The murals did not describe in detail what the enemies that the Tana people had to face looked like. They just used some messy lines to depict the appearance of those invincible enemies.

"This is the origin of the disaster. The Tana people could not defeat their enemies. In the end, they had to transform their own life forms and wanted to survive in this way!" Anna pointed to the content of the last mural.

The Tana people were not sure what they would look like after transforming their life forms, so they left traces of their civilization in the three end cities through murals.

After reading the murals, when others were still guessing what the disaster of the Tana people was, Hao Ren and Bei Yu sisters already knew the specific answer, because they had experienced this disaster personally.

Next, Hao Ren led everyone to a high platform where they could see the outside of the city. Facing the high platform without climbing conditions, those who could not fly were carried to the top of the high platform by other people who could fly.

The scene outside the city is a barren land, with countless gullies and deep pits scattered across the devastated land. In the gullies and deep pits, those shocking tentacles are telling everyone that it is the culprit of all disasters.

Yes, the disaster on Tanagos is exactly the same as the situation on Old Aerym. The Tana people suffered a crazy attack similar to the World Tree.

In addition, in previous research, Hao Ren has given the crazy World Tree a code name called "Eldest Son".

Obviously, if Hao Ren and others had not stopped it in time on Old Aerym, the people there would have been completely extinct like the Tana people.

"My previous research direction was not wrong. The Eldest Son Disaster is a common phenomenon-level disaster in the dream plane. There should be a large number of planetary civilizations that have been destroyed by this kind of creature that defies the heavens!" Hao Ren suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was so heavy!

"But the irony is that the eldest son was supposed to be the tree of life of a planet, and all the life on the planet was derived from it. As a result, it suddenly went crazy and destroyed all the life it derived from!" Vivian touched a withered tentacles of the eldest son.

Yes! The Tana people are facing their creators. No wonder their technology and weapons are all defeated!

Next, Hao Ren has to study the eldest son of Tanagus. For this reason, he asked Liu Lili to take Anna back to the castle first, and the rest of the people went with him to explore other parts of the planet.

"What else do you know about the truth of the disaster in the dream plane?" After hearing the eldest son's disaster in the "broadcast", Bello raised his head and asked the goddess Shunzi in front of him.

"Let's not talk about my thoughts for now. I want to hear what you two think first!" Raven 12345 asked the elemental servants to bring three cups of coffee to himself and Beikai.

Beikai and the others' understanding of the dream plane is actually similar to the truth discovered by Hao Ren, but they do have different views.

The dream plane was originally supposed to be a lifeless native universe. It was the arrival of the goddess of creation that gave birth to life on the planets of the dream plane.

The goddess of creation created the eldest son, that is, the tree of life. She spread the eldest sons one by one to the planets of the dream plane. The eldest son was responsible for transforming the atmosphere and geographical environment of the planet, allowing the planet to gradually give birth to various kinds of life.

In other words, in the dream plane, including humans, aliens, animals, plants and even microorganisms, as long as there are living creatures, they are actually the creation of the goddess of creation.

The dream plane disaster 10,000 years ago was that the eldest son of the tree of life suddenly went crazy for some reason and carried out a super cleansing of all the lives derived from himself. Some powerful planetary creatures thought of ways to delay the madness of the eldest son, such as the old planet of Aerym.

There are also some planetary creatures who chose to leave their homeland and seek refuge on other planets. As a result, they took advantage of the collision between the dream plane and the surface world and came to the surface world from the dream plane, such as demon hunters, blood clans, werewolves, sirens, and the former gods of the earth.

The planetary creatures with low strength but unable to escape from their hometown can only watch the civilization they created being destroyed by the eldest son, and even they themselves fell ininto this world-destroying disaster.

As for the reason why the eldest sons went crazy, Bei Kai and Hao Ren had different opinions. The latter thought that it was the creatures on the planet that polluted the environment, thus angering the guardian of the planet - the eldest son, or some magical creatures and supernatural creatures, who chose the wrong way of sacrifice and accidentally angered the eldest son.

However, through some online novels he had read in his previous life, Bello came to an astonishing conclusion: the madness of the eldest sons might be the secret instruction of the goddess of creation! Because in many online novels, once the gods of creation are dissatisfied with their creations, they often take the means of overthrowing everything and starting over again.

And these gods of creation have another common problem: they want to overthrow everything, and usually they don't do it themselves. They will destroy everything under the guise of others, so as to completely take away their own responsibilities.

Therefore, if the Goddess of Creation wants to destroy her own creation, then using these eldest sons, that is, the hands of the Tree of Life, is a relatively perfect way to shirk responsibility for the destruction of the world.

"Really? You actually think so, why don't you listen to what Hao Ren and the others are saying!" Raven 12345 turned back the broadcast content of the "broadcast" device by a little bit.

On the planet Tanagos, Hao Ren and others have come to the conclusion after some in-depth investigations: the collective madness of the eldest sons of the dream plane is closely related to the Goddess of Creation.

"Listen carefully, this is what you think of as shirking the relationship. Even these little guys can come to this conclusion. Can't others imagine it?" Raven 12345 looked at Bello, with a gloating tone in his tone.

"Even if people know about it, what can we do? Do these created lives have the power to kill their creators?" Bello felt that he had been thinking too narrowly, but he had to cover it up with such a reverse question.

"Kill their creators, Bello, I now have a bold guess. In the dream plane more than 10,000 years ago, did anyone assassinate the goddess of creation? Just imagine, if you created all the lives, but there are lives that assassinate you in turn, would you be angry and..." Kaisha's sixth sense was "playing tricks" again.

"Awesome! You can actually think of this. I now feel more and more that you are the most suitable god for our Xiling Empire's system!" Raven 12345 tried hard to restrain herself and did not express her surprise, but her words were full of appreciation for Kaisha.

If the truth is as Kesha speculated, then many things can be explained. The created creatures want to assassinate their creators. This is definitely not a "feat" that can be accomplished by one or two races. This kind of thing must require the cooperation of many races. Maybe the life in the entire dream plane has participated in the plan to assassinate the goddess of creation. However, is the truth of the matter really like this? Let's continue reading!

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