After pushing open the iron door of the underground palace, the scene inside was not a spacious palace, but just a medium-sized stone chamber.

In this rectangular stone chamber, there were several portraits of witches whose faces could no longer be seen. Compared with the portraits of witches in the corridor of the castle, these portraits of witches were not veiled, but the faces on the portraits were not clearly seen due to the precipitation of time.

Next to one of the portraits of witches, there was a locked small iron door, and the white smoke came out from behind this small iron door.

"Are all the vengeful spirits creatures who like to play tricks?" Hao Ren tried to push the small iron door, and he found that the door was not locked at all.

"Even if it was locked, it would not lock the vengeful spirits. This door is just a warning to humans that this is the dividing line between the human world and the vengeful spirit world!" As a not-so-professional demon hunter, Nangong Sanba said a bunch of professional exorcism terms.

Behind the small iron door, there is another dark corridor. The scenery inside makes people know that no one has visited here for a long time.

When everyone was halfway through the walk, Nangong Sanba said that he had been here a few days ago. At that time, he was chasing the ghost and took another road that was not the corridor of the castle. However, before he reached the deepest part of the place, he was injured by the ghost.

When everyone walked forward for a while, except for the Bei Yu sisters and Doudou, all the people present fell into a series of very short illusions.

In Hao Ren's illusion, he saw his body, which seemed to be broken bit by bit like a sand sculpture. In Becky's illusion, she was digging a golden mountain. In Liu Lili's illusion, she was eating delicacies such as braised pork ribs, and these delicacies were inexhaustible.

As for Gun Miao's illusion, it was similar to Liu Lili's. She was eating all kinds of fish dishes that would not jump up and hit her. In Vivian's illusion, she actually saw her mother, and she even lay in her mother's arms and acted like a spoiled child, even though she didn't know what her mother looked like.

Nangong Sanba and Nangong Wuyue's illusion was that they found the parents of the brother and sister, and the family of four lived happily together. As for the illusion of Izaks and Elizabeth, they were naturally with the Sword Saint, and the family of three had various happy daily lives.

The appearance of the illusion meant that Hao Ren and his party were getting closer and closer to the lair of the resentful spirits. After all, illusion attack was one of the common attack methods of the resentful spirits.

In order not to continue to fall into the illusion, when Hao Ren woke up for a short time, he took out the data terminal and scanned it, and then he found that these illusions actually had to cooperate with the formation in the corridor to exert their due power.

Therefore, Hao Ren let the data terminal lock the array center, and then let Nangong Sanba, who was awake for a short time, shoot a demon-killing crossbow arrow at the array center, and then everyone gradually woke up from the illusion.

After the array in the corridor was broken, the ghosts could still continue to use illusion attacks, but without the assistance of the array, the power of these illusion attacks could no longer affect the minds of Hao Ren and his party. Well... the stupid cat Gunmiao had to be excluded, because this cat-eared girl was still standing there biting a bunch of air.

After using the light of the data terminal to wake up Gunmiao, Hao Ren and his party moved deeper into the corridor, and then they saw many strange words on the walls of the corridor that they had never seen before.

At first, everyone thought that these words must be the words of the vengeful spirits, and thought that if they could translate them, they would know the origins of the vengeful spirits. As a result, when everyone could not translate, the data terminal said the content of these words, which should be some human recruitment advertisements.

The Bobolt handed down wine, which began in 1911 in the Ta calendar, is carefully brewed with twelve kinds of grains. One bottle of wine is one load of grain, and the aftertaste is long. We sincerely recruit franchise agents in the Nakrosa area. For details, please contact XXXXX... Yes, this is what the data terminal translated.

Huishan Road East Station, Huishan Shopping Mall West Station, Xingguang Road South Station, Southeast Square North Station, Qingshui Lake Southeast Station... The vehicles running around the city, the first bus XX:XX, the last bus XX:XX... When Hao Ren and others were a little surprised, the data terminal was still there translating.

Oh my! I don't know when...From then on, the things that Hao Ren and others encountered did not unfold according to the normal routine. Shouldn't the strange words on the walls say: A certain demon king is sealed here?

"Okay, Hao Ren, you can think about it this way. What if all the people on Earth are extinct one day, and then the newly born humans dig out some signs with incomprehensible words from the ruins of their ancestors' houses? Maybe they think it's some kind of sacrificial item, but it's actually an advertising slogan like "Which company has the best excavation technology?" Vivian comforted Hao Ren's emotions with a strange perspective.

"Don't say it, I just thought of these aspects!" Hao Ren held Vivian's hand, and the ambiguous atmosphere between the two began to gradually spread out, and others have become accustomed to it.

When the atmosphere eased, everyone continued to move forward. After reaching the end of the corridor, Hao Ren and his party came to a very open snowfield, and there were a bunch of stone pillars standing on the snowfield.

"Everyone, pay attention. This is another ability of the vengeful spirits. They twisted this underground palace into an indescribable underground world. The scenery in front of you may be real or fake!" Vivian reminded everyone.

The twisted world can confuse Hao Ren and others, but it can't confuse the eyes of the Bei Yu sisters. So, the two of them stood aside with Doudou, watching everyone like eating melons and watching a play. In this true and false world, one after another ridiculous farce was staged.

"Stinky bat, I'm real, don't pinch my ears!" Liu Lili punched Vivian in front of her.

"Why am I home? No, this is an illusion again!" Hao Ren felt that he was back at the door of his own house.

"Gold, gold, I'm rich!" Becky saw gold again.

"Fish, fish, so many fish! So delicious!" Rolling Meow was biting the air again.

As for the Nangong siblings, they were able to barely overcome the distorted world in front of them by reminding each other.

Yzaks transformed into the true form of the Flame Demon, and all the falsehoods in front of him were broken from his sight. It turned out that this was really a slightly shabby underground palace.

In the end, Hao Ren and his party relied on the ability of the data terminal to bypass this underground world with distorted reality and walked into a secret door hidden in the corner.

After entering this secret door, the real and fake world finally disappeared, but the physical attack methods of the vengeful spirits appeared. Endless white fog was spreading from all directions, the air was filled with a pungent smell of burning, countless electric sparks were "crackling" on everyone, and the biting ice and snow whirlwind began to rage.

Seeing this, everyone had to fight back according to their own abilities. When the various attack methods of the vengeful spirits were broken, some blue-white crystal objects would fall down. When a large number of crystal objects appeared, a vague strange shadow appeared in the thick fog.

"Is that the vengeful spirit?" Liu Lili pointed at the strange shadow.

"No, this is still a means of attack of the vengeful spirit!" The unprofessional Nangong Sanba gave a professional answer.

After the strange shadow appeared, the shields on Hao Ren's body began to appear, showing signs of automatic operation. From this, it can be seen that the danger factor in the thick fog is gradually increasing.

"The water element here is abnormal, I can't do anything at all!" Nangong Wuyue kept complaining.

Compared with the exhaustion of the crowd, the Bei Yu sisters and Izaks and his father and son were completely different, because the attack methods of the vengeful spirits did not dare to approach them.

“Hurry up and take action! The vengeful spirits don’t have any particularly obvious weaknesses. We can only exhaust their energy first, and then find a way to seal them up!” Nangong Sanba said to the Bei Yu sisters and the father and son Izaks.

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