When Hao Ren brought Gun Miao to meet the goddess Shunzi, he took the initiative to tell her that the cat-eared girl had eaten more than a dozen golden apple hearts.

"Hao Ren, you have to believe the two gods in your family. Although they have not received formal god training, they are genuine gods. Their judgment is correct. The cat did turn into a human because it ate the golden apple heart."

"However, you are really careless. You threw the golden apple that could trigger a thousand-year war into the mortal world and fed it to the cat. If the goddess of life knew that you were wasting the golden apple like this, she would come down to earth and scold you severely!" Raven 12345 said this while holding Gun Miao's neck and looking at the cat-eared girl's cat eyes.

"Sister Raven, we only fed the cat the golden apple heart. We didn't know it would have such an effect!" Hao Ren was scratching the back of his head again.

"Golden Apple Heart is also a part of the Golden Apple, which is also the divine fruit carefully cultivated by the Goddess of Life. This cat can only be treated like this for now. You should raise her like a child!"

"I will apply for you later to see if this cat can be counted as one of the alien tenants?" Raven 12345 let Gun Meow return to Hao Ren.

Based on the principle of not wasting time since it has come, after Goddess Shunzi checked Gun Meow's condition, Hao Ren once again went to upgrade his body and spirit.

After Hao Ren left Goddess Shunzi with Gun Meow, he deeply realized how troublesome and helpless it was to turn a cat into a human-like bear child.

Gun Miao didn't even blow on the freshly baked fish he bought for her, but just stuffed it into her mouth. Then she was so burned that she screamed in the street, and the owner of the grilled fish stall thought that this girl was his competitor who deliberately sent her to cause trouble.

Then Hao Ren calmed Gun Miao down, apologized to the grilled fish stall owner, and bought two more freshly baked fish.

"Remember, before eating anything in the future, you must test the temperature before you can eat it!" Hao Ren blew the two hot grilled fish to cool them in front of Gun Miao.

"Shit shoveler, you are so good to me!" Gun Miao said to Hao Ren with tears in her eyes while eating the cold grilled fish.

"You know I am good to you, so don't call me shit shoveler in the future. Change your name for me. You can call me big cat in the future. How about that?" Hao Ren suggested this in a downhill manner.

Yes, in the cat's world, when it looks at other creatures, it will think that the other creature is also a cat, but there is a difference between big cats, small cats and old cats. Liu Lili is the first person to be called a big cat in Gun Miao's world, and she is also a silly big cat.

"There are too many big cats at home, I can't remember them all! How about I call you a big cat! You are the biggest cat in my heart! Meow!" Gun Miao made a cute face to Hao Ren.

After accepting Gun Miao's name of "big cat", Hao Ren took her to continue shopping. Then, this cat-eared girl who did not change her cat nature went to search the trash can four times, chased other people's pet dogs five times, climbed the wall six times, and climbed the tree seven times.

When Hao Ren caught Gun Miao from a tree for the eighth time, the cat-eared girl's appearance had become as black as a soldier who had just retreated from the battlefield.

After bringing Gun Meow home, Hao Ren immediately handed the dirty cat-eared girl to Nangong Wuyue to clean it.

"Big cat, help! Big fish cat wants to kill meow!" After Nangong Wuyue removed all of Gun Meow's clothes, the cat-eared girl screamed and wanted to leave the bathroom on the first floor.

Facing Gun Meow who wanted to leave the bathroom in a clear view, Nangong Wuyue turned directly into a half-octopus form, and then she used four of her tentacles to wrap up the cat-eared girl's limbs, and then she sprayed continuously at the stupid cat, and she sucked the hot water in her stomach from the hot water pipe.

"This cat is resurrected again!" After Gun Meow finished taking a bath, she wanted to leave the bathroom in a clear view.

Then, Nangong Wuyue stretched out a tentacle again and wrapped one of Gun Meow's legs, and then she put the cat-eared girl in a clear view.Mother, was forcibly dragged back: Come back and put on your clothes!

Since Hao Ren's family had this cat-eared girl, the joyful and funny atmosphere in this family has been rising day by day at a visible speed.

On the other hand, Elizabeth, who has a lot of experience in alchemy, has developed an extremely strong interest in all the household appliances in the house after coming to Hao Ren's house.

Whenever Hao Ren is not paying attention, Elizabeth will take tools such as screwdrivers to dismantle the washing machine in the house first, and then she can actually assemble it back in the original form. After this disassembly and assembly, she began to study how to use the washing machine.

Starting from this first washing machine, whenever Elizabeth wants to use a certain appliance, she will first dismantle it once, and then after being able to assemble it again, she will study how to use it.

Once the assembly could not be restored, Elizabeth would come to Uncle Hao Ren with an apologetic look on her face and admit her mistake. And every time she sincerely admitted her mistake, she would dare to continue to do so next time.

By the way, Elizabeth, who is more than a thousand years old, actually calls Hao Ren, who is only in his twenties, uncle. Who is taking advantage of whom?

In addition, facing Bessa, who is friends with the half-demon little loli Elizabeth, Kaisha can only bite the bullet and quietly acquiesce to this relationship between the two of them.

"Okay, Kaisha, don't deny all demon races just because you hate Morgana! The demons in this world are just their species name called demons. They are actually very kind in their hearts!" Bello tried hard to persuade Kaisha, trying to let the other party let go of some inherent prejudices in her heart.

"Bero, what you said makes sense! I will try to accept the friendship between Xiaobei and Elizabeth!" Kaisha sighed softly.

In order to let Kesha give up her prejudice as soon as possible, Bello even asked Elizabeth to come to Tianren Supermarket to work as a part-time electrical appliance repairman.

Next, Elizabeth, who still felt unsatisfied with repairing electrical appliances in Tianren Supermarket, asked Yzaks to take her to the streets and alleys in the southern suburbs to collect a lot of electrical appliances from the uncles and aunts.

A sturdy man who was nearly two meters tall, with a little loli sitting on his shoulders who was a little over one meter tall, this uncoordinated picture made the uncles and aunts find the nearby police to check the somewhat "deformed" father and daughter.

Although in human form, Yzaks and Elizabeth, the father and daughter, looked completely similar, but the identity information provided to them by Goddess Shunzi was hard currency that could withstand any inspection, so the police could only let this really weird father and daughter leave after a routine inspection.

In addition to collecting some old household appliances from street to street, Yzaks also often asked Elizabeth to learn the necessary knowledge points for various demon queens.

For this reason, the fire demon father also printed out thousands of exercises for his half-demon daughter in accordance with the cultural requirements on Earth, which made the half-demon little loli often look like she was about to collapse at any time!

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