Whenever Vivian saw the interaction between Izaks and Elizabeth, she would always feel inexplicably sad. Then the attentive Kesha would take the initiative to ask her: You don't have a child, do you?

Under Kesha's constant persuasion, Vivian finally plucked up the courage to meet a special person whom she didn't want to see, but the other party wanted to see her. In order to cheer herself up, she also brought Hao Ren and Liu Lili.

Vivian brought Hao Ren and Liu Lili to Athens in this world. After the demon hunters conquered Mount Olympus, the surviving "gods" and aliens built an alien shelter in the underground of Athens, and then it became a haven for the lingering aliens.

Vivian brought Hao Ren and Liu Lili and went straight to an antique shop in Athens that didn't look very impressive.

"Call your boss out and tell her that her old friend came to see her, whether she is dead or not!" Vivian ordered the clerk of the antique shop in a domineering manner.

Faced with the arrogant Vivian, the clerk of the antique shop was not angry. The clerk just shook his head slightly and turned to walk into the inner hall of the antique shop.

About three or five minutes later, a beautiful woman in black clothes with a gloomy expression came out of the inner hall of the antique shop.

"What a rare guest! Countess, I didn't expect you to come to me on your own initiative!" The gloomy woman said to Vivian with a fake smile.

"I just want to see if you are dead or not. Don't be so self-indulgent, Hesperius!" Vivian called out the gloomy woman's name.

"Hesperius, the goddess of dusk on Mount Olympus?" Liu Lili, who has a deep literary background, immediately said this with a shocked face.

"Little sister, stop using the word twilight goddess to describe me. At best, we are just a group of relatively powerful aliens. If we were really gods, we wouldn't have been nearly wiped out by the demon hunters!" Hesperius came over and gently touched Liu Lili's hair.

"But the legend about you is as loud as thunder!" Liu Lili took out a notebook and a pen. She wanted Hesperius to sign her name no matter what.

"Don't mention it. The past is too painful to look back on!" Hesperius picked up Liu Lili's pen and signed his name in the notebook seriously.

Just when Hesperius was about to gossip about the relationship between Hao Ren and Vivian, a crisp female voice came from the inner hall of the antique shop: Hesperius, is Lady Vivian coming? I can already smell her breath!

After hearing the clear female voice, although Vivian had been prepared, she immediately transformed her body into countless small bats and hid in various corners of the antique shop.

When all the small bats were hidden, the owner of the clear female voice came out from the inner hall of the antique shop. It turned out to be Vivian in gorgeous clothes?

Yes, the girl who walked out of the inner hall of the antique shop looked almost exactly like Vivian, and even the various fine lines on her face were distributed in the same way as Vivian.

But the clothes she wore were much more gorgeous than Vivian's, and she was shorter and had shorter hair. In addition, the cheerful expression on her face was also an expression that Vivian would never show on weekdays.

Hmm! The girl in front of him looked like she had shrunk in proportion to her body, about one-tenth of Vivian, and she seemed to have taken the wrong medicine!

"Wow! I didn't expect that the stinky bat actually had a sister!" Liu Lili jumped up.

"Who are you two? Why do you both smell like Lady Vivian?" The shrunken version of Vivian sniffed the smell of Hao Ren and Liu Lili with a puzzled look.

"Let me introduce you two, this is Hesanna. As for the relationship between her and the Countess, what is it? You two should ask the person involved in person!" Hesperius said with a smile.

"Yes, yes! Lady Vivian must be hiding nearby, you two should call her out quicklyCome on! I've missed her so much after not seeing her for so many years!" The miniature version of Vivian, Heather Anna, said this in a self-indulgent way, and her expression and state at this time were exactly like Vivian in a certain period of time.

"Vivian, you'd better come out quickly! It's no use hiding like this! "Hao Ren said this while he and Liu Lili found all the little bats that Vivian had transformed into from every corner of the antique shop. The deepest little bat was actually hiding in a ceramic kettle.

When all the little bats were found, they regrouped into Vivian in mid-air, and then Heather Anna rushed straight to Vivian like an arrow from a string, and she hugged her with both hands.

When Heather Anna hugged Vivian, Hao Ren and Liu Lili seemed to hear a sound like a bone breaking, which shows how strong Heather Anna is!

"Let go, let go quickly, it's because you like to go crazy like this that I don't want to see you!" Vivian wanted to break free from Heather Anna's embrace, but she had no way to break free.

"My lady Vivian, I finally got back a little bit of the feeling of returning to my body! "Heather Anna finally let go of Vivian's body.

"Vivian, is this your sister? Why haven't you ever mentioned her?" Hao Ren asked tentatively.

"Her situation is a little complicated! "Vivian pointed at Heather Anna and sighed deeply.

Next, Vivian told Hao Ren and Liu Lili that if she forgot to retrieve the little bats she "threw" out to explore the way, they would automatically dissipate into the air after a period of time due to energy exhaustion. However, if a little bat could find subsequent energy support, it could continue to survive outside.

Yes, Vivian once "threw" a little bat out, and then she completely forgot about it. When she remembered and found it, the forgotten little bat had already cultivated itself into a spirit, so it became the Heather Anna in front of her.

"So, she is not your sister, but your..." Hao Ren did not dare to say the title directly.

"I know, I know, she is not your sister, but your daughter, the stinky bat!" The title that Hao Ren did not dare to say was said by Liu Lili without any taboos.

"It is so! No wonder Vivian envied the interaction between Yzaks and Elizabeth! "After Liu Lili said the above conclusion, Kaisha, who was watching the virtual light screen, also expressed the same view.

When the topic in the antique shop was extended to Heather Anna, who was like an abandoned child, Liu Lili actually added another knife to Vivian's heart: Stinky bat, don't be so ruthless. No matter what, she is also a piece of meat that fell from your body. You still have to give the child more care!

After hearing what Liu Lili said, Vivian almost wanted to jump up and beat up this outspoken Husky!

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