The author has something to say: The family member's surgery was very successful. It turns out that mobile phones can also be used to update articles. Today, I will present another chapter!

Text: Hao Ren and the other three people learned that not only the Demon King's City survived, but also there was a... should be said to be a fake of Yzaks in the Demon King's City. This fake is currently spreading rumors everywhere, hoping that all the demon subordinates left outside will return to the embrace of the Demon King's City.

However, since the prestige of the Mad Demon King has disappeared, the demons who received the rumors basically no longer take this order seriously. They even use this matter as a joke and topic of conversation after dinner.

In addition, after Hao Ren treated some demons to a meal, an ordinary home-cooked meal, he also got a small piece of crystal with the image of the suspected fake Mad Demon King from these demons.

Faced with the image crystal that could not be activated, Kai Yu finally opened the Eye of Insight, and then the content in the image crystal was played in front of Hao Ren and others.

The content in the image was actually very simple. It was a fake that looked exactly like Yzaks in the form of a fire demon standing on a high place, calling on the wandering kingdom soldiers outside to hurry home and other mobilization orders.

When the demon plane was no longer restricted by Yzaks, not only did the original order collapse, but even the fake Mad Demon King appeared. This really fulfilled the old saying in the human world: thieves are in power, chaos is rampant, cholera is endless, and there is no world harmony in this world!

Through the content of the image crystal, it can be learned that the Demon King's City was really not destroyed, but there was a fake Yzaks who was using the name of the Mad Demon King to summon the remaining demon forces.

Seeing this, Hao Ren and his companions no longer cared about being exposed. They went to dig a large amount of obsidian and asked Yzaks to rub a temporary magic teleportation array on the spot. They were now going to the Demon King's City as quickly as possible.

The temporary magic teleportation array did not teleport Hao Ren and his companions directly to the Demon King's City, but to the city of Cardesa where humans were the main residents.

The demon plane is really very strange. Some places have extremely harsh environments, while others are beautiful. It seems that this plane is composed of independent small worlds, and each world needs to pass through a portal to achieve a cross-region world.

The exclusive town of humans does not prohibit the entry of demons, but they must be completely controlled demons, that is, demon slaves who are contracted by humans and completely surrender to humans.

As the former No. 1 Demon King, Izaks had already mastered the art of concealing his breath, so his human form easily passed the inspection of the city guards, while Lanina, under the cover of the data terminal, made the city guards mistakenly believe that she was Hao Ren's demon servant.

The inspection of Lanina by the city guards made the Bei Yu sisters and others silently complain in their hearts: Is this kind of inspection really reliable? It seems that there should be a lot of demon spies in this Cardesa city!

Forget it, whether the rules and regulations here are reliable or not is not something Hao Ren and others need to worry about. They will rest here for a few days and then go directly to the Demon King City. Oh, by the way, before entering Cardesa City, Izaks also deliberately dug some magic crystals to use as the common currency in this city.

Using the magic crystals underground as the universal currency of the demon plane was a resolution proposed by Yzaks when he was in power, which was related to the livelihood of all species. Although the rule of the Mad Demon King was overthrown by everyone, everyone still used magic crystals as universal currency.

The mainstream food in Cardesa City did not seem to suit everyone's taste. Fortunately, a large amount of earth food was stored in Hao Ren's accompanying space, the rings of the Bei Yu sisters, and Yzaks's demon space.

After walking around the city today, I found that almost all races disagreed and did not understand Yzaks' behavior. They all agreed that it was the right thing to do to unite the army to overthrow the rule of the Mad Demon King.

Once, Yzaks was attacked by the united army after he set his sights on the sea of ​​stars. In this regard, he looked up at the starry sky of Cardesa City and felt inexplicably melancholy in his heart.

"Big guy, don't think too much, you have a long life.Your goal is the sea of ​​stars, but the lifespan of humans and other creatures is only a few decades or hundreds of years. They cannot understand your ideas, and it is common for them to unite to deal with you! "

"Think about it again. Humans on Earth have the same lifespan, and they will have constant disputes because of their different opinions. If this kind of thing is changed to a long-lived race, the differences between them will be even greater!" Vivian came over to persuade Yzaks.

"That being said, you support my ideals!" Yzaks looked at everyone.

"Your ideas are correct, but those humans and alien creatures are not wrong in their ideas. You just have different levels of thinking!" Hao Ren also said a great truth.

"Nothing in the world is absolutely right or wrong. The positioning of the righteous and the villain is relative! "Kai Yu also explained a great truth to Yzaks.

"I understand what you said. If I didn't even have this awareness, I wouldn't have done these things in the first place. Maybe I should really change my way of thinking and treat my people!" Yzaks raised his head slightly and looked at the deep starry sky again.

Next, under Yzaks's explanation, everyone witnessed the wonders of the night sky that can only be seen in Cardesa City. A moon that looks bigger than the entire demon plane, like the sun, evenly pours white moonlight on the earth.

As long as the aliens with bright eyes can basically see the essence of the demon plane through these moonlights. It really seems to be made up of small worlds that have no connection with each other. These small worlds seem to be closely connected, but if you want to go from one small world to another, you can only do it through space teleportation.

In the past, Yzaks wanted to connect every small world in the demon plane through tough means, or war, so that he could explore the true face of the demon plane.

As a result, when this great feat was just halfway through, Yzaks was attacked by the coalition army and even backstabbed by other demons. , and thus he lost miserably.

Yes, there are actually quite a few aliens who know that the demon plane is composed of small worlds, but they don’t care much about the world they live in.

They just want to guard their own little piece of land, and in their view, Yzaks’s behavior is not to explore the true face of the world, but to take this opportunity to dominate the entire demon plane, so they will unite to fight against the mad king, and even many of their fellow demons have made Backstabbing the Mad King.

In response, Yzaks said: If time could go back, he would still resolutely build a huge army, first let this demon plane surrender to him, and then he would explore the true face of this world.

In response, Kaiyu and Vivian both said: Yzaks, as long as you still have this idea, the same thing, no matter how many times you have done it, no matter how pure your thoughts are, the final outcome of this matter will be in this demon plane, there will be no place for you anymore!

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