As the saying goes, happiness leads to sorrow. When Hao Ren and others made significant progress in their investigation on the planet Tanagos, a large number of vengeful spirits came to them continuously.

"Miss Huo, let Doudou sing quickly! We can't stand it anymore!" Nangong Sanba came to the side of the Beiyu sisters while fighting and retreating.

"Doudou has fallen asleep. What's the point of singing to deal with these vengeful spirits? Just burn them with fire!" Besha condensed a seven-color fire lotus above her head.

"No, we can't burn them. These vengeful spirits are all surviving Tana people. They are pitiful enough. As long as we find the reason why they are crazy, they will become harmless energy life!" Hao Ren stopped Besha's vengeful spirit extermination plan.

"Hao Ren, it's already this time, and you still want to sympathize with the vengeful spirits!" Kaiyu used the long-lost ribbon attack to knock away several vengeful spirits flying towards her and Besha.

Kaiyu could not use the flower and leaf attack on the planet cleansed by the eldest son, because there was no plant left here, and at the same time, the dark space was switched by the will of the universe, which made her unable to call out the flaming sword. She should have put the flaming sword into the ring.

As for the eldest son, that thing only looks like a plant, but it is not a plant at all. However, Hao Ren and others have not yet figured out what kind of creature it belongs to.

"Let this machine be the bad guy, and I will wake up the mermaid baby!" The data terminal imitated Doudou's voice and issued a sound that only the mermaid baby could hear.

Doudou, who was awakened from her sweet dream, jumped out of Kaiyu's pocket, and then she uttered a high-frequency sound from her mouth like a conditioned reflex. After hearing Doudou's voice, the vengeful spirits immediately began to flee.

"Oh my god! This little guy is too strong!" Hao Ren looked at Doudou's cute face, as if he had missed ten small goals.

"You dead terminal, who told you to wake up Doudou, come here!" Kaiyu threw a ribbon at the data terminal and pulled it from the air into her hand.

After Kaiyu got the data terminal, she looked at the other party and handed the brick produced in the God Realm to Doudou.

When the data terminal came to Doudou's hands, the mermaid baby treated it as a toy. She randomly pressed a virtual button on the screen of the brick, and she recorded her high-frequency voice.

"Mermaid baby, are you a genius? You found the recording button of this machine the first time you used it!" When the data terminal played the high-frequency sound that could dispel the evil spirits, it praised Doudou like this.

When everyone saw that the data terminal could record and play Doudou's voice, they all patted their foreheads with their hands. Why didn't they think of such a simple exorcism method at the beginning?

"Don't be stunned, okay? This machine has just scanned a place where the ghosts will not attack. You should follow it quickly!" The data terminal carried Doudou in the air, and then they flew towards a high-tech building.

After staying with abnormal people for a long time, even the data terminal became abnormal. When it flew away with Doudou, the ghosts surrounded Hao Ren and others again.

Narrator 1: In fact, Hao Ren's data terminal is not a new one, but an old model or a knockoff product that Goddess Shunzi bought from the second-hand market in the God Realm. However, although the model of this terminal is old, the software inside is brand new!

Narrator 2: Even if this data terminal is really a knockoff product, it is produced by a knockoff company in the God Realm, which does not affect the fact that it is a genuine artifact. However, it may not have the professional authorization of a certain God Realm boss!

After the data terminal took Doudou and "ran away" alone, Hao Ren and others had to retreat towards the direction of the building that looked like an observatory.

After Hao Ren and others retreated into the observatory, the vengeful spirits only wandered outside and did not attack here again. However, there was the same white smoke that appeared in the underground palace, and the group immediately became alert again.

"Please don't be nervous, strangers, we have no ill intentions!" In the white smoke,A vague figure appeared.

"Are you from Tana? We thought there were only vengeful spirits here!" Hao Ren took a step closer to the figure.

"No, there are really only vengeful spirits here. I am just a set of data!" The figure introduced himself. He is the memory combination of all Tana people.

"What did you go through in the first place? Why did the Tana people become vengeful spirits who can only kill crazily after they became energy creatures?" Hao Ren asked back with a puzzled look.

"We thought that we could avoid this world-destroying disaster by getting rid of the constraints of the body. However, we didn't expect that after the transformation of life form, we would face a more terrible chaos and distorted world! The specific situation, you can see it for yourself!" The figure opened his own memory sharing to Hao Ren and others.

In the shared memory of the figures, Hao Ren and others saw the whole process of how the last line of defense of the Tana people collapsed. Those high-tech weapons were destroyed like paper toys in front of the eldest son, and the brave and combative Tana soldiers fell one after another.

The surviving Tana scientists learned through a large number of complex calculations that only by completely erasing the breath of life on the planet Tanagus, the eldest son's attack would be completely stopped.

Therefore, even if the surviving Tana people knew that they might face some unknown dangers after transforming their life forms, they had to go all out to continue the civilization of Tanagus.

However, after the Tana people became energy creatures, they could no longer see the brilliant planet Tanagus in their visual world. What they saw was actually the spiritual world of the eldest son. It was like an endless sea of ​​darkness, and a drop of seawater in the sea of ​​darkness could completely erode the spiritual consciousness of a newborn Tana people.

Under the attack of the eldest son's spiritual world, the scenes seen by the newly born Tana people were all the most frightening things in their lives, and they were infinitely magnified scenes. In order to dispel these extremely terrifying scenes, these newly born Tana people had no other choice except to choose to be assimilated by the eldest son's spiritual world.

If they did not assimilate with the eldest son, it would be endless mental torture. If they chose to assimilate with the eldest son, they would gradually become vengeful spirits. If you were a newly born Tana person, what would you choose?

In order to let Hao Ren and others feel more intuitively the process of the newly born Tana people becoming vengeful spirits, the illusory figure also let everyone experience a little bit of the spiritual torture journey of the newly born Tana people.

Under the illusory mental torture, only Hao Ren, the sisters Bei Yu and Doudou survived by their own willpower. Others, including Vivian, turned into vengeful spirits in the illusion.

"Under the enemy's mental torture, all the people lost themselves, they forgot everything and threw themselves into the enemy's arms, and finally they became the so-called vengeful spirits!" The illusory figure made everyone withdraw from the journey of false mental torture.

The newborn Tana people assimilated by the eldest son, rather than saying they are vengeful spirits, it is better to say that they are just a bunch of erratic energy garbled.

"Do you need any help?" Hao Ren took the initiative to walk in front of the illusory figure.

The illusory figure did not respond, he just took Hao Ren and others to the deeper part of the observatory, oh no, he should be floating forward with his feet off the ground!

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