Narrator: In the original work, the story about the protagonists fighting the Siren Queen and the brain monster is really too long, so the author will not describe it in detail. In addition, in the original work, the protagonists came out in full force to participate in the Siren copy.

Text: After a series of hard battles, Hao Ren directly used Nolan's weapon system and fired a minimum-power interstellar orbital cannon at the crazy Siren Queen, finally bringing the Siren Rebellion to a gradual end.

In fact, the Siren Queen was not directly hit by the interstellar orbital cannon, but when Nasatron was in danger of destruction, the Siren Queen, who was controlled by the brain monster, instinctively activated the full-power protective shield of the Nasatron, thereby consuming her own mental power.

When the Siren Queen fell into a near-death state due to the exhaustion of her mental power, Hao Ren put a life-support collar on her, and the rest of the people went to capture the culprit - the brain monster.

The brain monster was nominally imprisoned in the Siren's underwater prison, but in fact it became the most solid fortress to protect it. Vivian, Bai Huo and Shaqila, the three girls, led the alien army and finally arrived at the prison chamber where the brain monster was.

The brain monster is best at mental attack, and its physical attack has long been abolished by the Siren Queen. Therefore, when facing the main body of the brain monster, the best way is to use magic to wrap it up, and then send it a bomb and it's done.

At this time, the fortress that originally protected the brain monster, that is, this so-called indestructible prison cell, has become a giant oven that sends it to the west. After everyone worked together to use magic power to trap it in the prison, Hao Ren and Besha began to charge their own big moves.

Although the brain monster is very hateful, in order to continue to study the dream plane, it is not necessary to completely destroy it. It only needs to prevent it from launching mental attacks. For this reason, Hao Ren asked Zhong Zhuan and Nolan to adjust the best attack frequency, and the sisters Bei Yu also adjusted the most appropriate fire lotus power.

In this way, under the dual attack of the interstellar orbital cannon and the Buddha's wrath lotus, the brain monster that turned the Siren City upside down can finally "close its eyes" and take a good rest.

After the brain monster was defeated, the siren puppets that were still wandering in the city also lost their mobility one after another, and then fainted one after another. At this moment, the Siren Kingdom was at its weakest. If anyone with ill intentions gave it a big move, this alien race might be destroyed in an instant.

You really don't say it, there are really people who want to fish in troubled waters, but as soon as they made a move, they were stopped by the five demon hunters.

Although the brain monster was subdued, the vortex above Nasaton still did not disappear. Seeing this, Hao Ren could only wake up the Siren Queen who was still in an extremely weak state.

"Thank you for your help. These days are really dark days for the Siren!" The Siren Queen, who was gradually waking up, said to Hao Ren in front of her.

Yes, although the Siren Queen was controlled by the brain monster, she also remembered clearly what she had experienced in the past few days. Can you imagine how it felt? Watching yourself destroy everything you care about with your own hands, but being powerless!

"Your Majesty, I'll thank you later. Can you close the big vortex in the sky?" Hao Ren asked anxiously.

"It can't be closed. It's a portal, a portal leading to... to where... I can't tell!" The Siren Queen responded calmly.

"Is it a portal to the dream plane?" Vivian came to the Siren Queen.

"What is the dream plane?" The Siren Queen asked in confusion.

"Oh my! What a mess!" Hao Ren slapped his forehead and remembered that the Sirens, like other alien races, had all their memories of the dream plane washed away.

"I remembered some of the memories when the sea monster controlled me. It used our siren's magic technology and combined it with a mysterious technology to create this huge portal!"

"Nasatron's energy core and a set of energy devices extracted from the core of the seabed provided the initial energy source for the portal, and itThe way it works is like a living thing. After it grows to a certain stage, it starts to maintain its own operation. At this stage, it can no longer be stopped! "The Siren Queen still looked calm.

"If the vortex can't stop, what will happen in the end? Will Nasatron sink directly?" Shaqila asked anxiously.

"According to the analysis of the terminal, this portal is not mature at all. It can't open the channel to the dream plane. If it continues to operate, the final result is that the entire earth and even many surrounding planets will be sucked in by it, and then teleported to an unknown alien space!"

"If the situation is not too bad, we can still control the affected area within the solar system! "After reading Zhongzhuan's scan results, Hao Ren was a little surprised that he could still maintain a relatively calm attitude.

"Congratulations, Hao Ren, you have finally developed the habit of not changing your expression when facing a disaster. This is one of the most basic qualities of an imperial censor!" Zhongzhuan's voice sounded really-inappropriately.

Hao Ren, the two queens of the siren, and the Bei Yu sisters, can face all this without changing their expressions, but others can't do it, especially the sirens who have gradually woken up. At this time, they all began to change their appearances incoherently.

"Let's cut off the energy core! This may prolong the time of the end of the world! "The Siren Queen slowly stood up from the ground. At this time, her lower body was a pair of slender long legs.

Under the leadership of the Siren Queen, Hao Ren, Vivian, Shaqila, Bai Huo and the Bei Yu sisters came to a shell-shaped building behind the ruins of the main hall. The previous monstrous battle had not yet collapsed this place.

After the Siren Queen pressed a button, a stream of water was generated on the seabed, and then this stream of water led everyone to the underground of the building.

"This is our Siren's elevator equipment. Siren will feel very comfortable in it, but other races may feel a little uncomfortable! "Shaqila explained to everyone.

It turns out that these people present are not ordinary people. After taking a trip to the exclusive elevator of the Siren, they did not show any discomfort. Only Bai Huo complained leisurely: This feeling is like flushing the toilet at home, and the object being flushed is still oneself.

After being brought to the destination by the water flow, a semi-arc-shaped luminous sphere appeared in front of everyone, and it was the energy core of Nasatron. The Siren called it the "Water Core".

However, once the energy core is cut off, it means that Nasatron's large protective wall will also be closed. At that time, the internal water pressure of the Siren City will become the real super water pressure of 20,000 miles under the sea. At the same time, its location will be detected by all forces. The Siren will also lose the most important defense facility that they have relied on for more than 10,000 years!

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