Hao Ren and the others knew very well that the Siren Queen must have made a desperate decision to bring them to the Water Core. After all, the energy core in front of them was related to the common fate of thousands of Sirens.

"Okay! We don't have time to delay any longer. If we don't turn off the energy core, the portal will reach the critical point within three days, and the whole earth will suffer!" The Siren Queen finally made the most difficult decision in her life.

After turning off the energy core, Hao Ren and the others had a month of buffer time, because the vortex would still absorb energy from other places to maintain its own operation.

After a month, either everyone would die together or be saved together, but the location of the Siren City would probably be completely exposed. There was no need to worry about other alien forces, and the only thing to worry about might be the Demon Hunter.

"Okay! We just fought side by side with you, and you want to destroy the bridge so soon, right?" Bai Huo looked at the eyes that were looking at him in unison.

"Bai Huo, call Hasu over! Let him swear in front of us that you demon hunters will never take advantage of the sirens in the future!" Vivian put her hand on Bai Huo's shoulder.

Next, Bai Huo, who was a little bit stupid, really contacted Hasu, and then the rest of the demon hunters appeared in front of Hao Ren and others.

"Hey, in your eyes, is the credibility of our demon hunters so bad?" After hearing what happened, Hasu was so angry that he wanted to lose his temper on the spot.

"What kind of conspiracy and tricks have you not used in the past thousands of years? In the past, you couldn't find the location of Nasaton and were afraid of offending the almost unkillable alien group of the Siren, but the situation is different now, so we need your oath!" Vivian took a step closer to Hasu.

"Okay, okay, since we are all on the same side now, we, on behalf of the Demon Hunter Organization, swear to you that we will never attack the Siren City when others are in danger!" Hasu took the other four Demon Hunters and swore an oath to Hao Ren and others.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that the Demon Hunters are already in a period of transition, and we can represent the entire organization!" After swearing the oath, Tutankhamun deliberately added a sentence.

An elder, a master, two senior apprentices, and a genius girl of the Demon Hunters can represent the entire organization. It seems that the current situation of the Demon Hunters is really in a state of decline.

Wait, the top management of the Demon Hunter Organization is a saint, right! Did something happen to the saints? Of all the people present, only the Bei Yu sisters thought of this question.

After the five demon hunters swore an oath, Hao Ren suddenly had the idea to ask Zhong Zhuan to help him transfer to Goddess Shunzi, and to turn on the "hands-free" call function.

Hao Ren's series of operations confused the five demon hunters. Next, a ringtone like the Bible came from Zhong Zhuan's external speaker, and then a royal sister's voice came into everyone's ears: I am communicating with the future citizens of the empire. What's the matter?

"Sister Raven, I am now on duty in the Siren City. There are five demon hunters here who want to swear to the sky. Come and be a witness for them!" Hao Ren said to Zhong Zhuan.

"What do you mean by this?" Ha Su looked at Zhong Zhuan and asked back with a vigilant face.

"Aren't you going to swear to the sky? I've found a god who can represent the sky! Don't tell me that the oaths you just made are all nonsense!" Hao Ren shrugged slightly.

Hasu, who was extremely vigilant, carefully checked the final brick. He did not find any curse power similar to the word spirit on the other party's shell, so he took the other four demon hunters and repeated the previous oath again.

"Sister Raven, did you hear it?" Hao Ren let the final brick return to his palm.

"I heard it very clearly. Tell them not to violate the contract! Otherwise, it will not be me who will execute it, but the will of the universe. It's not a joke!" The voice of Raven 12345 came from the external speaker of the final brick.

At this moment, Goddess Shunzi was in the bathroom of the sky castle, and KaiHao Ren and Ha Su were enjoying the hot spring surrounded by divine water, and Dou Dou, the little mermaid, was also enjoying the hot spring, while Bello was sitting alone in the garden of the God Realm reading a book.

"Whether you believe it or not, this true god is real. If you dare to break your oath, your entire demon hunter organization may suffer a catastrophe!" Hao Ren solemnly explained to Ha Su and others.

"Don't worry! My credibility has always been the most reliable guarantee!" Ha Su vowed to make such a promise.

After dealing with the demon hunter, Hao Ren took Zhong Zhuan and carefully checked the operating principle of the water core. Then the two of them were surprised to find that the energy transmission method of the water core was actually similar to the frequency transmission of broadcasting.

Next, the Siren Queen confirmed this transmission method. The frequency emitted by the Water Core is connected to the 237 relay towers in the city, and then these relay towers broadcast the magic energy to the surroundings and every corner of the city, and the limit of the spread of the magic energy broadcast is the Great Wall.

"Oh, the model is complete!" The final brick projected a virtual picture: a large number of interlaced lines, and the densest area where the lines intersect is exactly the top of the Great Wall, and it is also the location of the giant vortex. And a little bit of land below the giant vortex, there is a trace marked with a lavender cross, which looks like a crack.

"What is this?" The Siren Queen pointed at the lavender cross.

"This is a crack, an unstable space channel, and it is no longer visible. Your spacecraft must have been damaged when it made an emergency landing on Earth. Although the energy core of the spacecraft seems to be operating normally, there is an inharmonious energy confluence at the top of the large protective wall!"

"This inharmonious energy confluence has caused the instability of the local space. Under the unstable factors over time, this crack has slowly connected to the dream plane, and then the brain monster received your magic broadcast, and it reached this world along the broadcast signal!"

"After that, the brain monster used your siren's magic technology to stabilize this unstable crack, and then it created the vortex. When the vortex and the crack completely overlap, the portal will be completely opened!" Zhongzhuan explained to everyone.

"Terminal, since you have understood the essence of the vortex, what is your solution?" After listening to Zhongzhuan's description, Hao Ren felt that he would be able to deal with the problem of this large vortex in less than a month.

"Three words: blow it up!" Zhongzhuan responded without any hesitation.

"I'll give you 30 seconds to explain it clearly, otherwise I'll let Shaqila swallow you and stay in her stomach for the whole day!" Hao Ren was about to hand Zhongzhuan to Shaqila.

"Hao Ren, don't do this! What I said is true. Just fire an interstellar orbital cannon to directly destroy the internal stability of the vortex, and then help it open the door to the alien space, and then let it stay in the alien space by itself!"

"Of course, firing at that position will probably cause some bad effects on the Siren City, but this is the best solution at present!" Zhongzhuan explained concisely.

Although Zhongzhuan said it very simply, it is still quite difficult to actually operate it. Therefore, in order to be foolproof, Hao Ren and others must first evacuate all the sirens and let them leave Nasaton temporarily!

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