Gunmiao's appetite has been growing recently, and a grilled fish can't fill its stomach.

For this reason, when Doudou accepted the ten pairs of Huanghuali chopsticks given by Kaisha as subsequent food reserves, she reluctantly agreed to Bello and bought another grilled fish for Gunmiao.

In fact, Gunmiao's appetite has not only increased recently, but its human nature has also become more and more obvious. It occasionally squats on the sofa and stares at the TV intently, and even takes a pet magazine from the bookshelf in the living room to read.

Beikai and the others naturally know the specific reasons for Gunmiao's series of changes. Because this cat has eaten more than a dozen golden apple hearts, it is now in the precursor of transforming into a human.

On this day, when Gunmiao began to use its two front paws to scratch its cat, Beikai and the others knew that its transformation day would be today.

So, Bello consciously came to the outside of the small building and asked Kaisha and Doudou to witness the transformation process of Gunmiao. After all, after the transformation, the cat will definitely be a human being.

Originally, it was thought that there would be a transformation process similar to shedding cat skin, but under the witness of Kaisha and Doudou, Gunmiao was just wrapped in a golden stream of light, and it completed the entire process of transformation from a cat to a human. It finally became a human girl who was really in full view.

It is not completely correct to say that Gunmiao is a human girl now, because in addition to a pair of human ears, she also has a pair of black cat ears on her head, and a black and white cat tail behind her.

As a person transformed from a cat, Gunmiao didn't even want to wear a piece of clothes at the beginning, but after Kaisha's patient education, she finally put on a black dress.

"Why hasn't the shit shoveler (Hao Ren) come back yet? Did he die outside? Meow!" This is the sentence that Gunmiao, who has become a cat-eared girl, says most often when she squats in the front yard of the small western-style building after eating the food fed by Beikai and others every day.

On the morning of the seventh day after Gunmiao became a cat-eared girl, Hao Ren and his party finally returned to the small western-style building after more than four months through the transmission channel of the data terminal.

Yes, when the Giant Turtle Rock Platform led the Demon King City out of that alien space, Hao Ren asked Yzaks to take the Demon King City to the dream plane, and finally the demons settled down on the New Aerym Star, in the fiefdom of his Sun King.

Compared with the surface world, the dream plane and the demon plane are actually in the category of the alien world. Therefore, placing the demons in the dream plane is also within the scope allowed by the will of the universe and the Xiling Empire.

After arranging the demons' destination, Yzax let Lanina stay in the Demon King's Castle and temporarily act as the Demon Queen. Then he returned to the surface world with his daughter Elizabeth, Hao Ren and others.

In the past, when Hao Ren returned home after a long absence, there would always be a cat to "welcome" his return, but this time, the cat did not come to pester Hao Ren, so the landlord of this house was not used to it.

After standing at the door and waiting for Gunmiao for a while, Hao Ren arranged a guest room for Elizabeth first, and then everyone went back to the house to do what they had to do.

When Vivian prepared a table of sumptuous dishes and everyone was ready to start eating, Beikai and the others came home happily with Doudou and Gunmiao.

"Mom, Dad, Doudou, I miss you so much!" Besha rushed to Beikai and the others first, and she also hugged her parents at the same time.

"Mom, Dad, Doudou, we're back!" Kaiyu walked to Beikai and the others at a normal pace.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back, let's eat first! No matter what happens, let's eat first!" Kaisha was touching Beisha's little head.

"Mr. Bei, Ms. Huo, you're back! Excuse me, have you seen Gun?" Hao Ren slowly came to Beikai and the others.

"Gun, isn't she here?" Kaisha pulled Gunmiao, who was hiding behind her, to Hao Ren.

"No way! You're Gun?" Hao Ren looked at Gunmiao in front of him in disbelief.

"Meow!" Gunmiao pulled down her hood, revealing her cat ears, and then she lifted the edge of her skirt to let her cat tail

"Oh my God! You are really Gun Miao. How did you become a human?" Hao Ren was carefully looking at Gun Miao's body.

Then, everyone in the room focused their attention on Gun Miao, and then they began to brainstorm to name her, but no matter what the name was, she had no reaction at all, so she could only be called "Gun" in the end.

"Shit shoveler, you are finally back. I haven't seen you for a few months. I thought you died outside. Did you bring me something? I can smell it. Hurry up and give it to me to eat!" Under the gaze of everyone, Gun Miao walked around Hao Ren's feet on all fours.

After hearing Gun Miao's words of begging for food, two black lines appeared on Hao Ren's forehead. At this time, he was a little reluctant to take out the food in the accompanying space to feed the cat.

"If you don't give it to me, what about this? Rub it!" Gun Miao rubbed Hao Ren's two trouser legs with his head.

When Hao Ren was still unmoved, Gun Miao offered his cat tail and let him play with it to his heart's content...

The interaction between Hao Ren and Gun Miao made the Bei Yu sisters, Liu Lili, Nangong Wuyue and Becky laugh so hard that they fell backwards. No wonder some wise men often say: The most harmonious master-pet relationship is the one where the master and pet can't understand each other. Once they can understand each other, the harmonious master-pet relationship is likely to break instantly.

After Gun Miao "took great pains" to get the food she wanted from Hao Ren, she was still complaining about her master while eating: Shit shoveler, you are so annoying! You were not at home for a few days before, and every time you came back, I said this to you, and I didn't see you dislike me so much at those times!

It would have been better if Gunmiao hadn't added this sentence. When she added this sentence, it was undoubtedly another stab in Hao Ren's heart.

In the past, Hao Ren always thought that when he was away from home for several days and returned home, this sensible cat was missing and trying to please him. As a result, he never expected that the real situation was actually like this!

Hao Ren, whose heart was stabbed by his pet, finally recovered from the loss slowly under Vivian's persuasion, and then the whole family went to have a delicious meal together.

Although Beikai and the others had already concluded that Gunmiao had transformed into a human because he had eaten more than a dozen golden apple hearts, Hao Ren was still a little worried and took this cat-eared girl to find Goddess Shunzi to check the specific situation early the next morning.

I was so angry yesterday that I have to take my pet to see the "doctor" today. It can be seen that Hao Ren is really a qualified pet owner with a hard mouth and a soft heart!

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