even if they are enslaved by the order!" Kaiyu listened to the discussions of the people around him and expressed his views on these things.

Yes! The former mad demon king-Yizaks, is so similar to Kaisha as the king of gods! He used tyrannical means to rule the demon plane, forcing the rest of the demon races, humans and other races to submit to his coercion.

Although these races were enslaved, Yizaks created a unique order belonging to the demon plane, an order in which everyone can live well.

But what about now? These humans and other races have broken this order with their own hands, making chaos the main theme of this plane, and they have to bear all the consequences themselves!

After Hao Ren took Liu Lili and Nangong Wuyue around Obsidian City, they actually found out some useful information: Demon King City actually survived the explosion as if by miracle!

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