When Hao Ren and others decided to face the vengeful spirit, the dozen bats thrown by Vivian had already explored the structure of the entire castle.

"Have you recovered all the little bats? Don't leave another one behind!" Hao Ren asked Vivian with concern.

"Don't worry! I have recovered them. Besides, Heather Anna's case is just a very special case. Over the years, I have forgotten more than one bat, but she is the only one who has cultivated into a spirit alone. The other bats have directly dissipated!" Vivian said so confidently.

According to the perception of the Bei Yu sisters, Vivian really forgot a little bat in a corner of the castle. However, this little bat did not receive subsequent energy support. After only one hour, it completely dissipated.

As soon as she heard that Hao Ren and others were going to deal with the ghost, Doudou, who had been staying in Kaiyu's clothes, poked her head out. As a result, as soon as she came to the outside world, she was frozen and went back into her sister's clothes.

Yes, Doudou, who was "cooked" by boiling water, is a different species of hot water fish. Once the temperature around her is too low, she will be frozen into a small fish-shaped ice sculpture.

"Big sister, it's so cold!" Doudou shrank in Kaiyu's clothes and kept shivering.

"Don't be afraid, Doudou, sister, you quickly light a fire to warm Doudou!" Kaiyu took out a pot and put some water in it, and then she asked Besha to light a strange fire at the bottom of the pot.

"Okay, sister!" Besha summoned the lowest level Xuanhuangyan because she was afraid of burning through the bottom of the pot.

Under the control of Besha's mind and the support of Kaiyu's divine power, an iron pot with Xuanhuangyan burning at the bottom of the pot floated beside the Beiyu sisters. When the water in the iron pot boiled, Doudou jumped into the boiling water with a happy face.

"Thank you, big sister, thank you, second sister!" Doudou swam in the boiling water to his heart's content.

While the Beiyu sisters were warming Doudou, Hao Ren and his party had already walked towards the underground of the castle.

"Tanagus... You can't kill that thing, don't go to die!" Just when Hao Ren was about to push open the door of the basement, Anna came over and stopped them.

In this way, with Anna's nervous obstruction, Hao Ren and his party temporarily gave up the plan to face the vengeful spirit immediately. Just as they returned to the room in the castle, the owner of the manor, Igor, who was out on business, came back on a sled.

"Sled! I seem to have played with this thing when I was a child!" Liu Lili looked at the sled in the yard, and an inexplicable sadness appeared in her heart.

That's right, it seems that Huskies are professional sled dogs. Is Liu Lili going to awaken her ancestral skills?

"Master! So you are not dead yet! This is really great. These are all your friends! Come on, I will invite everyone to have a good meal first!" Igor warmly greeted Nangong Sanba and others.

During the meal, Hao Ren asked Igor, what did Tanagos mean? Then the other party replied that it was the whispering of the vengeful spirit, and he also said that these were Anna's crazy words, and everyone didn't have to take these words to heart!

The words Anna said were all the thoughts conveyed to her by the vengeful spirit. In this way, these words would not be crazy talk, but some very important information.

"Anna, what is Tanagos? What is the Tana people? Is this the name of the race of the vengeful spirits?" Hao Ren used the light of the data terminal to temporarily stabilize Anna's physical condition.

"They penetrated into this world from the other end of the rift. The invisible power is beyond your cognition. You can't kill those things unless we repay the treasures that we cheated from the witch more than three hundred years ago!" Anna said a relatively complete sentence.

In fact, Igor had heard Anna's words before, but he could not analyze useful information from them, and he just thought that his daughter was talking nonsense.

However, in the understanding of Hao Ren and others, this sentence revealed a lot of information. The vengeful spirits are very likely creatures from the dream plane, and there is a secret passage in the basement of the castle that can allow the vengeful spirits to come to the surface world from the dream plane. There is also a certain relationship between the appearance of the vengeful spirits and the witch of the Andre family.

After getting this useful information, Hao Ren asked Igor to lead everyone to the basement of the castle to find out what was going on.

"ThisEverything is caused by greed. We violated the witch's oath and coveted wealth that did not belong to us. One of our ancestors opened the door to the world of evil spirits. Everything that happened today is our own fault! "The further he went into the basement, the more family secrets Igor revealed.

From this, it seems that Igor didn't know anything. He knew more than his daughter Anna. He even knew how the vengeful spirit came from, but he had been deliberately hiding these things before.

All this really echoes the old saying: People are greedy and want to swallow an elephant! Knowing that ill-gotten gains are not to be taken, and taking them will definitely cause great harm, the Andre family would rather be tortured by the vengeful spirits for more than three hundred years, and they will take away the huge wealth at all costs.

The basement door that Hao Ren and his party came to before was actually the wrong route. The real basement door was at the end of the corridor full of portraits of Andre family members, and the switch to open the basement door was hidden behind the witch's portrait.

"Igor, why did you cover the witch's face? "After seeing the witch's portrait for the second time, Hao Ren suddenly thought of this problem.

"The witch's face originally had no veil. That was a modification made by my grandfather's grandfather. At that time, the legitimate heir of our family dreamed of the witch's face, and then he jumped off the building and committed suicide the next day. Then, in order to avoid further tragedies, we covered the witch's face!" Igor responded knowingly.

"Because you violated the witch's oath, you are afraid that she and the vengeful spirits will cause trouble for you, so is the truth of the year really as you said?" Nangong Wuyue found a bright spot.

"Anyway, this is the truth I know. Well, I dare not go down to the underground palace, you go down by yourselves! "Igor activated the switch in the basement, and a bottomless staircase tunnel appeared at the end of the corridor.

After Igor turned and left, Hao Ren and his party walked slowly down the staircase tunnel toward the underground palace. About ten minutes later, they came to the front of an iron door.

When the data terminal approached the iron door of the underground palace, a certain value on its display screen was rising wildly. At the same time, white smoke poured out from the inside of the iron door. From this, it can be seen that the other side of the iron door of the underground palace must be the lair of the vengeful spirits.

Seeing this, Hao Ren wanted to know: Why do things related to witchcraft, undead and curses have to be made into such a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere?

For this reason, Hao Ren also verified with magic experts such as Vivian and Yzax. According to what they said, the world of evil spirits does not have to be made like this. It's just that in the general imagination of humans, they always think that evil spirits should look like this!

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